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A few things. Note this is not a rant about hackers

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Ok so a few things about bedwars. We seriously need something to stop afkers. In some maps you spawn in gen and guess what happens. They are afk and sucking up the loot. Secondly we need something with the coins. Maybe make it so it shows a leaderboard on how many coins you have. And so they only put you in games that have about the same amount of coins. Or you could add points and make coins like hypixel. This will also fix when people are not afk, but take the loot and jump in the void. They arent bridging. They are just jumping in the void. There are also team greifers. Maybe make it so you cant build in the gen and near the outside if you are on the same team. They also blow up the bed def which is annoying. Please try and do one of these pika
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