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Search results

  1. DanielT_

    Accepted OP Factions Coinflip amount increase

    Username: DanielT_ Suggestion: Coinflip amount increase Detailed description: Increase the amount of money you can flip in /cf as it's currently only 2 Bilion, which is a very small amount for most of the players on the server. Increase it for example all the way to 1 Trilion, because...
  2. DanielT_

    Denied OP Factions Enable using gen buckets when enemies are nearby

    Username: DanielT_ Suggestion: Enable using gen buckets when enemies are nearby Detailed description: Enable genning while enemy is nearby since there is /fly in enemy claims the gens should be enabled people can be 100 blocks in air and you still cannot gen walls or a box to raid someone...
  3. DanielT_

    Denied OP Factions Don't disable /printer when enemy is nearby

    Username: DanielT_ Suggestion: Don't disable /printer when enemy is nearby Detailed description: Whenever there's an enemy close to you, the /printer shouldn't disable. And when you type /printer and an enemy is nearby It shouldn't tell you. That you cannot use printer because the enemy is...
  4. DanielT_

    Accepted OP Factions Easier to make oceans

    Username: DanielT_ Suggestion: Easier to make oceans Detailed description: Pocket oceans - would be a water bucket (expencive one, would have the name Pocket Ocean) that would cover the whole chunk with water where u place it , basically a chunk buster, just doesn't remove the blocks, but...
  5. DanielT_

    Accepted OP Factions Obby dura change

    Username: H4ckinq Suggestion: Obby dura change Detailed description: Obsidian durability is now 4, that would change to 3 so webbust nukes would be more efficent, if it was any lower it would just clean the wall, and thats probably too op, so that's why im suggesting to lower the obby dura...
  6. DanielT_

    Accepted OP Factions Water bucket, oceans

    Username: H4ckinq Suggestion: Water bucket, oceans Detailed description: Infinite water buckets - Would work basically as a gen bucket that is in the /gen store now, but it wouldn't gen anything, just would be an unlimited supply of water in the bucket so you wouldn't have to write /shop...
  7. DanielT_

    Accepted OP Factions Printable gen buckets, gen buckets update

    Username: H4ckinq Suggestion: Printable gen buckets, gen buckets update Detailed description: Printable gen buckets, basically the gen bucket would become a block, not a bucket at all. 1st example (worse, but easier): Vertical Obsidian Gen Bucket, would be a shining obsidian block in your...
  8. DanielT_

    Accepted OP Factions Add Search: option in /f logs

    Username: H4ckinq Suggestion: Add Search: option in /f logs Detailed description: Basically, there would be added a search option (that would allow to search the name, or characters of the log) in the command ./F logs Reason(s): One of the good reasons to add a search option in /f logs...