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Update Faction Reset?!

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Staff Member
May 30, 2016
Greetings PikaCrafters,

I am happy to finally be able to bring you some much-anticipated news about the first server reset what will be Factions.

As always, everything here is subject to change. If you have feedback for anything listed (or not listed) here, please do let us know! We genuinely want to make the best out of this server, so please tell us if something isn’t quite up to par.

It's going to be tricky to find a time that is perfect for everyone for this faction reset, but we have it scheduled to take place Saturday 28th April at 8 PM UTC. We hope that this time works for most players.

Faction Top rewards.

1st: €250 paypal + €350 Buycraft Voucher
2nd: €300 Buycraft Voucher
3rd: €150 Buycraft Voucher

We will be increasing the payouts if we can reach a stable playerbase above 100 players.
It's very simple: The top 3 factions will be rewarded you guys have a total of 120 days to become the best faction on the server.
The server will feel completely refreshed, featuring a new spawn, new features, bug fixes and more. The addition of new features and the relaxation of certain cannoning restrictions will hopefully make the faction experience a lot better.

Since we are talking about factions and I could give a good example with factions, would I like to address something for the future of Pika Network.

I have seen a lot of messages saying if we could bring back the good old 2015 days of Pika Network. To take Factions as an example; Factions does not give the same feeling it maybe did years ago when the majority of us were introduced to this community, and to think that we will ever be able to have that exact feeling again, is ignorant in my opinion.

Though it is something, a lot of us still hope for. We cannot blame any of us for hoping to feel the same as we did when we first found this game, it is something any reasonable person would hope for. As the maps have come and gone, a lot of us have had such feelings of hope when a new map comes out that it will go back to being the same again.

However, the community has extremely changed over the last couple years, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Those changes helped push all of the great innovations that the community has come up with over the years for factions. From wither raiding and sky bases to now have huge 100 walls bases and tnt cannons. We will however never be able to give the same feeling as you did back in 2015.

So we hope you are open to changes that will be made in the new updated factions and other gamemodes.

Just wanted to have this said so you can understand our thoughts about this; That we won't be able to go back into time and make Pika network where it once was, this, however, does not mean we can't get into a new direction. And try to make the best out of this.

The upcoming information in this thread contains a summary of the exciting changes that we've implemented for this reset! Most of those suggestions are taken from the following thread; https://goo.gl/YH87xe

  • Economy revamped
  • Spawner levels
  • Vanilla worldborder
  • Genbuckets
  • Sponges
  • Balance withdrawal
  • Exp Withdrawal
  • New combat plugin
  • Fly at spawn for everyone
  • Improved mob stacker
  • Redid the crates
  • Trade plugin
  • Supply drops
  • Player Vaults
  • Faction top
  • Flat end world
  • Update auctionhouse
  • Updated Coinflip
  • Sell wands added
  • Spawners do not burn in lava, fire or explosions
  • Shop in a Gui
  • Updated faction features
    • Bigger Faction map
    • F warps with permissions
    • F permissions
    • Titles when entering Faction territory
    • /f chat mod
    • /f ban /f unban /f unbanlist
    • /f near
    • Added coleaders
    • And more
  • Disabled mcmmo for pvp (Still works for mobs, fishing, smelting, etc.)
  • Added 3 x 3 Pickaxes
  • Increased power a player.
  • Improved the cannoning
    • Removed TNT knockback
    • Removed TNT damage
    • Anti Roof Cannons
    • Water don't protect spawners
    • Items will not explode from TNT
    • Auto Cannons disabled
    • A lot more tnt per tick.
    • lava is now scatterable
  • Clearlag will not clear spawners, hoppers, armor, and tools
  • Obsidian has five durability
  • Added more fishing mcmmo rewards
  • entities get directly in a one stack
  • Added new announcements
  • disable cobble monstering
  • You can now type /tps to see the current tps
  • Changed spawner drop chance when blowing up spawners to 85%
  • Recoded anvils to a custom anvil system to prevent any dupe glitches.
  • Disabled crafting god apples
  • The end is made of endstone
  • Changed voting & rewards
  • Improved mobstacker
  • Improved performance
  • World Border patches
  • Disabled Glitching
  • And many more changes that are not listed.

If you have any other suggestions, any questions or any concerns discuss in this thread.


Pika-Staff Team


Epic Pika
Feb 26, 2016
This so dope got me hyped, can't wait so I can play
-will the schematic mod be allowed this season? (plz make is allow)


Legendary Pika
Oct 19, 2017
i am sooo late . Oops sorry guys maybe i will join factions later because i am having exams ...


Pika Member
Feb 2, 2017
What's the limit for number of dispensers per chunk,as far as I can remember it used to be 500....MakE iT 1000 please Ily❤
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