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Denied Minigames Thunderous Demise Kill Message

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Great Reporter
Sep 25, 2022
Minecraft username:

Thunderous Demise Kill Message​

Detailed description:
For player kills :

Certainly! Here are five unique kill messages:

1. "With a flick of their wrist, [Player] shatters the silence, leaving [Opponent] in awe as their defeat echoes through the battlefield."
2. "In a dazzling display of mastery, [Player] dances through the chaos, leaving behind only the echoes of [Opponent]'s fallen cries."
3. "With a swift stroke of their blade, [Player] carves their name into the annals of history, leaving [Opponent] to ponder their fleeting existence."
4. "With eyes ablaze with determination, [Player] channels the fury of a thousand suns, reducing [Opponent] to mere ashes in their wake."
5. "In a whirlwind of precision and finesse, [Player] orchestrates a symphony of destruction, leaving [Opponent] to lament their ill-fated encounter."

For bed breaks :

Certainly, here are five unique messages for bed breaks:

1. "With a thunderous crash, [Player] shatters the defenses, leaving [Opponent]'s bed in ruins and their dreams of victory shattered."
2. "Like a silent assassin in the night, [Player] dismantles [Opponent]'s bed, leaving behind only whispers of their impending defeat."
3. "With unwavering determination, [Player] breaches [Opponent]'s fortress, rendering their bed vulnerable and their hopes of survival fleeting."
4. "In a blaze of glory, [Player] demolishes [Opponent]'s bed, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for dominance."
5. "With strategic precision, [Player] strikes fear into the heart of [Opponent], obliterating their bed and leaving their defenses in tatters."​

Implementing unique kill messages like "Thunderous Demise" adds a distinctive layer of immersion and personalization to the gameplay experience on the Pika Network. By acknowledging and celebrating each player's actions with individualized messages, the network not only enhances player engagement and satisfaction but also fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among its player base. Moreover, unique kill messages serve as a valuable promotional tool, setting the Pika Network apart from other gaming platforms and attracting new players with the promise of personalized and memorable experiences within the game.​

Certainly! Here are a few examples of unique kill messages:

1. "Frostbite's Revenge":After defeating an opponent named Frostbite, the message reads, "Frostbite's icy resolve melts away as [Player] claims victory, leaving only whispers of their chilling legacy behind."

2. "Shadow's Embrace": When eliminating an opponent named Shadow, the message could be, "In the depths of darkness, [Player] emerges victorious, casting aside Shadow's lingering presence with a triumphant flourish."

3. "Dragon's Wrath": Defeating an opponent named Dragon could trigger the message, "With a mighty roar, [Player] vanquishes Dragon's fiery fury, leaving naught but smoldering embers in their wake."

4. "Starfall Symphony": After besting a player named Starfall, the message might say, "In a dazzling display of skill, [Player] orchestrates a symphony of victory, silencing Starfall's celestial melody with resounding triumph."

5. "Nature's Reclamation": Upon defeating a foe named Nature, the message could read, "Nature's dominion crumbles before [Player]'s might, as they reclaim the battlefield with unyielding determination and prowess."

These examples demonstrate how unique kill messages can personalize the gaming experience, immersing players in a narrative-rich environment that celebrates their victories in memorable ways.​


Pika Member
Jul 1, 2023
These are some cool kill messages but 'The Player Kills Messages' aren't they too long to displayed?
but they are cool ngl


Great Reporter
Sep 25, 2022
These are some cool kill messages but 'The Player Kills Messages' aren't they too long to displayed?
but they are cool ngl
I'd say that is a decent amount of text for a kill message but if you think that i'm completely okey with it.
Feb 12, 2023
Minecraft username:

Thunderous Demise Kill Message

Detailed description:
For player kills :

Certainly! Here are five unique kill messages:

1. "With a flick of their wrist, [Player] shatters the silence, leaving [Opponent] in awe as their defeat echoes through the battlefield."

2. "In a dazzling display of mastery, [Player] dances through the chaos, leaving behind only the echoes of [Opponent]'s fallen cries."

3. "With a swift stroke of their blade, [Player] carves their name into the annals of history, leaving [Opponent] to ponder their fleeting existence."

4. "With eyes ablaze with determination, [Player] channels the fury of a thousand suns, reducing [Opponent] to mere ashes in their wake."

5. "In a whirlwind of precision and finesse, [Player] orchestrates a symphony of destruction, leaving [Opponent] to lament their ill-fated encounter."

For bed breaks :

Certainly, here are five unique messages for bed breaks:

1. "With a thunderous crash, [Player] shatters the defenses, leaving [Opponent]'s bed in ruins and their dreams of victory shattered."

2. "Like a silent assassin in the night, [Player] dismantles [Opponent]'s bed, leaving behind only whispers of their impending defeat."

3. "With unwavering determination, [Player] breaches [Opponent]'s fortress, rendering their bed vulnerable and their hopes of survival fleeting."

4. "In a blaze of glory, [Player] demolishes [Opponent]'s bed, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for dominance."

5. "With strategic precision, [Player] strikes fear into the heart of [Opponent], obliterating their bed and leaving their defenses in tatters."

Implementing unique kill messages like "Thunderous Demise" adds a distinctive layer of immersion and personalization to the gameplay experience on the Pika Network. By acknowledging and celebrating each player's actions with individualized messages, the network not only enhances player engagement and satisfaction but also fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among its player base. Moreover, unique kill messages serve as a valuable promotional tool, setting the Pika Network apart from other gaming platforms and attracting new players with the promise of personalized and memorable experiences within the game.

Certainly! Here are a few examples of unique kill messages:

1. "Frostbite's Revenge":After defeating an opponent named Frostbite, the message reads, "Frostbite's icy resolve melts away as [Player] claims victory, leaving only whispers of their chilling legacy behind."

2. "Shadow's Embrace": When eliminating an opponent named Shadow, the message could be, "In the depths of darkness, [Player] emerges victorious, casting aside Shadow's lingering presence with a triumphant flourish."

3. "Dragon's Wrath": Defeating an opponent named Dragon could trigger the message, "With a mighty roar, [Player] vanquishes Dragon's fiery fury, leaving naught but smoldering embers in their wake."

4. "Starfall Symphony": After besting a player named Starfall, the message might say, "In a dazzling display of skill, [Player] orchestrates a symphony of victory, silencing Starfall's celestial melody with resounding triumph."

5. "Nature's Reclamation": Upon defeating a foe named Nature, the message could read, "Nature's dominion crumbles before [Player]'s might, as they reclaim the battlefield with unyielding determination and prowess."

These examples demonstrate how unique kill messages can personalize the gaming experience, immersing players in a narrative-rich environment that celebrates their victories in memorable ways.
Unique messages to spice up the gamemode, nice suggestion. +1


Pika Member
Jul 1, 2023
I'd say that is a decent amount of text for a kill message but if you think that i'm completely okey with it.
Yea those are really really cool and should be added but after making them a little short....I am with you with this suggestion<3


Staff Member
Dec 1, 2023
Hello ZASDE4567,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • These messages are too long, hence they will take a lot of space in chat
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.

Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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