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Recent content by iArteezy

  1. iArteezy

    How many FPS do you get on Minecraft

    My computer has 4 GeForce GTX 1080, Its actually greate while paying in high Quality!
  2. iArteezy

    Factions Idea's

    Suggest it here https://pika-network.net/forums/suggestions/
  3. iArteezy

    help me

    Haven't that fixed yet?
  4. iArteezy


    You can use it to buy /rails (wings) etc..
  5. iArteezy

    Need a fac? I am recrouting!

  6. iArteezy

    Can I use these mods that's not in the allowed mod list?

    I though Using mods is bannable, i miss read it i guess
  7. iArteezy

    New Sale?

    But its worth it yah know
  8. iArteezy

    Pika appreciation

    Enjoy and HOLA :D
  9. iArteezy

    Prices on things going up and down? Glitch or intended?

    I didn't know about this yet but ill look forward later on.
  10. iArteezy

    Top Voter Of Feb 2017!

    Congratz bro, Maybe you should stick with next time
  11. iArteezy

    Denied Practice Suggestion: Practice - EU/US

    I suggest too to add in SEA, as you can see theres so many Filipino playing here too.
  12. iArteezy

    Denied Global Suggestion: YouTube Rank

    Theres already youtuber rank, Problem is hard to get the way the sub requirement is 5k - 7k maybe
  13. iArteezy

    Denied Global Suggestion: add /msg and /tell back to Eggwars

    This will cause cheating if both side will team uP -1
  14. iArteezy

    Denied Global Suggestion: A new shop

    Pretty unfair to others -1