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Recent content by Just_Boosted

  1. Just_Boosted

    ingame ranks problem

    well u need to buy the lower ranks to get to the higher ones as paladin or wizard thats how it works since start so yeh sry man
  2. Just_Boosted

    Hello circus members

    Best Staff ever existed so yeh lmao
  3. Just_Boosted

    Removal of PvP For Survival Gamemode Poll

    I mean after reset like u just collect them and thats it there isnt any real use without pvp tbh full netherite armor just for flex ? Normal prot 1 dia is enough the for all the mobs *if* they attack u
  4. Just_Boosted

    Removal of PvP For Survival Gamemode Poll

    Eh no ? The sets u claim every 2 days just be for waste ? Full chest of p5 sets without any use is kinda sad
  5. Just_Boosted

    Update OpSkyblock - Reset | May the 29th 2021

    u wanna fight 3v3 and then the people end up running to fix and come back or they just boost so much that the combat is gone and they go to spawn and u ended up with no kills so it isnt good
  6. Just_Boosted

    Update OpSkyblock - Reset | May the 29th 2021

    Well the bow boost couldve been removed and black scrolls fixed but otherwise well see how it goes
  7. Just_Boosted


    #FreeMuazTPM free him boys
  8. Just_Boosted

    Bread 👍🏼

    Bread 👍🏼
  9. Just_Boosted

    Denied Global Add a reason to win in competitive modes

    +1 alot of players stoped since there wasnt any price and if u just give like an rankup or something else except irl money it would be better to get back some more people
  10. Just_Boosted

    Lmfao always saying „Im not Titann wdym“

    Lmfao always saying „Im not Titann wdym“
  11. Just_Boosted

    Accepted OP SkyBlock OpSkyblock update

    +1 looks interesting and prob get some more attention to opsky again
  12. Just_Boosted

    Segsy Boy

    Segsy Boy
  13. Just_Boosted

    Denied SkyWars Suggestions related to the latest SkyWars update

    Well it was p2w before thats that
  14. Just_Boosted

    Denied OP SkyBlock Make Enchanted Mobs to give more experince.

    Yeh its more likely as csb rn abt the exp we gain by grinding but the problem is this isnt csb this is opsky and we need way more xp in opsky then csb so it would be better to allow this