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Recent content by selwyzz

  1. S

    i DIDNT ASK YOU TO READ MY APPEAL SO STFU OKAY? Youre just helper i asked admins and mods

    i DIDNT ASK YOU TO READ MY APPEAL SO STFU OKAY? Youre just helper i asked admins and mods
  2. S

    dude ok can u understand me i just typed 3 letters okay and i gave u money bro i was playing and...

    dude ok can u understand me i just typed 3 letters okay and i gave u money bro i was playing and building with my friend 2 hours. i just wanna play w my friends, please unban me i wont say it anyomore.
  3. S

    who gave you helper rank ...

    who gave you helper rank ...
  4. S


    okay i didnt know next time i will be careful now please unban me i want to play with my friends
  5. S


    Thats not promoting suicide. i wasnt told someone like - you need kill yourself dude omg its cool - i just told him kys because for joke
  6. S


    its joke dude wtf, its actually 3 letters
  7. S


    masterson first time kicked me because i sent to him too much millions and then when i was came back i told him kys and he ip ban me for 7 days because i promoting suicide... Please unban me, i was built all day long with my friend and i just got ban for retarded reason.
  8. S

    dude i sent you millions of money and u kicked me, and i told u KYS and u BANNED ME for SEVEN...

    dude i sent you millions of money and u kicked me, and i told u KYS and u BANNED ME for SEVEN DAYS because i was PROMOTING SUICIDE. Unban me. At least i didnt deserve ban if u NEED to ban me i deserve like 1 hour wtf dude
  9. S

    Helper Abuse

    Proof - h t t p s : / / prnt . sc / oj4o0u
  10. S

    Helper Abuse

    masterson first time kicked me because i sent to him too much millions and then when i was came back i told him kys and he ip ban me for 7 days because i promoting suicide... Please unban me, i was built all day long with my friend and i just got ban for retarded reason.