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  1. F

    Remove tnt and jump potions BEDWARS!

    this guy is annoyed of tnt and jump pots mean while the people who actually practice are good u have to be good at the game this guy is the one who rushes diamond sword first game and dies and then in the chat spams hacks hacker get better at the game nerd no offence just got into technoblade...
  2. F

    Whos the best bedwars player?

    the second best in the world is technoblade - technoblade nevers dies- epic words
  3. F

    Whos the best bedwars player?

    if on this server than zxga if the world best than gb80
  4. F

    Live on bedwars and playing with viewers!

    what is this
  5. F

    bedwars fireball jump

    ok sorry dint know its been accepted
  6. F

    i feel empty from inside i think i am hungry

    i feel empty from inside i think i am hungry
  7. F

    u should get owner rank because u are the best staff people keep saying u are good at staff + u...

    u should get owner rank because u are the best staff people keep saying u are good at staff + u are quite help full if we have and questions and u also answer them in the end still waiting for u to get the owner rank.
  8. F

    bedwars fireball jump

    ai ai captain i will do as tlang says
  9. F

    What is your favorite bedwars map!

    solos and dous i like all the maps but in fours and threes i only like invasion and lectus utopia is the most hard on to rush because the bed is inside the base if u kill some one they quickly respawn and kill u so i dont like utopia if u dont like utopia to then reply
  10. F

    The drunk console

    same thing happend to me and i was gliched and was not able the move i had a ender pearl i used it and i was able to move again but it is a bug tho my friend got banned for a week
  11. F

    Remove tnt and jump potions BEDWARS!

    i agree with every word u said there
  12. F

    Write a bedwars Story, One Sentence at a Time

    so steave stop cheating and started practiceing and became the best player on pika and his name is Zxga
  13. F

    bedwars fireball jump

    pls add bedwars fire ball jumping to pika bedwars because its cool to jump and just throw a fire ball and go flying in the air this will help a lot in the bedwars gameplay players will find new ways of useing it as a jump for high jumps and diffrent things so pls add it
  14. F

    when will u become owner one the owners of the server accepted a guys request to give u owner rank

    when will u become owner one the owners of the server accepted a guys request to give u owner rank