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  1. Ziilon

    Creative King

    I just wanted to talk about how I won the creative KING rank when PizzaMC was an administrative during the event he held. Too bad the forum post was removed :(
  2. Ziilon

    Denied KitPvP Suggestion: KitPvP Map Player Count.

    Suggestion: KitPvP Map Player Count. Detailed description: You may already know that at the portals in the lobby for Kit-PvP says the amount of players in the map. But the portals are so far away from each other that it just takes absolute ages to go from one to another to see which map...
  3. Ziilon

    Denied Global Suggestion: stop being jerks

    Suggestion: stop being jerks Detailed description: okay so this is to the staff, heres my suggestion stop being jerks. You, *cough* banned me for kill aura TWICE that was indeed FALSE and proven FALSE. then you asked to screenshare, you see a NON HARMFUL MOD named "Labymod" this mod has...
  4. Ziilon

    Denied Global Suggestion: Better training

    Suggestion: Better training Detailed description: you guys need to train your staff members better when it comes to detecting hackers, thanks. I've been falsely banned over 5 times on multiple accounts, most of them were unbanned because I was indeed recording. the first few werent...
  5. Ziilon

    Pika in another server

    I literally accidentally joined pika but I joined the other server as soon as I accidentally joined pika and it was saying /login in that other server it was so trippy. Now my MC sun turns into the moon then back to the sun and its so damn annoying but weird af. save me pls