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  1. DynamoOp

    Scanned Minigames Add commands like /songs or /music

    Username: DynamoOp Suggestion: Add commands like /songs or /music Detailed description: The commands /songs and /music provide players with a convenient way to access and choose the songs that the DJ Marshmellow suit can play during their gaming experience. These commands allow you to...
  2. DynamoOp

    Denied Lobby Music Commands

    Username: DynamoOp Suggestion: Music Commands Detailed description: As we all know that Titan and above ranked players can use the DJ Marshmallow Suit to play music in the Main Lobby, Skywar's Lobby and the Bedwar's Lobby. We can make that thing work more efficiently by making /music or...
  3. DynamoOp

    Denied SkyWars Abilities

    Username: DynamoOp Suggestion: Abilities Detailed description: My suggestion is that there should be an option in which we can sell our abilities level wise and get our coins back. Reason(s): The reason is because there might be many gamers who by mistake wasted a lot of coins on other...