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  1. F

    Denied Practice Add boxing into practice

    Username: FieryPlayz211 Suggestion: Add boxing into practice Detailed description: Boxing is a mode where you have to hit your opponent 100 times in order to win. The first person to get 100 hits on their opponent wins. They also have a diamond sword and take no damage. Reason(s): I...
  2. F

    I kinda want boxing to be added into practice pvp... What about you guys?

    I want boxing in practice. Would be pretty cool.
  3. F

    How often do mob heads drop?

    All good xD (This 6 words thing again)
  4. F

    How often do mob heads drop?

    The game mode is OpSkyblock (ignore this its for the 6 words thing)
  5. F

    How often do mob heads drop?

    Since i recently leveled up my mobsuit to level 5, i wanted to know how often mob heads dropped