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  1. Mango_Milkshake

    Anyone selling an OP pick from /buy?

    Hello! My ign is Mango_Milkshake. I am interested in buying an OP pick in the prison server with igm (the one from /buy so eff X fortune X and unbreak X) My price is $1.75B so if you are looking for someone to sell your pick to, just leave your ign in the comments and I should get back to you...
  2. Mango_Milkshake

    Anyone selling an OP pick from /buy?

    Hello! My ign is Mango_Milkshake. I am interested in buying an OP pick in the prison server with igm (the one from /buy so eff X fortune X and unbreak X) My price is $1.75B so if you are looking for someone to sell your pick to, just leave your ign in the comments and I should get back to you...
  3. Mango_Milkshake

    Ad Shop

    Hello! I've been looking at the Ad Shop recently and i'm just curious about a few things. How many points will an actual rank/item cost. Specifically the OP Pickaxe on the Prison shop. Will a $5 item be 50 points or 500? Thanks! ~~Mango