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  1. Lil_Jstn


    Many people are saying that fac will reset. on 24 sometimes they say 28. (august). Please make this clear moderators, because if fac is resetting imma give away my stuff. xD
  2. Lil_Jstn

    Denied Global Bring back the anti-curse plugin

    Suggestion: Bring back the anti-curse plugin Detailed description: Please bing back the anti-curse plugin. where the curse word will be exchange with * whenever you type it. Because sometimes you cant really control your emotions and you just have to say F***. and then a mod or helper will...
  3. Lil_Jstn


    Im just asking. what happened to the maintenance? did you guys fixed a bug? or what? i havent seen any post about it yet. and somehow the balance or money of the player is only accessible from /baltop, because the little window in the middle right corner doesnt show our current money. it only...
  4. Lil_Jstn

    Denied KitPvP Suggestion: Kit pvp pot stacking

    Suggestion: Kit pvp pot stacking Detailed description: I dont really know if this idea would be great for kit pvp, but for me it will. Please make the healing potion stackable because our inventory always get full with pots, making it hard for players to loot the kill. And it would be...
  5. Lil_Jstn

    Denied Global Suggestion: ADD ANNIHILATION

    Suggestion: ADD ANNIHILATION Detailed description: Annihilation is one of the enjoyable gamemode out there (for me) Annihilation is a team-based PvP gamemode with 4 teams, Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green. Your team's objective is to destroy the other 3 team's nexus, while protecting your...
  6. Lil_Jstn

    Personal details...

    it seems like i cant put any picture on my profile, and i cant put gif to my signature. do i have to buy something in order to put any of these? do i have to gain a certain level? i tried different sizes of pictures, even the 200 x 200 one. It said to contact admins because there's an error...
  7. Lil_Jstn

    Shop Description

    Please make a description on the ranks that are listed on the shop. what are the perks? there's no description so im finding it hard to buy anything. (kit-pvp ranks)
  8. Lil_Jstn

    Rank from Crates?

    Hello everyone, yesterday i won a ultimate rank on crates (kit-pvp) and i won Pro rank on factions. my question is, do these rank stay on our account? or it will be removed next season? I spent 4 stacks of vote keys on both servers to get these. Please be permanent. xD