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  1. Leeaura

    password lost

    Requesting to lock this thread sirs, @moderator+
  2. Leeaura

    Denied Global Suggestion: trading stalls

    So agreee! +1, i hope this can be applied on the server.
  3. Leeaura

    I Have A Question.

    Sorry mate, I'm not playing factions, I'm already playing Prison RP and Survival Games. maybe next time <3
  4. Leeaura

    Denied Global Suggestion: pvp event

    Thanks for giving a good feed back in this thread, Keep up :D
  5. Leeaura

    Denied Global Suggestion: /nick for donators

    Have a point in this answer, but you can change the length of the nick to avoid the spammies, And add only one color can they can use same as their donator rank.
  6. Leeaura

    Plot Trap [Prison]

    Thanks for giving such a good work lol, Lock this thread.
  7. Leeaura

    New dupe glitch

    Wait for further action given by any mod and administrators in the forums, be patient :D
  8. Leeaura

    Denied Global Suggestion: /pvpstats or /ks

    I agree with this +1
  9. Leeaura

    I Have A Question.

    Well, that's the truth xD
  10. Leeaura

    Denied Global Suggestion: trading stalls

    It takes time to build stalls but I agree +1.
  11. Leeaura

    Apply for a Warp In Survival

    That's good +1
  12. Leeaura

    password lost

    Please report to any staffs and get support tickets, and be patient to read your complaint. <3
  13. Leeaura

    I Need To Have unlimited Enchants

    That is actually what I did yesterday xD ^_^
  14. Leeaura

    Denied Global Suggestion: pvp event

    +1 this is good for SkyBlock because there is no pvp over the Islands, I hope this event will applied to the server
  15. Leeaura

    Denied Global Suggestion: make koth loot more op

    Thanks for supporting. :)
  16. Leeaura

    Denied Global Suggestion: make koth loot more op

    I agree with that, because their loot aren't kind of OP. +1
  17. Leeaura

    Denied Global Suggestion: /nick for donators

    Please add this for donors only mates. So that they can be possibly more people donate for the server. +1
  18. Leeaura

    I Have A Question.

    Yeah, because they do this for own sake of the server I thought :D
  19. Leeaura

    Denied Global Suggestion: /nick for donators

    Well, have a point but -1 xD
  20. Leeaura

    Denied Practice Suggestion: Bugs in Practice PvP

    Thanks for giving a feed back.