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Denied Global Add Op-PvP

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Mar 4, 2017

Add Op-PvP​

Detailed description:
Note: The reason this post is very long is because I described the gamemode and everything there is about it, all the benefits, etc.

There will be 2 kit-pvp servers variants, just like there are skyblock servers, faction servers, and used to be prison servers.

Op-PvP will be the OP-Kit-PvP variant version of Kit-PvP. It won't be based on pots, rather it will be based on egaps.

There won't be stacks of egaps like in op factions, but like in op prison, there will be only few egaps per person, they should be more rare. Like 1 egap for each donor kit, and 1 egap for starter kit.

It will be different, because unlike other op variants of other gamemodes where the higher your rank is the better your kit is, it will still be like that in op pvp, but the sets will be the exact same. Protection 5 will be the standard in this gamemode, Protection 5, unbreaking 3. For the top ranks, it will be protection 5 unbreaking 4, maybe even protection 5 unbreaking 5.
Donor kits/benefits
The significant difference between the kits will be the sword and other stuff. For example, The regular starter kit will be prot 5 u3, and will have sharpness 5 fire aspect 2 sword, along with an egap. The worst donor rank will be the exact same, but it will give u an extra egap, which is going to be valuable. The next rank will have sharpness X fire aspect 2 sword. The next rank will have sharpness 15 fire aspect 2 with a knockback V stick. The next rank will have sharpness 20 and knockback X stick. The next rank will have sharpness 25 and knockback 15 stick, and the next rank will have sharpness 30 and knockback 20 stick.

This op pvp will also have some unique stuff. For example, just like in regular kit-pvp where ultimate and ultimate+ rank gets a punch 2 bow, in this gamemode, the 2 highest ranks will get an unenchanted bow. Somewhere in spawn, there will be signs that you can right click with an item to get enchants. It will cost money, but it doesn't have to be unenchanted. You can have power 5 on your bow, and still enchant it with punch 2 if you have the money simply by right clicking the sign. There won't be only enchants for bows, there will also be enchantments for knockbacks, sharpness, fire aspect, power, punch, unbreaking, etc.

To make this more unique and fun, top ranks will have access to /heal. But not only heal themselves, but also other players. It will work regularly, simply by doing /heal <player>. Why would that be useful? Well because when you heal yourself or other players, it doesn't only heal your health, but also completely removes all your effects. So if you're fighting someone else, and they egap, you can heal them right away to remove their egap effect, and with your sharpness 30, you can crit them and kill them quickly if they don't pay attention to their health (hence the knockback sticks in case it happens to you!) The cooldown for heal will be 15 minutes, and it will be global. Meaning if you heal yourself, you won't be able to heal yourself or any other player for 15 minutes, vice versa.

In Kit-PvP, it's only reasonable for certain ranks to have /fix all in combat. It's pot-pvp, and its well balanced. In Op PvP, There shouldn't be a /fix all command, nor repair all. There will only be /fix hand. It will be way too op in op pvp, because it's not pot pvp but rather its gapple pvp, so you can basically fill your entire inventory with sets. You can swap out your dead sets with brand new sets from your inventory which will be very often since sharpness 30 on unbreaking 3 will break it pretty quickly. But if on top of that you can fix everything in your inventory, you will basically be unstoppable. If you accumulate too many broken sets in your inventory, eventually you can just do /fix all and head back to action. Even with /repair all be used out of combat, it will still be op as you can punch 5 out of combat, repair, and go back.

In my opinion, there shouldn't be any potions that you can buy. No strength potions at least. No fire res potions either, because they will be useless since everyone will be munching on egaps anyway. There should really only be speed pots that you can buy in the sign shop in spawn in the pots category, but some kits will also come with these pots. Not speed 3 like in kit-pvp, but speed 2 pots!

In my opinion, there also shouldn't be any special sets on op pvp. They will break easily, or you will simply just have to swap it out and lose the effect. And besides, 20% additional damage with a sharpness 30 hitting a prot 5 will be way too op.

GKits classes:
The gkits in this gamemode will contain the most basic gkit of them all. Keys gkit will be one of the gkits. Another good gkit can probably be a summer gkit, giving you a few egaps, maybe some keys, and a protection 6 unbreaking 6 set. Another self explanatory gkit is booster gkit. Another gkit idea is perhaps an axeman gkit which will give you a sharpness 30 axe, because apparantely axe breaks armor faster than swords do, and probably some egaps too.

The map will be different than Kit-PvP. Instead of the spawn being centered, the spawn will be in the sky, so to pvp, you will have to jump down. The map will be VERY big, and will have many stuff. Buildings, towers, etc. Punch 5 bows can get you so far and so high, so you will be probably able to go on these roofs and camp there if you are being chased. Some houses in the map will have a door that you can open and close, meaning you can go inside. These houses could be like the pit in kit-pvp. Some houses will also have cobwebs which you can trap your enemies in, or get trapped. Too op? Just avoid these houses! There can also be a bridge connecting 1 side of the map to another, and if you fall off that bridge for whatever reason either accidently punch urself there with your punch 5, or get knocked there, it will be a dead-end. It will be kind of a loop where you can still probably escape if you're good at bow boosting, but it will be harder since it's going to be smaller, and your punch 5 bow will probably be for the worst and you can hit some obstacles.

The spawn will have enderchests. Actual enderchests which you can open and store stuff. Not enderchests that if you right click on them they will bring your pvs. You can still access your pvs if you have access to them with /pv 1.​

Basically all the big gamemodes on pika-network are the op variants. Op Factions, Op Skyblock, Op Prison, etc. Creating Op-PvP will show love towards the Kit-PvP area of Pika-Network, since Kit-PvP is not loved as much as other gamemodes. But it shouldn't be forgotten, because it's still one of the more popular servers in Pika-Network. Now imagine how many players kit-pvp would have if it had a big update or a reset, better yet, a new kit-pvp version!

Adding Op-PvP will do more good than harm (if any). If it does good, then that's great. Pika gets more sales, more members (since op-pvp is not popular among servers. I remember I played on a server. I won't say the name since it's advertising. It was premium, and it had a player base of around 50 concurrent players. There were gamemodes like skyblock, survival, kitpvp, infection, op pvp, prison. And yet the most popular gamemode among them was op-pvp, with an average of 40 players. 90% of the server was on op-pvp. If it doesn't do well (for whatever reason), then simply you can just forget about it just like you forgot about factions! Or just remove it, providing players who purchased a rank there with a full refund in gold, transferring their rank, or giving them store credit for how much the rank was worth.

"Good idea, but it's too pay to win!!" "There shouldn't be donor kits they are too p2w!!" "Heal command is too op!!"
This isn't practice pvp. If you don't want a pay to win pvp, then play practice. There is 0 pay to win. But what makes gamemodes fun is having an extra benefit, and that's how it should be. You can cry all you want, but those who spend money on the game are the ones that are having the time of their lives (tozzotozz, whitecrest, etc :)) What fun will it be if every set was protection 5, with sharpness X on every sword, no knockback sticks, no heal (my favorite). It wouldn't be fun. Besides, non pay to win players will also benefit from pay to win. They can simply enchant their sword with sharpness 25 or so from the shop for an affordable price, or buy it off of someone for even cheaper, or ask friends, get good kills, and there!​


Pika Lover
Jul 24, 2022
"Pika already has factions, no need for another factions with different items" - Average idiot argument
since you don't seem to understand, pika doesn't have infinite players, if they add two very similar modes, then they're just going to split the players interested in those modes between them, potentially killing the modes. additionally, you could create toxicity from players thinking their mode is the better mode
Mar 4, 2017
since you don't seem to understand, pika doesn't have infinite players, if they add two very similar modes, then they're just going to split the players interested in those modes between them, potentially killing the modes. additionally, you could create toxicity from players thinking their mode is the better mode
Sorry man all I heard you say was that ur a big idiot nothing else sorry bro


Epic Pika
Jun 7, 2022

Add Op-PvP

Detailed description:
Note: The reason this post is very long is because I described the gamemode and everything there is about it, all the benefits, etc.


There will be 2 kit-pvp servers variants, just like there are skyblock servers, faction servers, and used to be prison servers.

Op-PvP will be the OP-Kit-PvP variant version of Kit-PvP. It won't be based on pots, rather it will be based on egaps.

There won't be stacks of egaps like in op factions, but like in op prison, there will be only few egaps per person, they should be more rare. Like 1 egap for each donor kit, and 1 egap for starter kit.

It will be different, because unlike other op variants of other gamemodes where the higher your rank is the better your kit is, it will still be like that in op pvp, but the sets will be the exact same. Protection 5 will be the standard in this gamemode, Protection 5, unbreaking 3. For the top ranks, it will be protection 5 unbreaking 4, maybe even protection 5 unbreaking 5.

Donor kits/benefits

The significant difference between the kits will be the sword and other stuff. For example, The regular starter kit will be prot 5 u3, and will have sharpness 5 fire aspect 2 sword, along with an egap. The worst donor rank will be the exact same, but it will give u an extra egap, which is going to be valuable. The next rank will have sharpness X fire aspect 2 sword. The next rank will have sharpness 15 fire aspect 2 with a knockback V stick. The next rank will have sharpness 20 and knockback X stick. The next rank will have sharpness 25 and knockback 15 stick, and the next rank will have sharpness 30 and knockback 20 stick.


This op pvp will also have some unique stuff. For example, just like in regular kit-pvp where ultimate and ultimate+ rank gets a punch 2 bow, in this gamemode, the 2 highest ranks will get an unenchanted bow. Somewhere in spawn, there will be signs that you can right click with an item to get enchants. It will cost money, but it doesn't have to be unenchanted. You can have power 5 on your bow, and still enchant it with punch 2 if you have the money simply by right clicking the sign. There won't be only enchants for bows, there will also be enchantments for knockbacks, sharpness, fire aspect, power, punch, unbreaking, etc.

To make this more unique and fun, top ranks will have access to /heal. But not only heal themselves, but also other players. It will work regularly, simply by doing /heal <player>. Why would that be useful? Well because when you heal yourself or other players, it doesn't only heal your health, but also completely removes all your effects. So if you're fighting someone else, and they egap, you can heal them right away to remove their egap effect, and with your sharpness 30, you can crit them and kill them quickly if they don't pay attention to their health (hence the knockback sticks in case it happens to you!) The cooldown for heal will be 15 minutes, and it will be global. Meaning if you heal yourself, you won't be able to heal yourself or any other player for 15 minutes, vice versa.

In Kit-PvP, it's only reasonable for certain ranks to have /fix all in combat. It's pot-pvp, and its well balanced. In Op PvP, There shouldn't be a /fix all command, nor repair all. There will only be /fix hand. It will be way too op in op pvp, because it's not pot pvp but rather its gapple pvp, so you can basically fill your entire inventory with sets. You can swap out your dead sets with brand new sets from your inventory which will be very often since sharpness 30 on unbreaking 3 will break it pretty quickly. But if on top of that you can fix everything in your inventory, you will basically be unstoppable. If you accumulate too many broken sets in your inventory, eventually you can just do /fix all and head back to action. Even with /repair all be used out of combat, it will still be op as you can punch 5 out of combat, repair, and go back.

In my opinion, there shouldn't be any potions that you can buy. No strength potions at least. No fire res potions either, because they will be useless since everyone will be munching on egaps anyway. There should really only be speed pots that you can buy in the sign shop in spawn in the pots category, but some kits will also come with these pots. Not speed 3 like in kit-pvp, but speed 2 pots!

In my opinion, there also shouldn't be any special sets on op pvp. They will break easily, or you will simply just have to swap it out and lose the effect. And besides, 20% additional damage with a sharpness 30 hitting a prot 5 will be way too op.

GKits classes:

The gkits in this gamemode will contain the most basic gkit of them all. Keys gkit will be one of the gkits. Another good gkit can probably be a summer gkit, giving you a few egaps, maybe some keys, and a protection 6 unbreaking 6 set. Another self explanatory gkit is booster gkit. Another gkit idea is perhaps an axeman gkit which will give you a sharpness 30 axe, because apparantely axe breaks armor faster than swords do, and probably some egaps too.


The map will be different than Kit-PvP. Instead of the spawn being centered, the spawn will be in the sky, so to pvp, you will have to jump down. The map will be VERY big, and will have many stuff. Buildings, towers, etc. Punch 5 bows can get you so far and so high, so you will be probably able to go on these roofs and camp there if you are being chased. Some houses in the map will have a door that you can open and close, meaning you can go inside. These houses could be like the pit in kit-pvp. Some houses will also have cobwebs which you can trap your enemies in, or get trapped. Too op? Just avoid these houses! There can also be a bridge connecting 1 side of the map to another, and if you fall off that bridge for whatever reason either accidently punch urself there with your punch 5, or get knocked there, it will be a dead-end. It will be kind of a loop where you can still probably escape if you're good at bow boosting, but it will be harder since it's going to be smaller, and your punch 5 bow will probably be for the worst and you can hit some obstacles.

The spawn will have enderchests. Actual enderchests which you can open and store stuff. Not enderchests that if you right click on them they will bring your pvs. You can still access your pvs if you have access to them with /pv 1.

Basically all the big gamemodes on pika-network are the op variants. Op Factions, Op Skyblock, Op Prison, etc. Creating Op-PvP will show love towards the Kit-PvP area of Pika-Network, since Kit-PvP is not loved as much as other gamemodes. But it shouldn't be forgotten, because it's still one of the more popular servers in Pika-Network. Now imagine how many players kit-pvp would have if it had a big update or a reset, better yet, a new kit-pvp version!

Adding Op-PvP will do more good than harm (if any). If it does good, then that's great. Pika gets more sales, more members (since op-pvp is not popular among servers. I remember I played on a server. I won't say the name since it's advertising. It was premium, and it had a player base of around 50 concurrent players. There were gamemodes like skyblock, survival, kitpvp, infection, op pvp, prison. And yet the most popular gamemode among them was op-pvp, with an average of 40 players. 90% of the server was on op-pvp. If it doesn't do well (for whatever reason), then simply you can just forget about it just like you forgot about factions! Or just remove it, providing players who purchased a rank there with a full refund in gold, transferring their rank, or giving them store credit for how much the rank was worth.

"Good idea, but it's too pay to win!!" "There shouldn't be donor kits they are too p2w!!" "Heal command is too op!!"

This isn't practice pvp. If you don't want a pay to win pvp, then play practice. There is 0 pay to win. But what makes gamemodes fun is having an extra benefit, and that's how it should be. You can cry all you want, but those who spend money on the game are the ones that are having the time of their lives (tozzotozz, whitecrest, etc :)) What fun will it be if every set was protection 5, with sharpness X on every sword, no knockback sticks, no heal (my favorite). It wouldn't be fun. Besides, non pay to win players will also benefit from pay to win. They can simply enchant their sword with sharpness 25 or so from the shop for an affordable price, or buy it off of someone for even cheaper, or ask friends, get good kills, and there!
Yall idiots think op mean:OMG SHARP 69420: while it completely different

Op prison fro example what dose it menas?
1 fast progression or

Of course you dumbass will choose 2
You absolutely dumb by suggesting thia stupid suggestion this suggestion completely bullshit there is legit no point in adding such thing
You are completely forgetting what is up with server owner they need to make money if they dont they cant pay for the server to keep up dummy
Sorry for my language
Because people are completely forgetting what op server means
Mar 4, 2017
Yall idiots think op mean:OMG SHARP 69420: while it completely different

Op prison fro example what dose it menas?
1 fast progression or

Of course you dumbass will choose 2
You absolutely dumb by suggesting thia stupid suggestion this suggestion completely bullshit there is legit no point in adding such thing
You are completely forgetting what is up with server owner they need to make money if they dont they cant pay for the server to keep up dummy
Sorry for my language
Because people are completely forgetting what op server means
Speak english I can't understand what you're saying
Mar 4, 2017
i think you have a great talent of making the worst suggestions possible, now stop cryinh over someone's opinion
It's not an opinion its jealousy since you are ssnl god afterall.. and I am perm ulti+ with 5 gkits on kitpvp


Great Reporter
Jul 27, 2019
-1 if you call me an idiot or something you are just jealous of my ranks lol!


Legendary Pika
Dec 26, 2020
If you're just making another version of kitpvp there is no point of it you can see example on factions and skyblock gamemodes, classic ones are dead and not receiving any updates so that will be the same for kitpvp. If you do noy have any argument to contradict what i've said simply don't reply to the message by "you're an idiot" just go back crying about your gamemode
Mar 4, 2017
If you're just making another version of kitpvp there is no point of it you can see example on factions and skyblock gamemodes, classic ones are dead and not receiving any updates so that will be the same for kitpvp. If you do noy have any argument to contradict what i've said simply don't reply to the message by "you're an idiot" just go back crying about your gamemode
Yeah I heard it all woman ☕


Great Reporter
Aug 22, 2019
Just incase you wont know how this suggestion gets denied, look at the downvote and think of what comment you have left towards the community on your suggestion. Its not us begging you to make a suggestion. It should be you wanting us to leave constructive criticism/comment on your suggestion. Have a beter attitude and be open to what others have said to you no matter its bad or not, as long as its constructive.

Maybe you wont even read it cuz you dont really care whether this suggetion gonna get denied or accepted anyways.


Staff Member
Jun 9, 2020
Suggestion - DENIED

Hello SinqWhyMMMcccas,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion for PikaNetwork. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.​
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):​
  • Negative community feedback.
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.​
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.​
We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.​

Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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