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Denied BedWars Add parties and a star/point system

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Add parties and a star/point system

Detailed description:
Add parties and a star/point system meaning people with about the same points play with each other.

Pros shouldnt be teamed with noobs otherwise 1. the noobs will die easily and 2. the pros will not get noob teammates. add a party system so that people can play with each other

I play with noobs. I want to play with freinds


Oct 1, 2019
after playing a bit of bedwars last night, I quite enjoyed it and I would love to see this +1


Great Reporter
Jul 1, 2019
-1 seriously itd be so discriminatory
pros shouldnt be teamed with noobs" omfg seriously thatd be unfair as frik
but +1 for the party system

and i seriously dont want it to be similar to jartexs


Jul 10, 2018
Wait another 48371718 years and the owner will notice this lolol, idfc how Pika going to deal with suggestions anymore, just useles


-1 seriously itd be so discriminatory
pros shouldnt be teamed with noobs" omfg seriously thatd be unfair as frik
but +1 for the party system

and i seriously dont want it to be similar to jartexs
How the hell wilk it be unfair. Like a pro is def gonna kill a noob then shouldn’t the same skill be teamed with the same skill. It’s like saying we should mix pros at football with the lousy teams, it’s just dumb.


Great Reporter
Jul 1, 2019
How the hell wilk it be unfair. Like a pro is def gonna kill a noob then shouldn’t the same skill be teamed with the same skill. It’s like saying we should mix pros at football with the lousy teams, it’s just dumb.
its just unfair


Jun 10, 2019
Actually , it would be fair.. , but the games would took longer to start(if there was an elo system)


its just unfair
oH iM jUsT gOiNg To SaY sOmEThINg is UnFaIr wItHoUt eXpLaInInG wHY.

Nice job 5 year old, I’m really starting to think you are 5 or 6, also yes this thread is old and I haven’t been online for super long


Great Reporter
Jul 1, 2019
oH iM jUsT gOiNg To SaY sOmEThINg is UnFaIr wItHoUt eXpLaInInG wHY.

Nice job 5 year old, I’m really starting to think you are 5 or 6, also yes this thread is old and I haven’t been online for super long
exactly, i wont say why
its your responsibility to not create these types of illogical post
its unfair because there are new and older player
which are experienced and not
we need to balance all the teams in terms of experience so everyone will be equal (considering noobs and pros will be in opposite teams since you dont want to be in one of them)

imagine new players versus experienced "pro" players

it would obviously not be fair

dont you want to be team with noobs?
dont play or suggest something else which "only" experienced players can play,
by stating your opinion as "i dont want to play with noobs"
you just prove what kind of a person you are
everyone can be team with everyone even if they are new or bad players
you, experienced player (sarcasm) can teach them how to be good by being in the same team
ill assume you didnt started playing bedwars as a pro getting tons of kills right?
its just the beggining
discriminating them just because they are new/bad or og/experience players just makes them "not" being able to improve themsleves
their teammates (you for example) should teach them how to play instead of teaching them how to lose

put yourself in the new players eyes
you started new and joined a game
know nothing about it, only wasd space r/l click

than some werido comes and says you are noob i wont be team with you
then definetly they lose

the first impression youll create on a person wont be good

if you give the new players a chance by being team with them, they will look at you with another perspective instead of the guy who doesnt wants to be team with new players because they have a lack of knowledge about how to play the game,

that is why it would be unfair

i guess that "without explaining" part is okay now terry,


its just unfair
You also are prob a noob that gets carried by pros but you can’t enter Thye it ga
exactly, i wont say why
its your responsibility to not create these types of illogical post
its unfair because there are new and older player
which are experienced and not
we need to balance all the teams in terms of experience so everyone will be equal (considering noobs and pros will be in opposite teams since you dont want to be in one of them)

imagine new players versus experienced "pro" players

it would obviously not be fair

dont you want to be team with noobs?
dont play or suggest something else which "only" experienced players can play,
by stating your opinion as "i dont want to play with noobs"
you just prove what kind of a person you are
everyone can be team with everyone even if they are new or bad players
you, experienced player (sarcasm) can teach them how to be good by being in the same team
ill assume you didnt started playing bedwars as a pro getting tons of kills right?
its just the beggining
discriminating them just because they are new/bad or og/experience players just makes them "not" being able to improve themsleves
their teammates (you for example) should teach them how to play instead of teaching them how to lose

put yourself in the new players eyes
you started new and joined a game
know nothing about it, only wasd space r/l click

than some werido comes and says you are noob i wont be team with you
then definetly they lose

the first impression youll create on a person wont be good

if you give the new players a chance by being team with them, they will look at you with another perspective instead of the guy who doesnt wants to be team with new players because they have a lack of knowledge about how to play the game,

that is why it would be unfair

i guess that "without explaining" part is okay now terry,
1. It’s not illogical
2. Yeah people who want to play they game competitively don’t want noob teammates do they and is there a solo mode?
3. New players teach themselves which is what I did and I also watched videos, i used to only defend but now I can rush. You know how I started to learn that? Not by better players but by watching videos. People who want to get better already have ways to get better and it should not be dragging other teammates down
4. I already gave new players chances and they don’t listen when I tell them to stop defending and to help to rush. Some of them are open to learn, but others feel like doing their own thing


You also are prob a noob that gets carried by pros but you can’t enter Thye it ga

1. It’s not illogical
2. Yeah people who want to play they game competitively don’t want noob teammates do they and is there a solo mode?
3. New players teach themselves which is what I did and I also watched videos, i used to only defend but now I can rush. You know how I started to learn that? Not by better players but by watching videos. People who want to get better already have ways to get better and it should not be dragging other teammates down
4. I already gave new players chances and they don’t listen when I tell them to stop defending and to help to rush. Some of them are open to learn, but others feel like doing their own thing
Ignore the above part of this post read the bottom one. Also the part where you said that it would be unfair for noob vs pro is the point of my post.


Great Reporter
Jul 1, 2019
You also are prob a noob that gets carried by pros but you can’t enter Thye it ga
1. no point to quote a post u already did and say something else and for average i get 2 beds and 7 kills per match
oh wait i just saw u made another post saying ignore it... ignore this part

1. It’s not illogical
2. Yeah people who want to play they game competitively don’t want noob teammates do they and is there a solo mode?
3. New players teach themselves which is what I did and I also watched videos, i used to only defend but now I can rush. You know how I started to learn that? Not by better players but by watching videos. People who want to get better already have ways to get better and it should not be dragging other teammates down
4. I already gave new players chances and they don’t listen when I tell them to stop defending and to help to rush. Some of them are open to learn, but others feel like doing their own thing

2. its illogical have u even read the whole thing
3. itd take longer to let players learn themselves, if you want to play with less noobs, decrease the amount of them asap
4. ofc some doesnt understand or doesnt like or salty as always but giving enough chances to the ones who are "able" to learn it, will make it better


Great Reporter
Jul 1, 2019
2. Yeah people who want to play they game competitively don’t want noob teammates do they and is there a solo mode?
i missed this sorry
anyways 2. there isnt a solo mode in bedwars but there are a lot of suggestions and im open to those
im also one of the people who wants to have solo mode

maybe instead of this u shouldve made another one about solo skywars

dont say owners dont check
the increasing amount of a single request will make them focus on it more...
as i think to


1. no point to quote a post u already did and say something else and for average i get 2 beds and 7 kills per match
oh wait i just saw u made another post saying ignore it... ignore this part

2. its illogical have u even read the whole thing
3. itd take longer to let players learn themselves, if you want to play with less noobs, decrease the amount of them asap
4. ofc some doesnt understand or doesnt like or salty as always but giving enough chances to the ones who are "able" to learn it, will make it better
3. It would not unless it’s a friend teaching the noob because normally the noobs won’t listen to people and I didn’t take that long to learn when I was watching vids and even the people I play with didn’t teach me as fast as when I started watching vids.
4. Read 2.
2. That’s your opinion.
Also 2 beds in what mode? 7 finals or normal kills or both?


exactly, i wont say why
its your responsibility to not create these types of illogical post
its unfair because there are new and older player
which are experienced and not
we need to balance all the teams in terms of experience so everyone will be equal (considering noobs and pros will be in opposite teams since you dont want to be in one of them)

imagine new players versus experienced "pro" players

it would obviously not be fair

dont you want to be team with noobs?
dont play or suggest something else which "only" experienced players can play,
by stating your opinion as "i dont want to play with noobs"
you just prove what kind of a person you are
everyone can be team with everyone even if they are new or bad players
you, experienced player (sarcasm) can teach them how to be good by being in the same team
ill assume you didnt started playing bedwars as a pro getting tons of kills right?
its just the beggining
discriminating them just because they are new/bad or og/experience players just makes them "not" being able to improve themsleves
their teammates (you for example) should teach them how to play instead of teaching them how to lose

put yourself in the new players eyes
you started new and joined a game
know nothing about it, only wasd space r/l click

than some werido comes and says you are noob i wont be team with you
then definetly they lose

the first impression youll create on a person wont be good

if you give the new players a chance by being team with them, they will look at you with another perspective instead of the guy who doesnt wants to be team with new players because they have a lack of knowledge about how to play the game,

that is why it would be unfair

i guess that "without explaining" part is okay now terry,
The reason it’s unfair is shitty. Do you know why I made the post? To balance games and make the pro players games more competitive and fun. If you want a mode when everything is relaxed then make a suggestion about it. Don’t say the noob will def lose if they are pitted against other noobs.what you are doing in this post is ignoring my suggestion and making a fake scenario ignoring the whole thing. If it’s nooob vs noob there won’t be pros to reck the noobs and no pros to say they don’t want to team with the noob.


Great Reporter
Jul 1, 2019
. Read 2.
i missed this sorry
anyways 2. there isnt a solo mode in bedwars but there are a lot of suggestions and im open to those
im also one of the people who wants to have solo mode

maybe instead of this u shouldve made another one about solo skywars

dont say owners dont check
the increasing amount of a single request will make them focus on it more...
as i think to

Also 2 beds in what mode? 7 finals or normal kills or both?

It would not unless it’s a friend teaching the noob because normally the noobs won’t listen to people and I didn’t take that long to learn when I was watching vids and even the people I play with didn’t teach me as fast as when I started watching vids
you should try making new friends then? :'))


Great Reporter
Jul 1, 2019
The reason it’s unfair is shitty. Do you know why I made the post? To balance games and make the pro players games more competitive and fun. If you want a mode when everything is relaxed then make a suggestion about it. Don’t say the noob will def lose if they are pitted against other noobs.what you are doing in this post is ignoring my suggestion and making a fake scenario ignoring the whole thing. If it’s nooob vs noob there won’t be pros to reck the noobs and no pros to say they don’t want to team with the noob.
they should work on solo game mode then all the teams would be balanced if u know what i mean:)


Great Reporter
Jul 1, 2019
why are we even arguing
ill give an -1 already gave my explanations
and ill stop arguing bc im sleepy and will sleep
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