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Update KitPvP - Reset | September the 6TH 2020

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Staff Member
May 30, 2016

KitPvP - PikaNetwork 2020
Sunday - September 6th, 2020

Greetings PikaCrafters,

After a long time, our KitPvP server will finally receive an update to a refreshed reset with a brand new pvparena and some exciting new changes!
Moving into the reset of kitpvp are some changes made, some changes that will hopefully make it a better and more fun kitpvp experience for you!

This kitpvp reset was very much needed, the kitpvp server is one of the servers that haven't been updated in the last couple of years. This is why a great deal of the plugins was not up to date anymore. The server was also facing some lag and connection issues, this will now no longer be the case anymore! This new reset we created a new map, now full of structures, traps, places to explore, no longer flat, parkour & more! We hope you will like the brand new map.

We read through all the suggestions that have been currently placed on the suggestions page on the forums, and have been made inside the suggestion post.
We hope that your suggestions ideas/reports are now fixed and or added within this update. Let's not make it longer since most people won't even read this, so let go straight to the details!

If you still do encounter any further bugs or any issues be sure to make a bug report ticket as we shall be closely looking at that section to fix things as soon as possible on the new reset!

You would like to start the season well? With a free rank or some free store credit?
A instagram giveaway is here below:
http://instagr.am/p/CEzgQtvn112/ View: https://www.instagram.com/p/CEzgQtvn112/

The release of the brand new KitPvP server is scheduled on Sunday, September 6, 2020.

Sunday 6th September 2020


Among other things, the following has been changed/updated:

  • NEW!Builds
    • The new map will feature a brand new spawn with a fully detailed pvparena.
      • It has tons of places to explore/ traps and saferooms added within the map
      • The PVP area is not fully flat
      • The spawn is a dropdown spawn not from the sky but raised from the ground
      • A total of 8 new koths
  • UPDATED! Kit
    We redid the kits and have added brand new kit, they are created to be balanced with each other. For all the kits is also feather falling IV added, and all donater kits have a fishing rod added.
    • Ninja Kit
    • Pyro Kit
    • Archer kit
    • Knight kit
    • Viking kit
    • Orc kit
    • Weekly kit
    • Monthly Kit
    • Prestige kit
  • NEW! AntiCheat
    • We updated the anti-cheat with our brand new anti-cheat with special settings for KitPvP
  • UPDATED! Aesthetic Changes
    • We've worked on a bunch of aesthetic changes to things such as new spawn, messages, scoreboard, and announcements. In general, we've made things a bit more easy to understand and read, and made things look a bit more modern.
  • NEW! Auctionhouse
    • Auction house has been recoded and now finally also added on kitpvp, we now have also added the feature for you to be able to put your listings in two different ways.
      • Selling
      • Bidding
  • NEW! Kill Messages
    Hunt down your opponents in style. Choose from a variety of unlockable kill messages. After unlocking a kill message you will also be able to change the primary and secondary color of it!
  • NEW! Kill Streak Rewards
    Kill Streaks will now reward points, items, and kit vouchers and money instead of only money. Some of these rewards are chance-based, test your luck and grind up your killstreak.
  • NEW! Settings
    • Disable or enable chat messages from koths
    • Disable or enable kill messages
    • Disable or enable auto respawning
    • Disable or enable the scoreboard
    • Disable or enable private messages
    • Disable or enable payments
  • UPDATED! Shop
    • The shop has been completely redone a lot more items have been added such as fishing rods but also some kinds of potions.
  • NEW! Teams
    Teams are exceptionally mentioned suggestions so we had no other choice at than including it, beneath this is a rundown with commands that can be used with our custom team plugin.
    • /t create (name)
    • /t show
    • /t perms
    • /t desc
    • /t top
    • /t help
    • And many more commands.
      Every time you kill someone in your team kills someone, your team will get 1 point.
      Every time someone in your team caps a Koth, Your team will get 50-100 points and the allies will get 25-50 points
      Every time you kill someone who is in /t top 1,2and 3 your team will get 25-50 points and allies will get 5-25 points
  • NEW! Statics
    Kitpvp is generally about kills, this is the reason the statics of kills and killstreaks are significant. We added new features to get more data about your stats, The commands additionally deal with different players, so you can look at their insights. Use the command /stats or /stats <username> now!
    • You are now able to see your overall statics
    • You are able to see your weekly statics
    • You are able to see your monthly statics
    • This command can be utilized on others to see their statics.
  • NEW! leaderboards with also in-game commands
    • /top kills | Players with the most kills
    • /baltop | Players with the most money (Its recoded for better performance.)
    • /killsstreaktop | Player with the highest killstreak
  • UPDATED! Crates
    • Removed & added new items.
    • Updated the rewards, a lot of new rewards are added.
    • Ranks are finally now also on vouchers instead of being added on to your account.
  • UPDATED! All the permissions
    All the permissions for the default rank and donator rank have been updated
    • Chatcolor permissions are added
    • Donater ranks have more player vaults added
    • Certain kill messages/chatcolors/kill message colors are unlocked by default for donaters, based on your rank.
  • Removed and disabled the use of ender pearls and bow boosting
  • Health II refill signs in the spawn
  • Each rank has a different cooldown on the use of /spawn
  • Added chat color command.
  • Player visibility range is set higher
  • /rename command is added for certain donator ranks
  • All store descriptions have been updated.
  • Added [item] and [inventory]
  • Fixed the bug with spawn border being removed too early
  • Added some new leaderboards
  • Updated all plugins so it's up to date
  • Optimized the server performance
  • Removed the fly from spawn
  • Updated and added new announcements
  • You can now see the armor of a person with .invsee
  • Added K/D within the scoreboard
  • Added kill message vouchers
  • Added special sets
  • Added /chatcolor command
  • Seasonal ranks are added.
  • More information about the player is displayed when you hover over his name
  • You can now see the armor of a person with .invsee
  • Updated netty to the latest version to version to improve packet stability
  • Improved knockback packet handling for better accuracy
  • Did some fixes to the ender pearls
  • Some vouchers have animations
  • The entire server crashing/freezing up for minutes at a time should no longer happen
  • Fishing rods are reverted to 1.7 behavior
  • Fixed a few problems with support for 1.13/1.14/1.15
  • The attack speed of all swords/axes have been modified
  • New vouchers
  • Color codes will be ignored in nickname lengths
  • Removed some typos in broadcast
  • [item] and [inventory] will now be possible!
  • and more we most likely forgot to mention..
If you encounter any bugs, be sure to make a bug report HERE. We will be checking this section regularly in order to fix things as soon as possible.
Make sure to let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions. We are always open for it as we are always looking for ways to improve our server.


Questions & Answers
Q: What will be kept after the reset?
  • Purchased ranks from our store
  • Purchase or won out of crates commands/ranks
Q: What will be lost with the reset?
  • Cash
  • Stats
  • Items
Q: Why did kitpvp reset?
A: KitPvP just needed a reset, it wasn't updated for years So to make KitPvP working again was a reset required. So here it is a fresh new KitPvP with updates!

This means all islands, items, money and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. Of course, all purchases will be reissued so nobody will be out of pocket in that regard. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features, and updates the different kind of gameplay and style being provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!

We hope to see you on our new KitPvP server soon!
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
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Great Reporter
Aug 22, 2019
yay, expecting this! hope no lag and fps drop issue after the reset!
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