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Update OpSkyblock - Reset | May the 29th 2021

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Staff Member
May 30, 2016


OpSkyblock - PikaNetwork 2021
May 29th 2021, 18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 PST

Hello, dear PikaNetwork Players.

Here we are again, time for another season of OpSkyblock! This brand new season will be released this Saturday, 29th of May at around 8 pm CET.

Based on all the feedback that we received within our suggestion, have we started creating this brand new opskyblock season, a season that everyone can hopefully enjoy!
Below you can find most of the changes we have made and what has been added, I’m sure I forgot to mention it all but I’m sure giving it a good read over you will be familiar with most you're going to see. If there is however still something you want changing, feel free to mention it on this thread before its release, we can still consider making the change.

We hope that everyone can agree with us introducing souls to stimulate more fighting and pvp, which will hopefully be, having more fun. Who doesn’t love a good fight, right?

Let’s not make it any longer since the details are what you’re interested in! If you want to learn more about the updates, fixes, and new features, read below!

Saturday 29 May 2021
18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 PST

Please note:
The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 8 PM CET.

🎊 Giveaways
If you would like to start the season on the right track, we've got you covered! We are running a giveaway that includes ranks and store coupons! If you would like to enter the giveaways, go ahead and visit our official post!

This season is bringing you all some new incredible features which will heavily impact the game-mode. Some modifications may be performed on these features according to your suggestions.

🏛️ New! Builds
A brand new season can not be properly started without a new map, therefore we will be introducing some brand new builds! This season we have decided to bring you all a wildwest-themed map, we hope you all enjoy it. Thanks to the feedback we received last season, we also have decided to resize the warzone of the map, as many of you thought it was too big for the number of players who were fighting, a reason which encouraged us to decrease its size for this season.
The warzone contains multiple mini-events in which you can compete, which are the following:
  • Outpost: Gather your island together every day at 16:00 server time to capture the outpost within the warzone.
  • Supply Crates: Supply crates have been reworked and new loot has been added. We've hidden 25 supply crates in the warzone, will you be able to find them all?
👻 New! Souls
Along with this reset, we are introducing a new currency called souls! Our main focus with these souls is to stimulate and promote the PvP in the game-mode, as well as this will bring a different gameplay style we have not experienced yet. Souls can be received within the warzone by killing players, there is however a chance to receive souls from killing mobs.
Souls are obtained by killing other players or killing mobs
  • 60% chance of giving you a soul when killed a player
  • 15% chance of giving you a soul when killed a mob
🏪 New! BlackMarket
The black market will be a new shop we will introduce into OpSkyblock, within this black market you will be able to purchase some brand new items we will be introducing and some already existing items. The items within the black market can only be purchased with the newly introduced currency: Souls.
This black market is a static shop and the shop will always have the same items on sale. You know what you are grinding for, and these items can be instantly purchased when you have a sufficient amount of Souls for it, the items on the black market do however have a daily stock added!
To make the black market more interesting needed rewarding, and most importantly, useful items be added. This is why we also will be introducing a couple of new items within this black market.
📚 New! Book abilities

What are book abilities? Book abilities will be books that only can be bought from the black market that can be used for special effects. Those books are similar to the custom enchantment books but can only be received from the black market. The books can be applied to armor and swords, with this reset will we introduce the following books:
  • Book of knowledge
    Gives you a higher chance to get better levels from opening /ce books. (Enchantment can be added on armor pieces.)
  • Book of War
    There is a chance of you getting Strength V for 10 seconds when attacking enemy (Enchantment can be added on swords and axes)
  • Book of Souls
    Give you a higher percentage of getting souls. (Enchantment can be added on swords and axes)
  • Book of experience
    You will have a chance of getting 5x experience boost for 30 seconds (Enchantment can be put on swords)
  • Book of Angels
    Can bring you back to life when lover than 5 hearts ( gives you regeneration V for 7 seconds ) (Enchantment can be added on armor pieces)
👕 New! Demon Gear
In the black market, there will be special gear – demon gear. Demon gear is just not your normal average gear it has Protection 18 and Unbreaking 12 but it also gives strength 2 and slowness 2 to make it also interesting for donators.
This gear is added to make it fair for all players, this gives unranked players the opportunity to get good gear if they make an effort for it.
We will also sell tools so everyone has a chance to also get the best tools in the game:
  • Soul Sword – Sharpness 17, unbreaking 5, fire aspect 3, looting 5.
  • Soul Pickaxe - Efficiency 10 unbreaking 7 fortune 5
  • Soul Axe – Sharpness 16, unbreaking 5, fire aspect 2, Efficiency 10
  • Soul shovel – Efficiency 10 unbreaking7 fortune 5
🪄 New! Book wand

A Book wand is a wand that also only can be bought from the black market, it doesn't show uses when bought, but it can be between 15 – 50 uses.
When you right-click on it, you will have the following chances:
  • 50% - Basic enchantment book
  • 25% - Epic enchantment book
  • 15% - Crazy enchantment book
  • 10% - Legendary enchantment book
✨ New! Much more
Here's a list of some of the smaller things that have been added to the black market.
  • EXP boosters
  • Money boosters
  • Soul boosters
  • Gold set
  • Silver set
  • And more....
📦 New! Genboxes
This Genbox is basically a box that would be different tiers and sizes such as this.
This box will generate Cobblestone inside of it in which we can mine and it will be saved into the Box's vault by right-clicking on the box. This box can have different upgrades that will help the players in which I found the following.
  • Fortune - This will increase the number of blocks you receive when you mine.
  • Speed - This will impact the speed at which the cobblestone regenerates after being broken.
  • Quality - This will give you higher-level blocks, starting at cobblestone and working your way up to emerald blocks.
  • Lucky - This is an upgradable enchantment, as you increase this your chances of a good prize inside the box are increased.
  • Storage - This will increase the number of blocks that can be held by the storage facility.
Finally, we must let you know that each island can have a total of 5 cobble gens placed.

⚙️ Updated! Transfer System
The mobcoins shop has been completely reworked on, as we have received a lot of complaints regarding it over the past season. The majority of the items which were listed on the /transfer's stock were completely useless or did not even work in some cases, therefore we have removed all of the previous items and added some brand new ones.
  • Every kill will now grand you a better percent chance to obtain a mobcoin. With this said, we have revamped the entire economy to let the mobcoins have a better fit in it.
🏢 Updated! Auctionhouse
The auction house received an update and we have made some significant improvements to the auction house. We will be giving you a lot more control over your own auctions by adding the following features.
Right now you can only list one item at a time or a full stack for a set price. This reset will change, you can now put any amount of items on the auction house and set a price per item you would like. For example, you can put 50 eggs on the auction house each for $100 per egg, any user can then select how many items he wants to purchase.
Buying more items
Since we now give you the option to list for example your whole inventory have we also added the feature so you can select how many items of this person you want to but, you can select one item, a full stack, or maybe even a full inventory.
Not only have we added the features above we also fixed a bug with the bidding and have enabled the bidding system again.

💾Fixed! Bugs
We did our best to polish and fix as many existing bugs inside the OpSkyblock server. We have looked through all the bug reports and managed to fix them. If you come across any bug with the new release, make sure to report them at our forums under the Bug Reports section.
Here are a few of the bugs we squished out:
  • Fixed not being able to use /rename whilst being muted.
  • Fixed auction house bug.
  • Fixed enderman grinding.
📬 Misc. Modifications
We have also made some smaller modifications in order to improve your experience. Some of these modifications are the following:
  • Fixed [island] being used in combat
  • Added recipe permission
  • Trash permission added
  • Custom crops updated
  • Added football type killmessages
  • Updated all kit names
  • Fixed lifesteal enchantment
  • Fixed nutrition
  • Redid some of the crate rewards
  • Updated anticheat.
  • Fixed getting kicked when you walk on farmland
  • Updated the pets
  • Updated mystery class
  • Updated invsee so you can also see armor
  • Updated all plugins
  • Fixed island bank
  • Updated all /settings
  • Added new leaderboards
  • Updated auctionhouse.
  • Updated command cooldowns
  • Updated all placeholders

If you encounter any bugs, be sure to make a bug report HERE. We will be checking this section regularly in order to fix things as soon as possible.
Make sure to let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions. We are always open to it as we are always looking for ways to improve our server.


❓Questions & Answers

Why does OpSkyblock reset?
OpSkyblock is already up for some time. A reset has to happen to change and improve with new features, to make the game more exciting for you all! This then allows you players to have a fresh start and new players can begin to play without any significant disadvantage.
This means al items, money and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. Of course, all purchases will be reissued so nobody will be out of pocket in that regard. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features and updates the different kind of gameplay, and style being provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!
Below you can find what you will lose and one for what you will keep
What will I lose?
  • Your islands
  • All items in your inventory and ender chest
  • Any currencies such as money and exp
  • Chatcolor permissions.
  • Seasonal ranks and perks
What will I keep?
  • Purchased Ranks & Rank Upgrades
  • Purchased Perks
  • Won out of crates commands/ranks

We hope to see you on our new OpSkyblock server soon!
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.


Epic Pika
May 6, 2021
Wow! Nice changes, much needed features added and worked upon! Can't wait to play!


Mar 23, 2021
I was waiting for this a long time! Can't wait to check it out!


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Apr 6, 2020
Since you didnot remove the bow boosting sht and kids keep running what is the point of pvping ?
The admins // whoever suggested the bow boosting is such a opfac kid who said "i want the bow boosting to be enabled that unfair " and guess what ?
Because hes bad as hell at pvp a kid killed him and he quitted the fking opsb there is no point of having bow boost in opsb


Mar 22, 2017
Book of War
There is a chance of you getting Strength V for 10 seconds when attacking enemy (Enchantment can be added on swords and axes)
Seems really broken...
. . . .


Legendary Pika
Aug 21, 2020
Remove bow boost from the game because everyone can run nobody can kill anyone what is the point of pvping if anyone can run all the time
Mar 26, 2021
Since you didnot remove the bow boosting sht and kids keep running what is the point of pvping ?
The admins // whoever suggested the bow boosting is such a opfac kid who said "i want the bow boosting to be enabled that unfair " and guess what ?
Because hes bad as hell at pvp a kid killed him and he quitted the fking opsb there is no point of having bow boost in opsb
bow bosting is a essential thing it helps unranked people who normaly dont have much of good pvp kits a chance to run away rather than just dying same goes if a lot of people are trying to attack you it helps you a lot i do accept its annoying sometimes but it has better pros compared to the cons


Pika Member
Sep 9, 2020
Well the bow boost couldve been removed and black scrolls fixed but otherwise well see how it goes


Pika Member
Sep 9, 2020
bow bosting is a essential thing it helps unranked people who normaly dont have much of good pvp kits a chance to run away rather than just dying same goes if a lot of people are trying to attack you it helps you a lot i do accept its annoying sometimes but it has better pros compared to the cons
u wanna fight 3v3 and then the people end up running to fix and come back or they just boost so much that the combat is gone and they go to spawn and u ended up with no kills so it isnt good


Pika Lover
Oct 4, 2020
u wanna fight 3v3 and then the people end up running to fix and come back or they just boost so much that the combat is gone and they go to spawn and u ended up with no kills so it isnt good
And not everyone can bow boost that good so its kinda unfair for somebody
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