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Recent content by maccies

  1. M

    Accepted OP Prison Making omnitool work properly during mining

    Minecraft Username: ILuvMaccies Suggestion: Making omnitool work properly during mining Detailed description: When you mine there's a chance that a chest spawns that contains tokens, if you mine it with the omnitool scroll on your pick then it'll turn to an axe. The only way to get it to...
  2. M

    Update KitPvP - Help us with next the update! | August the 24th 2020

    i agree with all of the points apart from the 3rd one, just sounds like a different version of hcf
  3. M

    Update KitPvP - Help us with next the update! | August the 24th 2020

    literally everything else is fine as long as you fix the hitreg :) oh and maybe also fix the fall damage, you can fall like 30 blocks in p5 with feather falling 4 and still die...
  4. M

    Getting false Kicked By the AntiCheat for lag?

    this has happened to me on lunar as well love it, best hacked client ever :DDD
  5. M

    Denied Global Bring Back The Rule "Admitting To use Specific Hacks (Joke or Not)"

    I've never called someone I've 1v1 trash and I dont think it's toxic unless you intended it to be. You can joke about using a client, etc without being toxic or calling people trash.
  6. M

    Denied Global Bring Back The Rule "Admitting To use Specific Hacks (Joke or Not)"

    why would I want to get banned about jokingly saying I'm "injecting vape lite" or something similar?
  7. M

    Denied Global Bring Back The Rule "Admitting To use Specific Hacks (Joke or Not)"

    -1 this would cause a lot of false bans as there is no concrete evidence. Why punish someone for making a joke?
  8. M

    Accepted KitPvP Add /ah

    +1 very needed
  9. M

    Accepted KitPvP Add /ah

    /ah doesnt work like that...
  10. M

    Accepted Make it so we can edit kits within the game

    it was my other post, we were talking about it on this one instead, i have no idea why, i guess we didnt see lmao
  11. M

    Denied special punishment for moneyspamming

    you can report them for command spam
  12. M

    Denied Global accept BadLion.

    There are lots of videos on it, I'm not going to link any but if you search it up there's loads lol