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Update Minigames - Champion Update | June The 29th 2021

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Lead Developer
Mar 11, 2018

Minigames Champion Update - PikaNetwork 2021
June 29th 2021

Greetings PikaCrafters,

We have another minigames update in store for you, this time we will be hosting a limited time event for 1 week, we did requested changes to a lot of maps, and we will be adding a new monthly rank subscription, called Champion rank. More information about these 3 subjects will be listed below in the post.

Let’s not make it any longer since the details are what you’re interested in!
It is with great pleasure, we can announce that this new update has been released at June 29th 2021.



💎New! A brand new rank upgrade

With this update we will be introducing a new rank, the Champion rank. This rank will be available for purchase at our store for everyone owning a Titan rank. This rank will be a monthly rank upgrade for those players who want to upgrade their Titan rank. This rank is not permanently and can be renewed every month. This renewing will not be automatically and will be cancelled once your rank time has expired.
Some features of the rank
😀 Unlimited Friend Slots
🍰 Public Parties
🎭 Unlimited Map Selects
✨ More in-game & lobby cosmetics
📦 Open all Mystery Boxes at once
➡️ ...and much more which can be viewed at store.pika-network.net
⚔️New! Become the Champion Event
To get in to the Champion spirit we will be hosting a Become the Champion event. This event will last until Sunday, July 4th. In order to become the Champion you need to get as many Champion Wins as possible. Every win you make now will count as a Champion Win. Each lobby is filled with a leaderboard to keep track of the current champion.
At the end of the week the winner of both SkyWars and BedWars will receive the following rewards:
30 days of Champion rank
If you do not own a Titan rank you will get the Titan rank included for 30 days as well.
Legendary Loot Box Bundle
Including 5 Godly Loot Boxes, 5 Crazy Loot Boxes and 5 Unique Loot Boxes.​
1 Global Minigame Coin Booster
Boost everyones coins and receive tips for 1 hour long.​
🌍Updated! Map Changes
We decided to sneak in something extra for this update as well, and that is map changes. We have heard your feedback and took the time to overhaul some of the maps, and even remove a few. The following maps have been changed, added and/or removed:
Castle SoloReturning Map
Castle DoublesReturning Map
Light House SoloUpdated Map. Improved pathing to mid island
Light House DoublesUpdated Map. Improved pathing to mid island
Jungle SoloUpdated Map. Reduced the amount of non-solid blocks, made map more open, less void between islands
Jungle DoublesUpdated Map. Reduced the amount of non-solid blocks, made map more open, less void between islands
Sea Life SoloUpdated Map. Reduced the amount of void between islands
Sea Life DoublesUpdated Map. Reduced the amount of void between islands
Mesa SoloRemoved Map
Mesa DoublesRemoved Map

Olympus SoloUpdated Map. Improved pathing, more open space
Olympus DoublesUpdated Map. Improved pathing, more open space
Tower SoloUpdated Map. Improved pathing, more open space
Tower DoublesUpdated Map. Improved pathing, more open space
Gas Station SolosUpdated Map. Made map more open, less void between islands
Gas Station DoublesUpdated Map. Made map more open, less void between islands
Utopia TriplesRemoved Map
Utopia QuadruplesRemoved Map
Rock Bottom TriplesNew Map
Rock Bottom QuadruplesNew Map

📬Questions & Anwsers

Can I buy the Champion rank?

Only players that own a Titan rank are able to purchase this rank. The Champion rank is a monthly subscription meant as a rank upgrade for Titans. This rank is NOT permanent and will not be sold for a permanent time.


We hope to see you participate in our Champion Event!
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.


Epic Pika
Oct 23, 2020
;-; i wish i had my pc rn still gl to in champion event everyone imma just sit in the corner and cry


Legendary Pika
May 17, 2021
We decided to sneak in something extra for this update as well, and that is map changes. We have heard your feedback and took the time to overhaul some of the maps, and even remove a few. The
Thank you very much removing Utopia from Bedwars Quads and also Thank you for adding a new map.


May 15, 2021
Finally a thing which i asked for updation of new maps. Well dne pika and a freat thing they are allowing normal players to particiapate in the champion thing too
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