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  1. DrakeTDL

    Question about mods

    it does work on multiplayer but idk if that mod is allowed on pika.
  2. DrakeTDL

    Denied Global Suggestion: Add custom items

    -1 There is already a pick that can do that. It's called Flux Pickaxe, you can get it by smelting any type of pick inside of the smelter but you need a mining of 250+ to use it. and the bombs would make the server to laggy unless the materials pop into your inventory like normal mining does.
  3. DrakeTDL

    [GIVEWAY] 1x Premium account

    dang it, Awe well. GG @SecretLars
  4. DrakeTDL

    Denied Global Suggestion: drop party

    @your friend :) why did you quote yourself?
  5. DrakeTDL

    Denied Global Suggestion: Recent threads/status updates.

    +1 this would be so useful!
  6. DrakeTDL

    [GIVEWAY] 1x Premium account

    Sounds fun. IGN: @DrakeTDL
  7. DrakeTDL

    thats what i dislike about this guy. disliking just for the fun of it? i think there should be a...

    thats what i dislike about this guy. disliking just for the fun of it? i think there should be a punishment in place for that kind of thing
  8. DrakeTDL

    I would also like to know why he disliked alot of them

    I would also like to know why he disliked alot of them
  9. DrakeTDL

    Denied Global Suggestion: Add /skin set command for cracked players for 1$ or free

    -1 If you want a skin i would suggest that you use clients that implements its own skin system such as ely.by or tlauncher. Other people of uses that client will be able to see your skin. Requesting lock!
  10. DrakeTDL


    i hope its you are giving away good stuff :D
  11. DrakeTDL

    Player Rollback

    only if the hackers do something dramatic such as giving everyone in the server money, destroying spawn, etc
  12. DrakeTDL

    Farms & other automatic utilities

    1. auto/semi cobble gens are allowed 2. idk what that is.
  13. DrakeTDL

    some kid tp kill me

    they may disable /tpahere in /warp pvp when the reset drops, but who knows. :confused:
  14. DrakeTDL

    Denied Global Suggestion: Can u please add Murder Mystery?

    Don't mention another server https://pika-network.net/threads/rules-punishments.12786/
  15. DrakeTDL

    Denied Forums Suggestion: Edit & Delete your post

    isnt that already an option? from what i can see from my screen, you can Edit and delete a post but you can only edit a Thread.
  16. DrakeTDL

    haxor screenshotted

    or you could just use something like Gyazo, Lightshot, ext (faster than using Imgur). Which uploads and copies the link to your clipboard so you can just paste it anywhere.
  17. DrakeTDL

    Can someone name all trails can be own in OP-Skyblock

    Requesting lock Because HeavyGuy has already answered this.
  18. DrakeTDL

    Denied Global Suggestion: ads

    1 minutes is way too fast you'll want to set to something like 5 min bcz if you do set it 1 min then you'll be consistently be seeing "No ads available."
  19. DrakeTDL

