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  1. PikaPixel

    Scanned Lobby bridging blocks!

    Username: PikaPixel Suggestion: bridging blocks! Detailed description: As we all know, most of the other lobby servers feature exciting things like PvP swords, teleport bows, double jumps, and more. I recommend adding a unique bridging block to enhance the fun in our lobbies. These blocks will...
  2. PikaPixel

    Scanned Minigames 3 New Victory Dances!

    Username: PikaPixel Suggestion: 3 New Victory Dances! Detailed description: I'd like to suggest new ideas for victory dances to add to bedwars and skywars: 1 Enderman Victory Dance: When the player wins the game, the sky turns to night, the player is duplicated many times, and duplicated...
  3. PikaPixel

    Im Pikapixel

    Pika Pixel, Im Pikapixel. - Pixel Pika lexip akip!
  4. PikaPixel

    Scanned Minigames Party Ready Item

    Username: PikaPixel Suggestion: Party Ready Item Detailed description: Make a Party Ready item: This item would allow party members to signify their readiness to start a new game by right-clicking on it. The item's status would change to "Cancel" and when right click it or the player...