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bedwars 4v4

  1. ____Clown

    GvG Rules | PikaNetwork BedWars

    Hello, I wanna know if there are custom rules for GvGs ( Guild vs Guild ) in BedWars. Because everytime I play Private Games or Guild vs Guilds I keep getting asked by my teammates: "Do you know how to play GvGs?!" "Dude are you new to private games?" And more of that. So If there are experts or...
  2. mrclpbun

    New game in practice/in bedwars

    Add a new game mode which is 4v4 it will be like rbw and it will grab more audiance and yeah it will be awesome if pika will add this
  3. Karltzy

    IYN Trick [Full Guide]

    What is IYN So IYN is a trick used in 4v4v4v4 Bedwars mode where 4 people wait for 7 iron and 1 gold at gen. After getting those materials they drop them for the defender and wait for him to cover the bed with Endstone [7*4=28 iron] and Wood [4*1=4 gold ] After the bed is covered, the other 3...
  4. S

    Leaderboard rank beside name

    Hey, i saw many players have a leaderboard rank number beside their name... Ima Lb rank 15k but it doesn't show the number beside my name in game.... what should I do?? Pls help Thx
  5. Ravxn

    Bedwars spawn bug

    Hello great developers, I noticed some lag spikes in bedwars either when waiting for the match to start or when spawning each member in the team , it especially happens when in squads . This bug is making 60% + of the lobby to disconnect , the indicators that it will happen is when waiting for...
  6. M

    man, bedwars is ruined

    the new maps suck, like they're so wierdly made, making them extremely hard to play, the old ones however are still on the server but with changes, bone dry is probably the worst defender, they removed the quarter moon islands and made the map smaller overall, it's such a bad downgrade, lectus...
  7. S

    No bed only a sign !!

    Because of this bug we lost !
  8. qxpt

    The xp on bedwars sucks

    The devs need to boost the XP you get every game of bedwars or make an XP booster and make the dragon rider available to buy with coins I'm on 150k coins and I can't buy anything and I wanna cry every time I look at the sidebar pls by: A very sad bedwars player p.s #Astro4Helper
  9. Jaysvin

    We found pika's Secret

    We found pika's Secret in bedwars 4v4 christmas map if ur on yellow team build up to max and head center straight to mid
  10. I

    got banned on Pika Network

    Hi I'm PinkVolt, First of all, sorry for disturbing. i just wanted to say that i was playing normally and i got banned. i dont remember why before. But then today i wanted to log in Pika Network, it said that i got banned because of something called bot-filter? I dont know what that is, so...
  11. lordamen

    Petition to add 4v4 Bedwars Mode.

    Ik it feels like dumb, but its fun to play 4v4. 8 players, 2 teams. Fight for themselves. Get insane finals and also learn skills of killing people alot. 4v4 is just harder to win if ur solo queueing while people opposite to you are a 4 people party. So any Ideas how to over come that? Is 4v4 bw...