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[GUIDE] rex's Guide to Speed Up Your Computer + Increase FPS


Rare Pika
May 18, 2020
This is a guide that will help you increase your FPS by very large amounts.
This guide is made by rex and has been tested and proven to work on ever computer!

There are many things that help our game run smoothly, all of which will be discussed in this guide. Our FPS (Frames Per Second) is the number of times our screen is updated for more in-game screen events such as movement, attacking, building, etc. This number is generally higher than 60, which is the main mark for a smooth game. However updating screen events may cause your game to lag, or decrease in FPS values which leaves you with a game that is not easy to play on. For this reason, I have made this guide to get your FPS as high as possible as the higher the number, the better!

In this guide I will talk about a few things that will improve your FPS, these are:​

  • Increase dedicated RAM to Minecraft
  • Increase file loading speed
  • Freeing up used memory
To do this, most if it is simple and will take only a couple of minutes. However, if you would like the job to be done right, and the the fullest extent, I recommend following all the procedures in this guide. Each procedure included will help not only your FPS for Minecraft, but in some cases could speed up your entire computer. This guide has procedures here that should be repeated such as File Cleanup and Freeing up used memory. This guide is also in no particular order or importance or difficulty. There are lots of images to this guide as well that in most procedures will show a step-by-step process on how to completely follow through with the procedure.

Minecraft limits itself to a small amount of memory your computer has, thus allowing other programs to run in your background. This can easily be changed via the launcher to speed up your game very quickly and is a very, very simple thing to do. I will only include the 3 launchers most people use today to help keep this process simple.
This is a modification used by most clients, implemented into the mod reserves of the client. If you are using Forge, this mod will have to be manually installed with some very quick and easy steps. If you re using a launcher, such as the ones below, you will not have to do this as OptiFine is already used within them!

Download OptiFine here.

1. Download OptiFine from the website, of your specific version you would like.
OptiFine #1.jpg
2. Open "Run" by pressing the WINDOWS+R, type in "%appdata%
OptiFine #2.jpg
3. Double-Click the ".minecraft" folder at the top.
OptiFine #3.jpg
4. Locate your "mods" folder. If there is not one, make your own.

OptiFine #4.jpg
5. Drag the recently installed OptiFine file into the mods folder.

Read the following values, to determine what to set your Allocated Memory too. This applies to any and ALL launchers as entering the wrong number may be bad for your game and or computer. For this you will need to know the amount of RAM your computer has. You can simply search this in your settings and it is easy to find. Please follow this chart below to determine how much Memory you should put into your game, based on the amount of total RAM your computer has.
Amount of RAM Allocated Memory
4GB 2G
8GB 4G
16GB 8G
32GB 16G
64GB+ 32G MAX

I will have pictures to all the following launchers:
1. Go to "Installations" and click on the version your play on.
Minecraft Vanilla Forge #1.jpg
Minecraft Vanilla Forge #2.jpg
3. Find the "JVM Arguments" and remove everything after the G in the first part, delete everything after the space.
Minecraft Vanilla Forge #3.jpg
4. Change the number before the "G" to one of the values listed above based on the chart.Minecraft Vanilla Forge #4.jpg
5. It should look like this after you are finished.
Minecraft Vanilla Forge #5.jpg
1. Click the 2nd icon to the left, this is the settings button. Locate the "RAM ALLOCATION" slidebar.
Lounge #1.jpg
2. Adjust the slide bar to the approximate values, as listed above.
Lounge #2.jpg
1. Click the settings button at the bottom right of your launcher.
Pacifiy #1.jpg
2. Find the "JVM" section of the settings window and adjust your "Min" (Minimum) and you "Max" (Maximum) Memory values. I recommend keeping the values the same.
Pacify #2.jpg
3. Click "Apply" wait for a few seconds so it may load, then click "OK" to save your changes.

Pacify #3.jpg
1. Click your profile picture and then go to "Settings"
Badlion Client #1.jpg
2. Find the "Allocated RAM" slidebar.
Badlion Client #2.jpg
3. Slide the bar (In MB) to the approximate value of each GB listed above. i. e. 8000MB = 8GB
Badlion Client #3.jpg
This particular client has specific steps to do inside the files of the Client. You can find a link to a thread made by CosmicPvP right here.
1. First, click "settings" at the top of your launcher and find the slidebar.
Lunar Client #1.jpg
2. Drag the slider to the recommended amount of Memory listed above.
Lunar Client #2.jpg
1. At the bottom right of your launcher, click the gear icon, then the Settings button.
TLauncher #1.jpg
2. From here, use the sidebar or the number box to enter in a MB value. I recommend using the text box as it is very accurate, since you are putting in your own value, based on the numbers above.
TLauncher #2.jpg
This is a very important process as we will dive a little deeper into our computer's files. Before starting this process, it is very strongly encouraged you shut down all apps and restart your computer, and not open any programs except your browser to continue the guide.

No steps in this guide will harm your computer.
This will be a series of tasks to help speed up our computer.
This is a process that most parts of it are very simple, but most can also be very difficult. At times during this process you will be required to restart your computer for better efficency. Let's start off with removing unused files. These could just be files thrown throughout our computer we may not know about or forgot to remove. We will start off with our temp folders.
With all programs still closed, go to your keyboard and do the following:
1. Hold down the WINDOWS key and the R key at the same time.
2. This will open a small window named "Run". Next, type in the following; "temp"
and press enter.
3. Select all files by pressing CRTL+A and pressing DELETE on your keyboard, NOT backspace. Some files may require administrator permissions to delete, and some may not be deleted. Not every folder can be deleted.

We will now repeat the exact same process, except for step 1. Now in the RUN window, type in "%temp%" and press enter. Repeat step 3.
We have now removed all temp folders from our computer, next go to you recycle bin and empty it to permanently remove those folders. This part is optional but recommended, to go through your downloads folder and remove anything not needed. Most things in downloads folders can be completely deleted.

We are now at the point where we can not delete any more files without possibly damaging our computer, we will now use an app dedicated to this called CCleaner. This is a free and virus-free program used to cleanup any and all junk files on our PC. Once you click the hyperlink it will automatically download. Follow the steps to install it.
Once it is finished use these steps:
-Select Custom Clean from the Left Sidebar, then in the bottom right corner select "Run Cleaner"
This may take several minutes depending on how much of your computer is junk files, and how many files it needs to cleanup.
After cleaning up all of our junk files, we will now defrag our computer's HDD (Hard Drive Disk). If you have an SSD (Solid State Drive) the process will be very similar.
1. Open file explorer and click on "This PC" and the your main HDD or SSD (Windows)
Defrag #1.jpg
2. Right click on the Windows drive and select "Properties" this should be the bottom option.

Defrag #2.JPG
3. On the top bar, find and select "Tools"
Defrag #3.JPG
4. Select "Optimize" under the "Optimize and defragment drive"
Defrag #4.JPG

Not all computers may need this, as you can see mines is at 0% fragmentation for both my drives. If this number was at least 1% I would do it. Fortunately, my drives are not fragmented yet. Although computers in age will be fragmented and you should follow the steps given to you, steps for computers are all different depending on how fragmented your drives are, I recommend analyzing the drives, then optimizing them.
For the steps on doing this for a MAC computer, full credits to Disaalt.

Cleaning RAM is not easy on the Mac, there is only a few effective ways that really clean up your ram. Here are some quick ways to do them:
1. Remove some Login Items from the Mac.
1a. Open System Preferences and select Users & Groups.
1b. Click your nickname on the left.
1c. Select the Login Items tab.
1d. Check programs you don’t want to load as your Mac starts.
1a. Press the “–” sign below.

2. Clean up your desktop. You don't need to do it yourself though, with apps like Spotless and Declutter, they can clean up your desktop quickly and effectively.

3. Clean cache files. Here are the ways:
3a. Open Finder.
3b. From the Go menu, select Go to Folder.
3c. Type ~/Library/Caches in the field and press Go.

4. Using applications such as CleanMyMac X (Free and Premium)

5e. Close background applications
Now that all unwanted files are gone, let's work on programs. Don't worry you do not have to remove programs because that only takes up hard drive space, and not memory space as long as they are not running. We will be freeing up memory space by closing out any unneeded programs and canceling background processes. We can first do this by simply looking at the task bar and closing out and programs we do not want running. This is the first and easiest step as some people might have lots of tabs open and not know it.

There are things we can do to close unwanted things that we don't see at first glance, these are:
-View your "Inventory" bar on your task bar
Inventory Bar.JPG
This is always to the right of your task bar, with a small arrow you can click.
From here, you can right-click processes and stop them. This will not delete them, only stop the process in your computer's background to help free up some of your RAM.

-Checking your Task Manager, you can access this by pressing CRTL+ALT+DELETE and selecting it there, or right clicking your task bar and selecting Task Manager
Task Manager.jpg
From here click on "More Details" and find background running processes you know that you can close down i. e. Skype, Microsoft Edge (If you do NOT use it) and other programs that you do not need. All programs can be opened back up by executing the App they belong to.

If you delete a WINDOWS program by accident, do NOT panic. Simply restart your computer and it will be fixed.

You should go ahead and restart your computer after you complete this step as well.
-PvPLounge Client
-Cosmic Client
-Pactify Client
-MAC Support - How to free up used Memory

Updated/ Fixed:
-Ram (GB) to game (G) values
-"Temp.jpg" image not loading
Last edited:


The Pika
Sep 14, 2019
Nice guide, but here are some suggestions that you should add:
CosmicPVP Launcher Support
PvPLounge Launcher Support
Pacific Launcher Support
TLauncher Support
4GB - 2GB Allocated Memory
Mac support on how to free up memory
Fix temp.jpg not loading


Rare Pika
May 18, 2020
Nice guide, but here are some suggestions that you should add:
CosmicPVP Launcher Support
PvPLounge Launcher Support
Pacific Launcher Support
TLauncher Support
4GB - 2GB Allocated Memory
Mac support on how to free up memory
Fix temp.jpg not loading

-Added all suggestions!


Staff Member
Sr Mod
Mar 18, 2020
This is a guide that will help you increase your FPS by very large amounts.
This guide is made by rex and has been tested and proven to work on ever computer!

There are many things that help our game run smoothly, all of which will be discussed in this guide. Our FPS (Frames Per Second) is the number of times our screen is updated for more in-game screen events such as movement, attacking, building, etc. This number is generally higher than 60, which is the main mark for a smooth game. However updating screen events may cause your game to lag, or decrease in FPS values which leaves you with a game that is not easy to play on. For this reason, I have made this guide to get your FPS as high as possible as the higher the number, the better!

In this guide I will talk about a few things that will improve your FPS, these are:​

  • Increase dedicated RAM to Minecraft
  • Increase file loading speed
  • Freeing up used memory
To do this, most if it is simple and will take only a couple of minutes. However, if you would like the job to be done right, and the the fullest extent, I recommend following all the procedures in this guide. Each procedure included will help not only your FPS for Minecraft, but in some cases could speed up your entire computer. This guide has procedures here that should be repeated such as File Cleanup and Freeing up used memory. This guide is also in no particular order or importance or difficulty. There are lots of images to this guide as well that in most procedures will show a step-by-step process on how to completely follow through with the procedure.

Minecraft limits itself to a small amount of memory your computer has, thus allowing other programs to run in your background. This can easily be changed via the launcher to speed up your game very quickly and is a very, very simple thing to do. I will only include the 3 launchers most people use today to help keep this process simple.

Read the following values, to determine what to set your Allocated Memory too. This applies to any and ALL launchers as entering the wrong number may be bad for your game and or computer. For this you will need to know the amount of RAM your computer has. You can simply search this in your settings and it is easy to find. Please follow this chart below to determine how much Memory you should put into your game, based on the amount of total RAM your computer has.
Amount of RAM Allocated Memory
4GB 2G
8GB 4G
16GB 8G
32GB 16G
64GB+ 32G MAX

I will have pictures to all the following launchers:
1. Go to "Installations" and click on the version your play on.
View attachment 12212
View attachment 12213
3. Find the "JVM Arguments" and remove everything after the G in the first part, delete everything after the space.
View attachment 12214
4. Change the number before the "G" to one of the values listed above based on the chart.View attachment 12215
5. It should look like this after you are finished.
View attachment 12216
1. Click the 2nd icon to the left, this is the settings button. Locate the "RAM ALLOCATION" slidebar.
View attachment 12234
2. Adjust the slide bar to the approximate values, as listed above.
View attachment 12235
1. Click the settings button at the bottom right of your launcher.
View attachment 12236
2. Find the "JVM" section of the settings window and adjust your "Min" (Minimum) and you "Max" (Maximum) Memory values. I recommend keeping the values the same.
View attachment 12237
3. Click "Apply" wait for a few seconds so it may load, then click "OK" to save your changes.
View attachment 12238
1. Click your profile picture and then go to "Settings"
View attachment 12217
2. Find the "Allocated RAM" slidebar.
View attachment 12218
3. Slide the bar (In MB) to the approximate value of each GB listed above. i. e. 8000MB = 8GB
View attachment 12219
This particular client has specific steps to do inside the files of the Client. You can find a link to a thread made by CosmicPvP right here.
1. First, click "settings" at the top of your launcher and find the slidebar.
View attachment 12220
2. Drag the slider to the recommended amount of Memory listed above.
View attachment 12221
1. At the bottom right of your launcher, click the gear icon, then the Settings button.
View attachment 12241
2. From here, use the sidebar or the number box to enter in a MB value. I recommend using the text box as it is very accurate, since you are putting in your own value, based on the numbers above.
View attachment 12242
This is a very important process as we will dive a little deeper into our computer's files. Before starting this process, it is very strongly encouraged you shut down all apps and restart your computer, and not open any programs except your browser to continue the guide.

No steps in this guide will harm your computer.
This will be a series of tasks to help speed up our computer.
This is a process that most parts of it are very simple, but most can also be very difficult. At times during this process you will be required to restart your computer for better efficency. Let's start off with removing unused files. These could just be files thrown throughout our computer we may not know about or forgot to remove. We will start off with our temp folders.
With all programs still closed, go to your keyboard and do the following:
1. Hold down the WINDOWS key and the R key at the same time.
View attachment 12222
2. This will open a small window named "Run". Next, type in the following; "temp"
and press enter.
View attachment 12243
3. Select all files by pressing CRTL+A and pressing DELETE on your keyboard, NOT backspace. Some files may require administrator permissions to delete, and some may not be deleted. Not every folder can be deleted.

We will now repeat the exact same process, except for step 1. Now in the RUN window, type in "%temp%" and press enter. Repeat step 3.
We have now removed all temp folders from our computer, next go to you recycle bin and empty it to permanently remove those folders. This part is optional but recommended, to go through your downloads folder and remove anything not needed. Most things in downloads folders can be completely deleted.

We are now at the point where we can not delete any more files without possibly damaging our computer, we will now use an app dedicated to this called CCleaner. This is a free and virus-free program used to cleanup any and all junk files on our PC. Once you click the hyperlink it will automatically download. Follow the steps to install it.
Once it is finished use these steps:
-Select Custom Clean from the Left Sidebar, then in the bottom right corner select "Run Cleaner"
This may take several minutes depending on how much of your computer is junk files, and how many files it needs to cleanup.
After cleaning up all of our junk files, we will now defrag our computer's HDD (Hard Drive Disk). If you have an SSD (Solid State Drive) the process will be very similar.
1. Open file explorer and click on "This PC" and the your main HDD or SSD (Windows)
View attachment 12225
2. Right click on the Windows drive and select "Properties" this should be the bottom option.

View attachment 12226
3. On the top bar, find and select "Tools"
View attachment 12227
4. Select "Optimize" under the "Optimize and defragment drive"
View attachment 12228

Not all computers may need this, as you can see mines is at 0% fragmentation for both my drives. If this number was at least 1% I would do it. Fortunately, my drives are not fragmented yet. Although computers in age will be fragmented and you should follow the steps given to you, steps for computers are all different depending on how fragmented your drives are, I recommend analyzing the drives, then optimizing them.
For the steps on doing this for a MAC computer, full credits to Disaalt.

Cleaning RAM is not easy on the Mac, there is only a few effective ways that really clean up your ram. Here are some quick ways to do them:
1. Remove some Login Items from the Mac.
1a. Open System Preferences and select Users & Groups.
1b. Click your nickname on the left.
1c. Select the Login Items tab.
1d. Check programs you don’t want to load as your Mac starts.
1a. Press the “–” sign below.

2. Clean up your desktop. You don't need to do it yourself though, with apps like Spotless and Declutter, they can clean up your desktop quickly and effectively.

3. Clean cache files. Here are the ways:
3a. Open Finder.
3b. From the Go menu, select Go to Folder.
3c. Type ~/Library/Caches in the field and press Go.

4. Using applications such as CleanMyMac X (Free and Premium)

5e. Close background applications
Now that all unwanted files are gone, let's work on programs. Don't worry you do not have to remove programs because that only takes up hard drive space, and not memory space as long as they are not running. We will be freeing up memory space by closing out any unneeded programs and canceling background processes. We can first do this by simply looking at the task bar and closing out and programs we do not want running. This is the first and easiest step as some people might have lots of tabs open and not know it.

There are things we can do to close unwanted things that we don't see at first glance, these are:
-View your "Inventory" bar on your task bar
View attachment 12229
This is always to the right of your task bar, with a small arrow you can click.
From here, you can right-click processes and stop them. This will not delete them, only stop the process in your computer's background to help free up some of your RAM.

-Checking your Task Manager, you can access this by pressing CRTL+ALT+DELETE and selecting it there, or right clicking your task bar and selecting Task Manager
View attachment 12230
From here click on "More Details" and find background running processes you know that you can close down i. e. Skype, Microsoft Edge (If you do NOT use it) and other programs that you do not need. All programs can be opened back up by executing the App they belong to.

If you delete a WINDOWS program by accident, do NOT panic. Simply restart your computer and it will be fixed.

You should go ahead and restart your computer after you complete this step as well.
-PvPLounge Client
-Cosmic Client
-Pactify Client
-MAC Support - How to free up used Memory

Updated/ Fixed:
-Ram (GB) to game (G) values
-"Temp.jpg" image not loading

Nice 1 more useful post


Legendary Pika
Feb 26, 2016
A couple things
1) FPS is NOT how often your screen is updated! Your computer generates frames and your monitor grabs the newest one it can. The main goal regarding your fps should be to exceed the hz rating of your monitor, and since most people here need to pirate minecraft, I'm gonna assume that's the base 60hz monitor. Having 60 or more frames means your monitor always has a new frame to grab, which is what prevents your game from looking choppy. Exceeding your monitor's rating with fps just gives you newer information to use and reduces feelings of input lag.

2) The quickest way to tell if any of this is actually going to help is to use minecraft's built in f3 menu and your task manager's breakdown. On the right side of your minecraft f3 menu, it tells you how much ram is allocated, and how much you are actually using at the time. Unless you're actually approaching the limit of your ram (~500mbs or so), allocating more ram will do next to nothing to help your minecraft fps.

The task manager is helpful because it will show what part of your system is being stress (it's almost never your hard drive, and if it is, your hard drive is likely dying). CPU close to maxed out? You are reaching the limits of your processor. GPU almost maxed? You're hitting that limit. Defragging your drive won't do anything to help with this. More importantly, Windows 7 and newer operating systems are already defragging your hard drive once a week AUTOMATICALLY. It's built into windows now. Actually manually defragging your hard drive is a relic from older, out of date systems and OS's.

Basically, unless you're already hitting your ram's limit, none of this advice is actually practically helpful, other than installing optifine. Besides optimizing the math in minecraft's code, optifine lets you screw with video settings to a much more detailed degree, helping you fine tune minecraft to your system's capabilities.

I don't mean to rain on your parade, but I also don't want you giving people the false hope that you're going to magically fix their fps by telling them to defrag a drive and delete some temporary files. The windows operating system has advanced beyond these gimics!


The Pika
Dec 8, 2018
allocating more ram works more smoothly in singleplayer so the mobs don't randomly lag and stuck and stuff


Rare Pika
May 18, 2020
A couple things
1) FPS is NOT how often your screen is updated! Your computer generates frames and your monitor grabs the newest one it can. The main goal regarding your fps should be to exceed the hz rating of your monitor, and since most people here need to pirate minecraft, I'm gonna assume that's the base 60hz monitor. Having 60 or more frames means your monitor always has a new frame to grab, which is what prevents your game from looking choppy. Exceeding your monitor's rating with fps just gives you newer information to use and reduces feelings of input lag.

2) The quickest way to tell if any of this is actually going to help is to use minecraft's built in f3 menu and your task manager's breakdown. On the right side of your minecraft f3 menu, it tells you how much ram is allocated, and how much you are actually using at the time. Unless you're actually approaching the limit of your ram (~500mbs or so), allocating more ram will do next to nothing to help your minecraft fps.

The task manager is helpful because it will show what part of your system is being stress (it's almost never your hard drive, and if it is, your hard drive is likely dying). CPU close to maxed out? You are reaching the limits of your processor. GPU almost maxed? You're hitting that limit. Defragging your drive won't do anything to help with this. More importantly, Windows 7 and newer operating systems are already defragging your hard drive once a week AUTOMATICALLY. It's built into windows now. Actually manually defragging your hard drive is a relic from older, out of date systems and OS's.

Basically, unless you're already hitting your ram's limit, none of this advice is actually practically helpful, other than installing optifine. Besides optimizing the math in minecraft's code, optifine lets you screw with video settings to a much more detailed degree, helping you fine tune minecraft to your system's capabilities.

I don't mean to rain on your parade, but I also don't want you giving people the false hope that you're going to magically fix their fps by telling them to defrag a drive and delete some temporary files. The windows operating system has advanced beyond these gimics!
A few things to this.

FPS is infact, how your screen is updated as it tried to exceed that numbers, and every player should try to get that number as high as possible for the best game performance. The Hz rate of your monitor is the refresh rate of the screen in general, frames do not correlate with Hz.

Defragging your system will remove ol and unwanted files, so it is useful, and it does speed up your computer, as your drive is optimized and has exceeded loading speeds. For this, defraging helps speed up your computer.

Minecraft is more of a CPU intensive game, although it does rely some on the GPU, is it more os a CPU intensive game.

Hitting your RAM limit is in no way practical or helpful as you said as it will make your computer slower, and possibly overheat which would be very pay for any person.


Legendary Pika
Feb 26, 2016
A few things to this.

FPS is infact, how your screen is updated as it tried to exceed that numbers, and every player should try to get that number as high as possible for the best game performance. The Hz rate of your monitor is the refresh rate of the screen in general, frames do not correlate with Hz.

Defragging your system will remove ol and unwanted files, so it is useful, and it does speed up your computer, as your drive is optimized and has exceeded loading speeds. For this, defraging helps speed up your computer.

Minecraft is more of a CPU intensive game, although it does rely some on the GPU, is it more os a CPU intensive game.

Hitting your RAM limit is in no way practical or helpful as you said as it will make your computer slower, and possibly overheat which would be very pay for any person.

Ok so either you didn't read my whole post, or you didn't understand it.
1) FPS is important, but it's not how your screen is primarily updated, and it is DEFINITELY related to hz and your monitor's refresh rate. You want to have your fps meet/exceed the refresh rate of your monitor so that your monitor always has a fresh, new frame to show. The reason refresh rate is related is because there's a point of diminishing returns. On a 60 hz monitor for example, hitting 300+ frames would mean although your pc has made 300, your monitor was only using 60 of them, and didn't use the other 240. The only reason this is ok is because your monitor may have had a newer more updated frame to pull from than if it was running at say, 90 fps. This is how fps and refresh rate are related. I'm not saying FPS isn't important. I was just trying to clear up a misconception you had in your original post.

2) If you read my response, it contained two things about defragging. One was that removing old files doesn't do anything for game performance other than loading times. The second was, and I'm going to put it in all caps so you read it this time, YOUR COMPUTER IS ALREADY DEFRAGGING IT'S DRIVES ONCE A WEEK IF YOU ARE ON WINDOWS 7 OR NEWER. Defragging manually is a waste of time and is going to have no impact for most people because they are already doing it.

3) You can control how GPU or CPU intense something is by changing settings. Most people here are on low end hardware and so it seems CPU intense. If you run high res texture packs and increase resolution above 1080p, you can shift the bottleneck over to the GPU because your CPU will be making less frames. Not that this is in any way important. I was just suggesting people look at their task manager so they can see evidence of what is slowing their minecraft down :)

4) I didn't disagree with your ram idea, but I also know some people are not going to benefit because they aren't near the limit. That's why I suggested looking at your f3 menu to see if you're using up most of the dedicated ram first, so you can tell if your suggestion would actually help


Rare Pika
May 18, 2020
Ok so either you didn't read my whole post, or you didn't understand it.
1) FPS is important, but it's not how your screen is primarily updated, and it is DEFINITELY related to hz and your monitor's refresh rate. You want to have your fps meet/exceed the refresh rate of your monitor so that your monitor always has a fresh, new frame to show. The reason refresh rate is related is because there's a point of diminishing returns. On a 60 hz monitor for example, hitting 300+ frames would mean although your pc has made 300, your monitor was only using 60 of them, and didn't use the other 240. The only reason this is ok is because your monitor may have had a newer more updated frame to pull from than if it was running at say, 90 fps. This is how fps and refresh rate are related. I'm not saying FPS isn't important. I was just trying to clear up a misconception you had in your original post.

2) If you read my response, it contained two things about defragging. One was that removing old files doesn't do anything for game performance other than loading times. The second was, and I'm going to put it in all caps so you read it this time, YOUR COMPUTER IS ALREADY DEFRAGGING IT'S DRIVES ONCE A WEEK IF YOU ARE ON WINDOWS 7 OR NEWER. Defragging manually is a waste of time and is going to have no impact for most people because they are already doing it.

3) You can control how GPU or CPU intense something is by changing settings. Most people here are on low end hardware and so it seems CPU intense. If you run high res texture packs and increase resolution above 1080p, you can shift the bottleneck over to the GPU because your CPU will be making less frames. Not that this is in any way important. I was just suggesting people look at their task manager so they can see evidence of what is slowing their minecraft down :)

4) I didn't disagree with your ram idea, but I also know some people are not going to benefit because they aren't near the limit. That's why I suggested looking at your f3 menu to see if you're using up most of the dedicated ram first, so you can tell if your suggestion would actually help
you may have your opinion and that is ok, screen is updated by frames and that is that. Defragging works and it is proven to. My guide is extremely helpful and correct. Thank you! :)


Legendary Pika
Feb 26, 2016
you may have your opinion and that is ok, screen is updated by frames and that is that. Defragging works and it is proven to. My guide is extremely helpful and correct. Thank you! :)

Your computer is already defragging. Do you just not read? It's not my opinion. It's facts about technology. I'm sorry you're too thick to take constructive criticism. Not surprised though from a low post guide farmer ^-^


The Pika
Sep 14, 2019
Your computer is already defragging. Do you just not read? It's not my opinion. It's facts about technology. I'm sorry you're too thick to take constructive criticism. Not surprised though from a low post guide farmer ^-^
Defragging manually is much more helpful than Windows's defrag application. Here are the reasons why:
1. Windows only cleans up files smaller than 64 MB. So if your computer is full of videos, applications, windows defragment is done-zo.
2. Many folders are skipped, such as Google Chrome's Folders and Google Drive's Folders.
3. After running Windows disk defragmenter it is not unreasonable to expect that the disk contents are defragmented. You need a third-party application that can independently check the state of the disk drive.

Man, he did take your constructive criticism, but just didn't add it to his guide. His guide is helpful enough for me & I suppose some other people too. If you have a problem with it, how bout you make a guide yourself? He spent his blood and tears in this guide, took about 1 day to release this, just to get criticized by you?? I don't even think its constructive criticism anymore.


Legendary Pika
Feb 26, 2016
Defragging manually is much more helpful than Windows's defrag application. Here are the reasons why:
1. Windows only cleans up files smaller than 64 MB. So if your computer is full of videos, applications, windows defragment is done-zo.
2. Many folders are skipped, such as Google Chrome's Folders and Google Drive's Folders.
3. After running Windows disk defragmenter it is not unreasonable to expect that the disk contents are defragmented. You need a third-party application that can independently check the state of the disk drive.

1) He's telling people to use Window's built in defragmenter, which Windows is already doing, not a third party program.
2) I can't find any sources saying Windows only defrags smaller files. Even if this were true, defragging does not help fps. Defragging only consolidates information on your hard drive. This means it's only going to effect load times and how "snappy" your system feels. Deleting your downloads folder like he said is just not helpful in any way when it comes to FPS. If he was claiming load times, or general system feel, I'd agree. Unfortunately, these don't have a measurable impact on minecraft's in game performance and telling people that it does is incredibly misleading. More so, he refuses to read comments, so at this point I'm 90% sure that he's just looking to post farm by making easy guides and "looking" helpful.

Otherwise though I totally agree with you! Running a more efficient defragging program could help a ton of people with older systems feel better running programs and just using their pc in general. While getting rid of chrome's insane clutter won't help your minecraft, it will do wonders for your system's responsiveness.