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[GUIDE] rex's Ultimate Guide to PvP

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Rare Pika
May 18, 2020
This is rex's guide to the complete concept of PvP (Player vs. Player)

This guide will cover every aspect possible of PvP for any/ all game modes. As well as factors that contribute to your skill level.

I myself was once a very high ranking leader-board player from a statistical standpoint on Badlion, VeltPvP, Arcane, and other popular practice and HCF/ PotPvP servers. I thought that my knowledge of PvP and myself becoming skilled enough to teach others, I figured it would be beneficial and extremely helpful to other players. If you think i could possible edit a few things, or add something more, please feel free to suggest them below!

This list is in no particular order in terms of difficulty.

In this guide I will cover the following:
This is commonly referred to as "CPS" which stands for clicks per second. It is an extreme factor on how high or low your skill level is, and how easy it is for you to engage in battles against other players. There are 3 main types of clicking types which I will cover next, and they all have their own CPS ranges. There are other clicking methods that people use but it is not very common as some servers deem them a bannable offense and some methods that use objects such as a toothbrush, fidget spinner, massage/ vibrator, the list is basically infinite.

Normal clicking = 5-8

Butterfly clicking = 10-13 (For most players)

Jitter clicking = 13-17
There are 3 main types of clicking our mouse while in combat, these are: Normal clicking, Butterfly clicking, and Jitter clicking. There are however, many more such as Drag clicking, Brawl clicking, Ghost clicking, etc. These more uncommon methods are most found bannable if use by players on most servers as it provides the players with a ridiculous amount of clicks, i. e. Brawl clicking has an average of 70 CPS and a highest recorded speed of 137 CPS. Let's discuss the more common clicking types.

Normal clicking - The most common method found between players and bots alike as it provides a nice CPS range for any player and is a very useful method and can accomplish much paired with other PvP strategies. This is easily performed by moving your finger up and down rapidly on the mouse button.

Butterfly clicking - Simply put, a more uncommon method because it is banned on servers such as VeltPvP and MinemenClub. It is most commonly done by alternating both index and middle finger on the mouse button in a rapid motion, allowing 1 finger to click at a time.

Jitter clicking - This clicking method is used by many YouTubers as it provides a very high CPS range, while remaining fair and inside the rule boundaries of servers. It is like it sounds, a jittering motion as most of your hand and arm make a type of twitching motion, focused towards the mouse in an extremely rapid motion. My preferred clicking method.
It is very similar as to how it sounds. This is a PvP, "addition" in my words that is another method that players often use while in a battle. It is a very swift motion that happens at the same speed at which you attack with your weapon. It is very simple as you click both mouse buttons at the same time, attacking but also blocking at the same time. This is very useful as it does reduce damage dealt from the other player, on to you but a small amount, also reducing your knockback as well which will be covered later in this thread. It is very useful in close quarter combat with little to no room for movement, additionally it is great for close up combat such as a UHC battle. This is very useful if you and your opponent have close to the same armor and/ or weapons as this method might provide you with the small advantage you need to win the fight.
Now, this is not a "skill" or method like the other things on this list. it is simply a factor in PvP which most of the time, can not be controlled legitimately. When you are attacked, the greatest blow of knockback is dealt with it lower on future attacks as long as your movement is continuous. Resetting your sprint however, is useful for dealing more knockback (W-Tapping). Methods such as block hitting can decrease knockback.

Many things greatly influence knockback, that the player most of the time can not control, some of these things are:
and Much more
This is a method mastered very easily for most people. It is most commonly used to deal more knockback. As you let go of your W key, your sprint is reset, as the game thinks the attack has finished so when you press it again, more knockback is dealt as the game believes it is the first attack. So doing this rapidly is very effective for combat modes like Sumo. This is very easy to do and becomes muscle memory for most players very early into doing it as you just adapt to doing it. The most efficient way of W-Tapping is holding your W key for the most of 1 second before letting go and pressing it again quickly.
This is not really a "method" or a type of "factor" in PvP. It is more of a thing that most players do to gain a slight advantage against their opponent. Most all players have seen other players use a fishing rod, or eggs, or some sort of projectile that dealt not necessarily damage, but knockback to another player. This was used as it was a very nice tool to have at the start of a battle. It was performed in most all UHC battles. The most common was a fishing rod as it was easy to obtain and had many uses on the durability of the item. Projectiles worked by providing a small amount of knockback to a player which slightly lifts them in the air, allowing the player to attack their opponent with a hit already being registered. This made it easier to battle other players.
This is used in nearly every type of gamemode, minigame, and PvP style there is. It is very effective and extremely useful for any/ all players. Hotkeys are keys from your keyboard that are near the W,A,S,D movement keys, such as; F, R, T, C, X, etc. These keys are close enough to the movement keys that you can quickly move to an item such as a lava buck for UHC, a poison potion for debuff, or an ender pearl for clutching. This is used in place of scrolling through your hotbar to find the right item and is very ineffective and slow to the player as you could be in the middle of a battle, it is much more efficient to hotkey the item and back to your weapon than to scroll back and forth.
This is a method not many people use anymore and was mostly known back in the old HCF/ PotPvP servers as it was the complete opposite of W-Tapping, as it was meant to deal more knockback. S-Tapping however, is meant to deal less knock back and deal more hits for greater damage and combos on your opponent. It was very useful for PotPvP because it was used to keep your opponent close enough to you to hit them, but just far enough that when you splashed a healing potion, they would not receive any of it. A more "old-school trick" in my opinion but some people still may use it to this day
By far the most important thing in any type of PvP gamemode or situation, is how you aim at your opponent. The most effective way to increase hitting distance and skill is to look at the opponents feet because basic physics and extensive testing by other players long ago showed that your reach slightly increases the more you look down at a player, but only on level ground. This changes when you are beneath another player where it can be such a dramatic height distance that allows you to hit them but they can not attack you back. It is so essential and critical to PvP that most players will practice this for hours at a time because it is the top factor that bases your skill level.
Now, by far the most fun and effective "addition" to PvP is strafing which is movement on the x-axis, side-to-side, while combining vertical movement as well (W-Tapping). When engaging in a battle, it is best to hold down either A or D keys, depending on what terrain to your left or right is best. If you are on level ground, this is not a factor. This will most likely lead to several hits at a time to your opponent, and when they begin to attack you it’s best to use the other key to loop around them the other way. When doing this keep your mouse on your opponent at all times, making a spinning or circular motion around him with your player. If you look at it from above, your player would be making a complete circle theoretically, while your opponent stays in the middle.
As discussed before, sprinting is a huge factor in PvP. It is the reason that ToggleSprint was invented in the first place, to give the player the extra space for hotkeying. It affects the rate at which the player is able to attack, as it may cause the player to be too far forward allowing the opponent to easily attack them or the player could be too slow by either potion or not sprinting that allows the opponent to take advantage of it, and attack the player easier as they are less of a moving target. The main reason for speed in combat, is for the rate at which you can strafe allowing you to move around your opponent so they are less likely to hit you, thus giving you an advantage over them.

Speed is a great factor in combat, this includes:
Swiftness/ Speed Effect
Slowness Effect


Staff Member
Sr Mod
Mar 18, 2020
This is rex's guide to the complete concept of PvP (Player vs. Player)

This guide will cover every aspect possible of PvP for any/ all game modes. As well as factors that contribute to your skill level.

I myself was once a very high ranking leader-board player from a statistical standpoint on Badlion, VeltPvP, Arcane, and other popular practice and HCF/ PotPvP servers. I thought that my knowledge of PvP and myself becoming skilled enough to teach others, I figured it would be beneficial and extremely helpful to other players. If you think i could possible edit a few things, or add something more, please feel free to suggest them below!

This list is in no particular order in terms of difficulty.

In this guide I will cover the following:
This is commonly referred to as "CPS" which stands for clicks per second. It is an extreme factor on how high or low your skill level is, and how easy it is for you to engage in battles against other players. There are 3 main types of clicking types which I will cover next, and they all have their own CPS ranges. There are other clicking methods that people use but it is not very common as some servers deem them a bannable offense and some methods that use objects such as a toothbrush, fidget spinner, massage/ vibrator, the list is basically infinite.

Normal clicking = 5-8

Butterfly clicking = 10-13 (For most players)

Jitter clicking = 13-17
There are 3 main types of clicking our mouse while in combat, these are: Normal clicking, Butterfly clicking, and Jitter clicking. There are however, many more such as Drag clicking, Brawl clicking, Ghost clicking, etc. These more uncommon methods are most found bannable if use by players on most servers as it provides the players with a ridiculous amount of clicks, i. e. Brawl clicking has an average of 70 CPS and a highest recorded speed of 137 CPS. Let's discuss the more common clicking types.

Normal clicking - The most common method found between players and bots alike as it provides a nice CPS range for any player and is a very useful method and can accomplish much paired with other PvP strategies. This is easily performed by moving your finger up and down rapidly on the mouse button.

Butterfly clicking - Simply put, a more uncommon method because it is banned on servers such as VeltPvP and MinemenClub. It is most commonly done by alternating both index and middle finger on the mouse button in a rapid motion, allowing 1 finger to click at a time.

Jitter clicking - This clicking method is used by many YouTubers as it provides a very high CPS range, while remaining fair and inside the rule boundaries of servers. It is like it sounds, a jittering motion as most of your hand and arm make a type of twitching motion, focused towards the mouse in an extremely rapid motion. My preferred clicking method.
It is very similar as to how it sounds. This is a PvP, "addition" in my words that is another method that players often use while in a battle. It is a very swift motion that happens at the same speed at which you attack with your weapon. It is very simple as you click both mouse buttons at the same time, attacking but also blocking at the same time. This is very useful as it does reduce damage dealt from the other player, on to you but a small amount, also reducing your knockback as well which will be covered later in this thread. It is very useful in close quarter combat with little to no room for movement, additionally it is great for close up combat such as a UHC battle. This is very useful if you and your opponent have close to the same armor and/ or weapons as this method might provide you with the small advantage you need to win the fight.
Now, this is not a "skill" or method like the other things on this list. it is simply a factor in PvP which most of the time, can not be controlled legitimately. When you are attacked, the greatest blow of knockback is dealt with it lower on future attacks as long as your movement is continuous. Resetting your sprint however, is useful for dealing more knockback (W-Tapping). Methods such as block hitting can decrease knockback.

Many things greatly influence knockback, that the player most of the time can not control, some of these things are:
and Much more
This is a method mastered very easily for most people. It is most commonly used to deal more knockback. As you let go of your W key, your sprint is reset, as the game thinks the attack has finished so when you press it again, more knockback is dealt as the game believes it is the first attack. So doing this rapidly is very effective for combat modes like Sumo. This is very easy to do and becomes muscle memory for most players very early into doing it as you just adapt to doing it. The most efficient way of W-Tapping is holding your W key for the most of 1 second before letting go and pressing it again quickly.
This is not really a "method" or a type of "factor" in PvP. It is more of a thing that most players do to gain a slight advantage against their opponent. Most all players have seen other players use a fishing rod, or eggs, or some sort of projectile that dealt not necessarily damage, but knockback to another player. This was used as it was a very nice tool to have at the start of a battle. It was performed in most all UHC battles. The most common was a fishing rod as it was easy to obtain and had many uses on the durability of the item. Projectiles worked by providing a small amount of knockback to a player which slightly lifts them in the air, allowing the player to attack their opponent with a hit already being registered. This made it easier to battle other players.
This is used in nearly every type of gamemode, minigame, and PvP style there is. It is very effective and extremely useful for any/ all players. Hotkeys are keys from your keyboard that are near the W,A,S,D movement keys, such as; F, R, T, C, X, etc. These keys are close enough to the movement keys that you can quickly move to an item such as a lava buck for UHC, a poison potion for debuff, or an ender pearl for clutching. This is used in place of scrolling through your hotbar to find the right item and is very ineffective and slow to the player as you could be in the middle of a battle, it is much more efficient to hotkey the item and back to your weapon than to scroll back and forth.
This is a method not many people use anymore and was mostly known back in the old HCF/ PotPvP servers as it was the complete opposite of W-Tapping, as it was meant to deal more knockback. S-Tapping however, is meant to deal less knock back and deal more hits for greater damage and combos on your opponent. It was very useful for PotPvP because it was used to keep your opponent close enough to you to hit them, but just far enough that when you splashed a healing potion, they would not receive any of it. A more "old-school trick" in my opinion but some people still may use it to this day
By far the most important thing in any type of PvP gamemode or situation, is how you aim at your opponent. The most effective way to increase hitting distance and skill is to look at the opponents feet because basic physics and extensive testing by other players long ago showed that your reach slightly increases the more you look down at a player, but only on level ground. This changes when you are beneath another player where it can be such a dramatic height distance that allows you to hit them but they can not attack you back. It is so essential and critical to PvP that most players will practice this for hours at a time because it is the top factor that bases your skill level.
Now, by far the most fun and effective "addition" to PvP is strafing which is movement on the x-axis, side-to-side, while combining vertical movement as well (W-Tapping). When engaging in a battle, it is best to hold down either A or D keys, depending on what terrain to your left or right is best. If you are on level ground, this is not a factor. This will most likely lead to several hits at a time to your opponent, and when they begin to attack you it’s best to use the other key to loop around them the other way. When doing this keep your mouse on your opponent at all times, making a spinning or circular motion around him with your player. If you look at it from above, your player would be making a complete circle theoretically, while your opponent stays in the middle.
As discussed before, sprinting is a huge factor in PvP. It is the reason that ToggleSprint was invented in the first place, to give the player the extra space for hotkeying. It affects the rate at which the player is able to attack, as it may cause the player to be too far forward allowing the opponent to easily attack them or the player could be too slow by either potion or not sprinting that allows the opponent to take advantage of it, and attack the player easier as they are less of a moving target. The main reason for speed in combat, is for the rate at which you can strafe allowing you to move around your opponent so they are less likely to hit you, thus giving you an advantage over them.

Speed is a great factor in combat, this includes:
Swiftness/ Speed Effect
Slowness Effect
good content


Epic Pika
Jul 18, 2019
I mean it's good but it is too complicated, you can teach people to pvp with only one sentence and then make them practice. That is how I taught most of my friends.


Rare Pika
May 18, 2020
I mean it's good but it is too complicated, you can teach people to pvp with only one sentence and then make them practice. That is how I taught most of my friends.
this is all the practice into one thread, reading it thoroughly shows that it is not complicated at all and very simple


Epic Pika
Jul 18, 2019
this is all the practice into one thread, reading it thoroughly shows that it is not complicated at all and very simple
yea but for MINECRAFT pvp it is pretty complicated because all you need to do to get good is to block hit, strafe and not be dumb. that is actually all


Rare Pika
May 18, 2020
yea but for MINECRAFT pvp it is pretty complicated because all you need to do to get good is to block hit, strafe and not be dumb. that is actually all
that is what's explained in the guide


The Pika
Sep 14, 2019
how much time u spent on this thread?
Btw wana collab and make a guild together?


The Pika
May 16, 2019
I thik you switched the cps's for butterfly and jitter clicking, but great guide overall.