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Denied Minigames HCF or Hardcore Factions

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Mar 30, 2022

HCF or Hardcore Factions​

Detailed description:
HCF stands for Hardcore Factions.

Before me a player had suggested this and owner himself (Max I think) Told that if he gets a detailed answer he might add it so here is my go)

Economy, Claims - In HCF there are only few ways of gaining money it’s by selling Ore Blocks. Like 16 Diamond Blocks give you 700$ 16 Gold Blocks Give You 500$ 16 Lapis Redstone block give you 100$ Emerald Blocke Give 600$. Claiming is done per blocks 10$ In form of a Square.This base if preferably made out of glass as people can see how many people are outside your base trying to eun

Nether And End - You Have Custom Places Like Glowstone Valley, Gunpowder Mountain and Blazes Ware House, Nether Melons For Gunpowder, Glowstone Blaze Rods, Netherwart, Melons Which Is Needed For Pots. (You Can’t Make Regen and Strenght Pots). In End You have Enderman Spawners for Ender pearls. PVP is enabled in both the dimension. These Can Be Sold For 100$ Per 16

DTR or Death Till Raidable - Meaning If You are 1 man faction you have 2 Deaths Till Raidable. 2 Man Have 3 Deaths Till Raidable. 3 Mans Have 5 Deaths Till Raidable. 4 Mans have 6 DTR. 5 Mans Have 6 DTR and 6 Mans Have 8 DTR. Alting is not allowed. After a death it takes you 1 hour in death arena to come back to life. After Every Half an Hour Online You regen Your DTR. If you hit 0 DTR then your base is Raidable and people can access your stuff. People use this high risk high reward to trap people who want to run in their base but if they die their stuff is accessible.

Partner Item and Ranks (Cash For Pika) - Since Trappers are at a huge advantage as they can access pots and trap you we have partner items. These help you kill your opponents quickly. These Will be named after Mod YouTuber Owner Or Admin who play this game. like Max’s Diamond Stone - Which makes it so that trapper can place it break blocks in his claim (5 secs) Also Gives You Strenght 2 and Speed 3 For 5 Seconds.(Egg) Pikachu’s Ball Of Rage. Withers Your Opponent and Gives You Strenght 2 and Resistance 2 For 7 Seconds. Anti Trap Rod - Makes it so that trapper can’t place or break blocks for 10 Secs (Blaze Rods) . (Wither Star) Sneaky Escape - Tps you to player who hit you the last.( Really Rare From Crates). (Purple Dye) Bloodlust gives you Strenght 2 and Restance 3, regen 3 for 6 Seconds. (Cookie) Deaths Door - Gives You Regen 5 and Resistance 2 for 4 Secs. (Will Tell more if added). Ranks Give You Partner Keys And spawn with Proc 2 and Sharp 2 With full inv of pots. They Also get partner keys which give them partner packages which have a random chance of giving 4 Unique Partner Items of 1 - 4 Quantity. 1st Rank Has 2. 2nd Has 4 3rd has 8 4th has 12. Keys Can Be Also Bought for 5 Dollars on the stone

Classes and Enchants - Bard Class (Gold Armour) Gives Your Team Regen Strenght By Typing in chat or clicking a object. Has Power so can’t spam Has Speed 2 if maxed out armour. Archer Class - (Leather Armour) Bow Which Removes Opponents Effects (Only 2 Shots) Perm Speed 2 If Maxed out armour . Assassin Class (Chainmail Armour) Has gold swords which deal .5 Heart of true damage (Breaks After Hit) Has perm speed 3 if maxed out armour . Diamond Class (Dia Armour) Speed 2 If maxed our armour.

Can Make Sharp 1 And Proc 1 For F2P people. P2W people with ranks have access to partner keys and sharp 2 Proc 2. You get key if you win koth and have small chance to get p3 and S3( Each Piece in 1 key).

Roads - Places Where You can walk to find bases. Bases are preffered to be placed on side of roads going north east west south as they will be easier to find

To go Easy on F2P players make it so we can fish for crate keys and have chance to get partner key like 1/500. Disable AutoFishers​

Many People Like me who want to play this have no place to go and play. Also Please Pur Your Base Coords If You are advertising please put your coords or road you are near to make it easier to locate you.

Watch Meezoid, Dylan, HateFoo Vids To see how to play. Want Owner To answer to my thread as I’ve wasted 4 Hours of my life trying to type this so that people comprehend​



The Pika
Apr 10, 2020
as much as i would like hcf to be added to pika its probably not going to be added due to many reasons.
this was a very detailed suggestion so i applaud you on that


Discord Developer
Oct 9, 2019
Hello Scifiy,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • Not going to happen.
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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