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Great Reporter
Jul 1, 2019
I'm on phone right now but you can expect a whole essay when I get on my pc


The Pika
Mar 6, 2021
Life is meaningless, in a general sense.


We are just some electricity flashing through billions of neurons, nothing more than that, all your senses, memories, feelings, qualia et cetera are happening in your brain and nowhere else, everything you know that exists, only exists in your mind

Think about this, How do you see? eyes obviously right? but.. your eyes is just a tool, photons come and the cone receptors pick up those wavelengths etcetc, but WHERE do you see it? like obviously you are seeing this, but where? where in your brain are all the things you see, is there like a cinema in ur brain or something (spoiler: no there isn't a cinema in your brain, just trying to explain my point). Brain is weird,

Also what about color? spoiler: colors don't exist physically, they aren't "colors"

they are wavelengths, it's our brain that processes those wavelengths and makes us differentiate between objects and shades, if there weren't out brains, "color" wouldn't exist, you can't possibly look at an atom and go "oooh this is orange"
no it just scatters a different wavelength of photons.

for instance these are called qualia, pretty much all of your experiences.

What's even weider is how all of our memory is stored, they say that it's the arrangement of the neurons, which... makes sense, it's more efficient than storing them as 1s and 0s
just take a moment to appreciate how your brain takes all the wavelengths and sounds and smells and touch and even your emotions, and somehow arranges the neurons to make a memory, it's just fascinating

anyway, after a small existential crisis, let's get back to your question.


Life is mostly subjective.
For someone, life might be a playground of God where he busts his ego by threatening people with eternal hell if they don't worship him (theism)

or it might be meaningless in every way, where you exist just to exist and do what you feel like to do
in other words,

There are plenty of other but yes, everyone's interpretation of life might be different, but this doesn't change that;

One objective definition of life might be Your brain is what Life is, Everything you do, everything you live for, are inside of your brain.
I don't see a reason to not classify this meat bag full of spaghetti neurons "life". Its literally where we live.

Obviously this might confuse people, because hell yea we live in the universe not on our brains right?
at that point you need to ask yourself, what am "I"

Not as an object but as a concept, am I my memories? am I my senses? am I my brain?
for instance, what I meant with "we" here;

I classified "we" as our memories, our consciousness etc. That why I said we live in our brains and nowhere else. Body and the mind are truly different, you could still be you without a body, not vice versa.

Well, I pretty much answered it above, but to repeat, "you" wouldn't exist without your brain.
Your body can easily exist without "you".

Brain in a jar theory, also know as Brain in a Vat.
This theory, to simplify massively, is basically that there might be a brain in a jar, that's stimulated by electrodes connected to the brain, this brain has no body or anything he can sense things with, it's just a meaty spaghetti of neurons, but guess what? since it's constantly getting stimulated with electric signals from the outside, it still "senses" (or at least the brain thinks he does)
Similar to how we do, except the signal isn't coming from our ear or eyes or whatever, its coming from an electrode.

This brain has consciousness, similar to how we do, it has senses, it thinks that he lives in a real world with other real people, he has a job and kids and stuff
But well, none of those are real, his life is literally, literally a lie. His life is just about electric stimulation, that he isn't even aware of, he thinks he lives a normal life, but in reality, He's just a brain, in a jar.

Wikipedia page if anyone wants https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_in_a_vat

No it doesn't have an "objective" meaning.

biologically speaking, your purpose on earth is to do "stuff" 😉 with other humans and make even more humans. Biologically, this is the meaning of life.

This is probably the most objective it gets, but subjectively, your life can have whatever meaning YOU want (unless you let others rule over you)

Do whatever you want, go to college or be a teacher or travel the world or whatever, don't do things if you don't want, it's up to you, you'll die eventually so why not do everything you want to?
Now people will say "but you need to work aaaa or else you'll dieeee not everything revolves around you u! not everything you want happenssss u selfish poop"

And you know what, as long as you're not scared of death and don't have unreasonable goals, doing whatever you want is ideal. And sure definitely not everything you want will happen. just have reasonable goals that'll make you happy and go after them

steal a bank or smth idk

If you want to live? go work yeah sure,
or alternatively live just like you want till you run out of money and die.

My will, my goals, my world, revolves around me.
Your will, your goals, your world, revolves around you.

It's totally up to you what you'll do with it

(my observations, I'm sorry if you get offended) Long story short, no it doesn't.
As I said we are just a brain and even our free will can be controlled by drugs or electricity, we can even be easily manipulated by other people.
There have been experiments that have shown that our subconscious mind ALREADY knows what we will do. BEFORE "WE" KNOW THAT WE WILL DO IT.

To summarize the experiment, they hook up some electrodes to the guy, and they measure how his brain responds to clicking a button on a box. After they gather enough information they start the test.
The game is simple, you have to press the button BEFORE it lights up. Seems easy right?
But, just BEFORE he realizes that he will press the button, the light comes up.

Another argument against free will is scientific determinism. Basically, physics.
If you know where and what momentum a particle has, you can calculate its momentum and position in any other time you want.

Your brain works like this (roughly, I'll get into it in a second) electricity comes, and it goes. ta da! everything is preprogrammed since the start of the universe, so is your brain.

Now, some people will say "but what about quantuuummm"
And they are absolutely proving my point a second time, as you all know, quantum physics is about randomness and probabilities

now tell me how tf are you controlling your will if they are all fundamentally random


Life is objectively, about making more babies.
Subjectively, about being happy.

anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk this took me like 40 minutes
It's soo long I'm not gonna read it


The Pika
Nov 19, 2020
Life is meaningless, in a general sense.


We are just some electricity flashing through billions of neurons, nothing more than that, all your senses, memories, feelings, qualia et cetera are happening in your brain and nowhere else, everything you know that exists, only exists in your mind

Think about this, How do you see? eyes obviously right? but.. your eyes is just a tool, photons come and the cone receptors pick up those wavelengths etcetc, but WHERE do you see it? like obviously you are seeing this, but where? where in your brain are all the things you see, is there like a cinema in ur brain or something (spoiler: no there isn't a cinema in your brain, just trying tbraino explain my point
What's even weider is how all of our memory is stored, they say that it's the arrangement of the neurons, which... makes sense, it's more efficient than storin
). Brain is weird,

Also what about color? spoiler: colors don't exist physic
no it just scatters a different wavelength of photons.

for instance these are called qualia, pretty much all of your experiences.

just take a moment to appreciate how your takes all the wavelengths and sounds and smells and touch and even your emotions, and somehow arranges the neurons to make a memory, it's just fascinating

anyway, after a small existential crisis, let's get back to your question.


Life is mostly subjective.
For someone, life might be a playground of God where he busts his ego by threatening people with eternal hell if they don't worship him (theism)

or it might be meaningless in every way, where you exist just to exist and do what you feel like to do
in other words,

There are plenty of other but yes, everyone's interpretation of life might be different, but this doesn't change that;

One objective definition of life might be Your brain is what Life is, Everything you do, everything you live for, are inside of your brain.
I don't see a reason to not classify this meat bag full of spaghetti neurons "life". Its literally where we live.

Obviously this might confuse people, because hell yea we live in the universe not on our brains right?
at that point you need to ask yourself, what am "I"

Not as an object but as a concept, am I my memories? am I my senses? am I my brain?
for instance, what I meant with "we" here;

I classified "we" as our memories, our consciousness etc. That why I said we live in our brains and nowhere else. Body and the mind are truly different, you could still be you without a body, not vice versa.

Well, I pretty much answered it above, but to repeat, "you" wouldn't exist without your brain.
Your body can easily exist without "you".

Brain in a jar theory, also know as Brain in a Vat.
This theory, to simplify massively, is basically that there might be a brain in a jar, that's stimulated by electrodes connected to the brain, this brain has no body or anything he can sense things with, it's just a meaty spaghetti of neurons, but guess what? since it's constantly getting stimulated with electric signals from the outside, it still "senses" (or at least the brain thinks he does)
Similar to how we do, except the signal isn't coming from our ear or eyes or whatever, its coming from an electrode.

This brain has consciousness, similar to how we do, it has senses, it thinks that he lives in a real world with other real people, he has a job and kids and stuff
But well, none of those are real, his life is literally, literally a lie. His life is just about electric stimulation, that he isn't even aware of, he thinks he lives a normal life, but in reality, He's just a brain, in a jar.

Wikipedia page if anyone wants https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_in_a_vat

No it doesn't have an "objective" meaning.

biologically speaking, your purpose on earth is to do "stuff" 😉 with other humans and make even more humans. Biologically, this is the meaning of life.

This is probably the most objective it gets, but subjectively, your life can have whatever meaning YOU want (unless you let others rule over you)

Do whatever you want, go to college or be a teacher or travel the world or whatever, don't do things if you don't want, it's up to you, you'll die eventually so why not do everything you want to?
Now people will say "but you need to work aaaa or else you'll dieeee not everything revolves around you u! not everything you want happenssss u selfish poop"

And you know what, as long as you're not scared of death and don't have unreasonable goals, doing whatever you want is ideal. And sure definitely not everything you want will happen. just have reasonable goals that'll make you happy and go after them

steal a bank or smth idk

If you want to live? go work yeah sure,
or alternatively live just like you want till you run out of money and die.

My will, my goals, my world, revolves around me.
Your will, your goals, your world, revolves around you.

It's totally up to you what you'll do with it

(my observations, I'm sorry if you get offended) Long story short, no it doesn't.
As I said we are just a brain and even our free will can be controlled by drugs or electricity, we can even be easily manipulated by other people.
There have been experiments that have shown that our subconscious mind ALREADY knows what we will do. BEFORE "WE" KNOW THAT WE WILL DO IT.

To summarize the experiment, they hook up some electrodes to the guy, and they measure how his brain responds to clicking a button on a box. After they gather enough information they start the test.
The game is simple, you have to press the button BEFORE it lights up. Seems easy right?
But, just BEFORE he realizes that he will press the button, the light comes up.

Another argument against free will is scientific determinism. Basically, physics.
If you know where and what momentum a particle has, you can calculate its momentum and position in any other time you want.

Your brain works like this (roughly, I'll get into it in a second) electricity comes, and it goes. ta da! everything is preprogrammed since the start of the universe, so is your brain.

Now, some people will say "but what about quantuuummm"
And they are absolutely proving my point a second time, as you all know, quantum physics is about randomness and probabilities

now tell me how tf are you controlling your will if they are all fundamentally random


Life is objectively, about making more babies.
Subjectively, about being happy.

anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk this took me like 40 minutes
Brooo i cant read everything but cool


Great Reporter
Jul 1, 2019
I wish this thread was serious and not just some potato



Legendary Pika
Apr 27, 2021
Life is meaningless, in a general sense.


We are just some electricity flashing through billions of neurons, nothing more than that, all your senses, memories, feelings, qualia et cetera are happening in your brain and nowhere else, everything you know that exists, only exists in your mind

Think about this, How do you see? eyes obviously right? but.. your eyes is just a tool, photons come and the cone receptors pick up those wavelengths etcetc, but WHERE do you see it? like obviously you are seeing this, but where? where in your brain are all the things you see, is there like a cinema in ur brain or something (spoiler: no there isn't a cinema in your brain, just trying to explain my point). Brain is weird,

Also what about color? spoiler: colors don't exist physically, they aren't "colors"

they are wavelengths, it's our brain that processes those wavelengths and makes us differentiate between objects and shades, if there weren't out brains, "color" wouldn't exist, you can't possibly look at an atom and go "oooh this is orange"
no it just scatters a different wavelength of photons.

for instance these are called qualia, pretty much all of your experiences.

What's even weider is how all of our memory is stored, they say that it's the arrangement of the neurons, which... makes sense, it's more efficient than storing them as 1s and 0s
just take a moment to appreciate how your brain takes all the wavelengths and sounds and smells and touch and even your emotions, and somehow arranges the neurons to make a memory, it's just fascinating

anyway, after a small existential crisis, let's get back to your question.


Life is mostly subjective.
For someone, life might be a playground of God where he busts his ego by threatening people with eternal hell if they don't worship him (theism)

or it might be meaningless in every way, where you exist just to exist and do what you feel like to do
in other words,

There are plenty of other but yes, everyone's interpretation of life might be different, but this doesn't change that;

One objective definition of life might be Your brain is what Life is, Everything you do, everything you live for, are inside of your brain.
I don't see a reason to not classify this meat bag full of spaghetti neurons "life". Its literally where we live.

Obviously this might confuse people, because hell yea we live in the universe not on our brains right?
at that point you need to ask yourself, what am "I"

Not as an object but as a concept, am I my memories? am I my senses? am I my brain?
for instance, what I meant with "we" here;

I classified "we" as our memories, our consciousness etc. That why I said we live in our brains and nowhere else. Body and the mind are truly different, you could still be you without a body, not vice versa.

Well, I pretty much answered it above, but to repeat, "you" wouldn't exist without your brain.
Your body can easily exist without "you".

Brain in a jar theory, also know as Brain in a Vat.
This theory, to simplify massively, is basically that there might be a brain in a jar, that's stimulated by electrodes connected to the brain, this brain has no body or anything he can sense things with, it's just a meaty spaghetti of neurons, but guess what? since it's constantly getting stimulated with electric signals from the outside, it still "senses" (or at least the brain thinks he does)
Similar to how we do, except the signal isn't coming from our ear or eyes or whatever, its coming from an electrode.

This brain has consciousness, similar to how we do, it has senses, it thinks that he lives in a real world with other real people, he has a job and kids and stuff
But well, none of those are real, his life is literally, literally a lie. His life is just about electric stimulation, that he isn't even aware of, he thinks he lives a normal life, but in reality, He's just a brain, in a jar.

Wikipedia page if anyone wants https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_in_a_vat

No it doesn't have an "objective" meaning.

biologically speaking, your purpose on earth is to do "stuff" 😉 with other humans and make even more humans. Biologically, this is the meaning of life.

This is probably the most objective it gets, but subjectively, your life can have whatever meaning YOU want (unless you let others rule over you)

Do whatever you want, go to college or be a teacher or travel the world or whatever, don't do things if you don't want, it's up to you, you'll die eventually so why not do everything you want to?
Now people will say "but you need to work aaaa or else you'll dieeee not everything revolves around you u! not everything you want happenssss u selfish poop"

And you know what, as long as you're not scared of death and don't have unreasonable goals, doing whatever you want is ideal. And sure definitely not everything you want will happen. just have reasonable goals that'll make you happy and go after them

steal a bank or smth idk

If you want to live? go work yeah sure,
or alternatively live just like you want till you run out of money and die.

My will, my goals, my world, revolves around me.
Your will, your goals, your world, revolves around you.

It's totally up to you what you'll do with it

(my observations, I'm sorry if you get offended) Long story short, no it doesn't.
As I said we are just a brain and even our free will can be controlled by drugs or electricity, we can even be easily manipulated by other people.
There have been experiments that have shown that our subconscious mind ALREADY knows what we will do. BEFORE "WE" KNOW THAT WE WILL DO IT.

To summarize the experiment, they hook up some electrodes to the guy, and they measure how his brain responds to clicking a button on a box. After they gather enough information they start the test.
The game is simple, you have to press the button BEFORE it lights up. Seems easy right?
But, just BEFORE he realizes that he will press the button, the light comes up.

Another argument against free will is scientific determinism. Basically, physics.
If you know where and what momentum a particle has, you can calculate its momentum and position in any other time you want.

Your brain works like this (roughly, I'll get into it in a second) electricity comes, and it goes. ta da! everything is preprogrammed since the start of the universe, so is your brain.

Now, some people will say "but what about quantuuummm"
And they are absolutely proving my point a second time, as you all know, quantum physics is about randomness and probabilities

now tell me how tf are you controlling your will if they are all fundamentally random


Life is objectively, about making more babies.
Subjectively, about being happy.

anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk this took me like 40 minutes
pffffff pathetic length. If I really wanted to I could type in a 1000+ word essay with given evidence.


Great Reporter
Jul 1, 2019
pffffff pathetic length. If I really wanted to I could type in a 1000+ word essay with given evidence.
I've written longer things... this is like the quarter of the longest thing I've written here

I deleted that thread like a year ago sooo yes it was about beliefs and religion and stuff
I've no idea why posted on a block game forum tho I was bored


Legendary Pika
Apr 27, 2021
I've written longer things... this is like the quarter of the longest thing I've written here

I deleted that thread like a year ago sooo yes it was about beliefs and religion and stuff
I've no idea why posted on a block game forum tho I was bored
yeah right. I still can write more.