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I got banned and accused


Aug 2, 2020
Hi pika.network admins i tazerrdanial was banned by axteroid his/her reason was :kill aura.
Which i wasnt doing i was just playing basic skywars with my friend h2ofloat and that 1 round i was killing three people in a row and after the third kill i got banned because axteroid suspected that i was hacking. I mean like look at my stats does it look LIKE IM A HACKER I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO INSTALL HACK CLIENTS IM JUST 13 PLEASE HELP ME I JUDT WANNA PLAY MINECRAFT WITH MY FRIENDS WHY YOU GOTTA DOE LIKE THIS AXTEROID WHYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!????? if you want proof i was banned go to the banned list and search my name "tazerrdanial" please read this im just 13 why you gitta to do me dirty like this. Please.
You know , this forum section is not for that , https://pika-network.net/forums/ban-mute-appeals.149/ :D