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Accepted Improvements

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Pika Lover
May 26, 2016
Minecraft Username


Detailed description:
FIrst of all i've got a couple of new additions to the game which i will note down here below, I'll try to go in depth as much as possible so everyone can understand the ideas i have.

Addition to the game:

Harvester hoes, when you farm sugarcane the sugarcane will go in your inventory automatically.

Mob hoppers, works the same as crop hoppers only they do not pick up the crops but the loot mobs give when they die.

F tnt bank, I know there is an F tnt bank already but it can only hold 500k TNT, make it so it can hold infinite ammounts of TNT since most cannons need alot more TNT then 500k and it's just a pain to refill the storage with another 500k after it's empty again

Sand bots, whenever you're raiding it's extremely annoying to print back the sand after it's empty, these sand bots will place the sand for you so you can continue shooting.

FPS mode, so basically what an FPS mode does is it removes the visibility of TNT or activated redstone, this makes it so the player that has a large cannon wont lagg out and can just raid in peace.

Gennable dispensers, due to the anti-cheat it's extremely annoying to print in dispensers, this can either be solved by using a different anti-cheat plug-in or add gennable dispensers.

Sellwands, i know we already got sellwands, although they have charges. Make it so they're unlimited for the same price in the buycraft.

F tntfill, all im asking for this is that you increase the radius to 40 since most cannons are too big for a 20 block radius and it will leave empty dispensers whilst filling up the cannon.

TNT wand, use the wand on the chest that has TNT stored in them and it will automatically store it in your f tnt bank.

Obsidian breaker, obsidian breaker is a enchant you can putt on your pickaxe so you can instantly break obsidian which is very helpfull since you use obsidian to patch your base when u get raided.

Cannoning rules, right now there aren't any cannoning rules, i would like to see them added. If you're interested in the rules I have a spreadsheet with all the rules on it which I can send.

Factions rules, same as the cannoning rules, i've got a spreadsheet of factions rules aswell. The only rules factions has right now are chat rules and do not hack nothing else. Just a pure chaos when everything base wise/raiding wise is allowed.

Mining spawners, make the mining of spawners either cost a lot of money or completely illegal, nothing is more frustrating then being a couple walls of a base and the faction finds out you're raiding them and do not even bother to stop the raid and instantly mine down their spawners.

Power per player, increase the power each player has to 100 so smaller factions can make a decently sized base aswell.

Warp, add a warp that holds spawners that you can farm for really good loot, also make it so you can't acces any commands in there only /spawn so it's appealing for pvpers to go there since you cannot store away the loot in your pv's.

Staff, hire staff that are more experienced in factions, the current staff team is laughable and have no clue what they're doing, excluding some staff members ofcourse.

Events, add ingame events such as a PVP event, or a raiding event. Even a base event would do to see who has the nicest base on the inside/outside.

Printer mode, add /printer mode, it makes it easier to print in your builds since you'll be in GMC and will get charged for every block you place.

That's all that i have for now, more coming soon.


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Pika Lover
Jan 8, 2019
+1 Best suggestions so far. Theese can really improve the experience on OpFactions.


The Pika
Dec 23, 2016
some nice suggestions. some crap suggestions. and most importantly, not exactly friendly towards staff of this server. Where you are also suggesting in-siding to be made bannable.... which it already is. So you saying staff does not know what they doing, you also appear have no clue what you talking about, at least not rule wise. Taking a look at your punishment list explains that..... So i do not understand why you want more rules... you don't care about them.

Basically you want op factions to be more easier. Mob drop hoppers , we already have. Hoes.... nobody uses, it's op factions. nobody farms here. Insiding already is bannable. Unlimited sell wands will mess up the econonmy, cannona that require more then 500 K tnt..... i never heard anybody complaining bout that. TNT wand ? it's exactly ONE command to transfer tnt to your tnt bank..... what you need the wand for ? Printer, already is allowed, but GMC is used too ez to dupe and will doubtfully return. i'll give it + 1/2.


Pika Lover
May 26, 2016
@Old_P Thanks for replying, the thing is. once you fill up your cannon with 500k shots you need to fill your bank again and that takes atleast 10mins, why not make it unlimited. And no, I didn't know insiding was bannable already my bad, although you might've misread some of my suggestions since a harvester hoe collect the sugarcane into your inventory, makes it easier to make your starting cash at the beginning of the map.
And again a TNT wand can deposit all the TNT from a chest into your bank automaticcaly without having to open the chest which saves alot of time.
/printer mode let's you go into GMC so you can print easier, it will charge you for every block you print in so you can't dupe.
And the server does need proper base/cannoning rules because as of right now you can just make a base with unlimited walls on it.
And no I do not want to make opfacs easier since it already is, I want to make it more convenient, a bit more professional compared to other servers out there.
And about the staff in my honest opinion do not have a clue what they're doing factions wise, only some do. Most of them are specialized in other game modes such as skyblock, aint trying to roast anyone here just giving my honest opinion.


Jun 10, 2019
I agree with most things on this list (Insiding is already bannable, you can edit that out)
Also i think that they should change the genbuckets plugin , and make it so you can buy "Vertical Obsidian Genbucket" for 0$ and then you get charged every time you gen , that way its more clean.. you can put more things in your inventory , right now when im making a base its entire inventory filled with genbuckets and a pickaxe , if someone jumps me while i gen i have no way of defending myself.Sure i could have couple of armor sets and swords in inventory , but that would make me have to buy genbuckets every 2 minutes from shop again.Also making Genbuckets stop at y255 would be nice too.


The Pika
Dec 23, 2016
@Old_P Thanks for replying, the thing is. once you fill up your cannon with 500k shots you need to fill your bank again and that takes atleast 10mins, why not make it unlimited. And no, I didn't know insiding was bannable already my bad, although you might've misread some of my suggestions since a harvester hoe collect the sugarcane into your inventory, makes it easier to make your starting cash at the beginning of the map.
And again a TNT wand can deposit all the TNT from a chest into your bank automaticcaly without having to open the chest which saves alot of time.
/printer mode let's you go into GMC so you can print easier, o iwill charge you for every block you print in so you can't dupe.
And the server does need proper base/cannoning rules because as of right now you can just make a base with unlimited walls on it.
And no I do not want to make opfacs easier since it already is, I want to make it more convenient, a bit more professional compared to other servers out there.
And about the staff in my honest opinion do not have a clue what they're doing factions wise, only some do. Most of them are specialized in other game modes such as skyblock, aint trying to roast anyone here just giving my honest opinion.

there is no way to make unlimited walls, as there is a chunk limit of 25. Max walls, 200. With a proper cannon and the current cannon jar, 20 minutes and all walls are breached. No need for 500 K shots. It has been proven more than once. I do understand the things that you are saying, trust me. But the thing is that i REALLY DO understand factions in all it's details - opposed to some staff as you say - and i have a pretty good view of how this game mode is balanced. Making cannoning even easier now, without giving more perks to defending will off-set the balance even more in favor of the cannoning.

to be more specific: schematics and printer are allowed for cannoning, but not for defending. You can spend a week building a base, that is split in 30 minutes max with the current cannon jar, IF you are a good cannoner, but also if you are a good searcher for cannon prints. SO you do not even have to understand cannon dynamics really well to do this.

The economy is pretty balanced as it is. It is players that unbalance it, not the system. There is no need to change the system. There is crop hoppers and mob hoppers, so that will pretty much help you with harvesting everything you need and they are available to everyone. "more convenient" sounds like easier to me by the way :)

There is another thing that you may want to consider about your suggestion. When you want to allow printer as a legal means for building it means two things: 1. you require people to work with a plugin to have the same possibilities as other (like they do now basically for cannons) So they need to chose between manually building and using mods and 2 it will become a lot harder to make the difference between legal and illegal use of the mod. When you allow something to be used legally, people will also use it illegally, making it a lot harder to maintain the 'natural order' on the server.

We see that now with the use of /f shield. People use it to attack others in stead of protect them selves. And it leads to the extension of the rules, which puts more pressure on staff, increase of server memory usage, bigger databases to maintain, larger risks of abuse, etc etc. So with every suggestion we make, there are a lot of more things to consider then just the implications for players. Making things better for players, usually means a lot more than just that.


Pika Lover
May 26, 2016
@Old_P You clearly have no idea about how raiding works, and again I didn't knew there was a buffer limit on pika since there wasn't any last map. Also if you want to breach a base efficiently you're going to need a lot more then 500k TNT.
Also, I'm not saying anything about the economy, all i said was that a unlimited sellwand would be nice, since you buy it with irl cash it wont interfere with the economy either, it's just convenient.
If people do not want to take the time to learn how to use schematica that's their problem, most people have it anyways nowadays.
And the way pikacraft factions work, people make a base and place their spawners. Whenever people try to raid that base they do not defend their base and just mine away their spawners and start building another base somewhere else.
F shield is a great addition to the game since you wont need american players in your faction to play when EU is sleeping, if they'd make the shield last 10 hours instead of 8 it would be even better.


Jun 10, 2019
welcome to factions.... you can get killed while building.
Getting killed why building is not even the point , this genbucket plugin makes everything messy.. , it would be way smoother if we could just buy a "GenBucket" (/genbucket) and get charged per use.


Mar 20, 2016
So you saying staff does not know what they doing,
Most of them actually have no clue how factions work, how to punish according to faction specific rules, how to count chunks and so on. That is a fact, yes, there is some which do understand but if we look at them most have no clue.
If even more server specific rules(faction rules) get added then staff would need to know how the gamemode even functions in the first place and get familiarized how to punish for that.
Currently if someone insides you(while you or anyone in your fac isn't online), how would you proove them you got insided. Staff can't do anything about it.
So with that f inspect should get added to make stuff easier with certain rules for the staff members, if a player gets insided, he could just turn on f inspect, record the proof and then report.


The Pika
Dec 23, 2016
@blueCreeper. I'm not going to make the effort of explaining to you the dynamics of a faction economy if you think that selling a unlimited sell wand in shop has no impact on faction economy. If that is your level of insight in an economy, than i'm sorry, but it's beyond my interest to play the teacher here.

@iq420 facts. There are more tools that CAN be added to make things more easily to report. Core Inspection tool for example. That would serve a lot of purposes and would make F inspect redundant for the most part. I just wonder how compatible they all are on a multi-version server ? Maybe it would be wise to just choose for 1 version for factions and do not bother for upward or downward compatibility.


Jun 10, 2019
Its also funny how many X-rayers and "Chest ESP" users are they on the server , i built an underground base in like middle of the season for fun , just to get some money , i didn't really care about it.I went off and when i logged on next day it was found , there was a "path" leading from chests to ground level in overworld , maybe Core Inspection tool could be used to track his people


Mar 20, 2016
True that, they would need to stick with one version to make it simpler(1.8).
And yes, core inspect would make lot of things easier, just as NutChunky said, xrayers are one case where core inspect would help.


Legendary Pika
Aug 24, 2018
Minecraft Username


Detailed description:
FIrst of all i've got a couple of new additions to the game which i will note down here below, I'll try to go in depth as much as possible so everyone can understand the ideas i have.

Addition to the game:

Harvester hoes, when you farm sugarcane the sugarcane will go in your inventory automatically.

Mob hoppers, works the same as crop hoppers only they do not pick up the crops but the loot mobs give when they die.

F tnt bank, I know there is an F tnt bank already but it can only hold 500k TNT, make it so it can hold infinite ammounts of TNT since most cannons need alot more TNT then 500k and it's just a pain to refill the storage with another 500k after it's empty again

Sand bots, whenever you're raiding it's extremely annoying to print back the sand after it's empty, these sand bots will place the sand for you so you can continue shooting.

FPS mode, so basically what an FPS mode does is it removes the visibility of TNT or activated redstone, this makes it so the player that has a large cannon wont lagg out and can just raid in peace.

Gennable dispensers, due to the anti-cheat it's extremely annoying to print in dispensers, this can either be solved by using a different anti-cheat plug-in or add gennable dispensers.

Sellwands, i know we already got sellwands, although they have charges. Make it so they're unlimited for the same price in the buycraft.

F tntfill, all im asking for this is that you increase the radius to 40 since most cannons are too big for a 20 block radius and it will leave empty dispensers whilst filling up the cannon.

TNT wand, use the wand on the chest that has TNT stored in them and it will automatically store it in your f tnt bank.

Obsidian breaker, obsidian breaker is a enchant you can putt on your pickaxe so you can instantly break obsidian which is very helpfull since you use obsidian to patch your base when u get raided.

Cannoning rules, right now there aren't any cannoning rules, i would like to see them added. If you're interested in the rules I have a spreadsheet with all the rules on it which I can send.

Factions rules, same as the cannoning rules, i've got a spreadsheet of factions rules aswell. The only rules factions has right now are chat rules and do not hack nothing else. Just a pure chaos when everything base wise/raiding wise is allowed.

Mining spawners, make the mining of spawners either cost a lot of money or completely illegal, nothing is more frustrating then being a couple walls of a base and the faction finds out you're raiding them and do not even bother to stop the raid and instantly mine down their spawners.

Power per player, increase the power each player has to 100 so smaller factions can make a decently sized base aswell.

Warp, add a warp that holds spawners that you can farm for really good loot, also make it so you can't acces any commands in there only /spawn so it's appealing for pvpers to go there since you cannot store away the loot in your pv's.

Staff, hire staff that are more experienced in factions, the current staff team is laughable and have no clue what they're doing, excluding some staff members ofcourse.

Events, add ingame events such as a PVP event, or a raiding event. Even a base event would do to see who has the nicest base on the inside/outside.

Printer mode, add /printer mode, it makes it easier to print in your builds since you'll be in GMC and will get charged for every block you place.

That's all that i have for now, more coming soon.


+1 Best suggestion i've seen in a while for OPFactions i agree with all of the above just the unlimited sellwand. The gamemode doesn't need it since we have the Inf Chest


The Pika
May 16, 2019
+1 some of these are good, but when talked about the staff, saying that is just gonna make them dislike you. They are trying their best.


Pika Lover
May 26, 2016
@Old_P you do not need to explain factions to me, explain to me how a unlimited sell wand is breaking the eco.
All it does is sell your items faster, like a regular sell wand that has 5000 uses, it's a one time payment aswell which is better imo since I think it's a rip off to buy a sellwand that has 5000 uses everytime it breaks.
And that's the fun part of OPFactions, the eco is already broken, look at your ingame balance for example lol.


Jun 10, 2019
There is no need for "unlimited sellwand" , godly crate has like 90% sellwand drop , i get sellwands from every gkit..
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