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Helpful Lifesteal Guide

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Discord Developer
Oct 9, 2019
Lifesteal Guide

Lifesteal is a Survival-like gamemode in which players can fight each other in a huge open world. Be careful, as dying will make you lose your hearts and eventually get you a temporary death ban! Unlike Survival, Lifesteal has no claims meaning that your builds are constantly exposed to dangers of the outside world!


Various commands can help you enhance your Lifesteal experience. Most (if not all) of them are listed below:

Utility and communication commands
Basic commands available to everyone.
  • /kit - Opens a menu for you to select the kit you want to use, currently, the only kit available is Starter kit
  • /spawn - Teleports you to spawn
  • /tps - This shows you the server's TPS (lower TPS = more lag)
  • /trash - Opens a menu for you to permanently and irreversibly destroy your (useless) items
  • /teams help <page number> - Lists all teams commands
  • /level - Check your current level as well as next level's requirement(s) and reward(s)
  • /playtime - Check your playtime
  • /goldshop - Check gold shop
  • /ignore <player> - Ignore player's messages
  • /msg <player> <message> - Send a private message to a player
  • /r <message> - Reply to your recent messager
  • /msgtoggle - Toggle receiving private messages
  • /pv [number] - Opens player's vault
Gambling commands
Commands made to test your luck.
  • /coinflip - Opens a coinflip menu
  • /coinflip help - Displays all the coinflip commands
  • /expflip - Opens an expflip menu
  • /expflip help - Displays all the expflip commands
Economy and transactions
One of the most important aspects of Lifesteal - economy.
  • /shop - Opens a virtual shop for you to buy and sell items
  • /ah - Opens the auction house menu
  • /ah help - Displays all the auction house commands
  • /pay <name> <amount of money> - Send other players money
  • /withdrawmoney <amount of money> - Withdraw money into a banknote
  • /withdrawexp <amount of exp> - Withdraw experience into an experience bottle
  • /balance - Get the amount of money you have
  • /exp - Get the amount of experience that you have
  • /gift <player> - Gift player item(s)
  • /trade <player> - Opens a trade menu with another player
  • /maildelivery - Claim gifts sent from other players
  • /boosters - Check or active booster(s)
  • /baltop [page] - Get a list of players with the most money
  • /paylogs - Check your pay logs
PvP related
Another important aspect of Lifesteal - PvP!
  • /bounty <player> <amount of money> - Sets bounty on a player
  • /bounty <player> remove - Removes bounties from a player
  • /bounty <player> - Shows you current bounties that the player has
  • /killstop [page] - Get a list of players with the most kills
  • /killstreakstop [page] - Get a list of players with the highest killstreak
  • /killmessages - Browse available kill messages
Teleportation commands
Commands used for quick navigation around the world full of dangers.
  • /rtp - Teleports you to a random location somewhere in the world
  • /warps - Returns the list of available warps
  • /warp <warp name> - Teleports you to a warp
  • /homes - Get a list of homes that you've set
  • /sethome <name> - Set a home
  • /home <name> - Teleport to a home that you've previously set
  • /delhome <name> - Delete a previously set home
  • /tpa <player> - Teleport to a player
  • /tpahere <player> - Teleport player to yourself
  • /tpaccept - Accept incoming teleport request
  • /tpadeny - Deny incoming teleport request
  • /tpacancel - Cancel outcoming teleport request
Commands available to ranked players
Commands available to players who purchase a rank from the store.
  • /lootbox - Guard+ - Opens lootbox GUI
  • /glowcolor - Guard+ - Opens glowcolor GUI
  • /tptoggle - Guard+ - Toggles incoming teleport requests
  • /afk - Guard+ - Notifies other players that you are AFK
  • /craft - Knight+ - Opens crafting table GUI
  • /pweather <weather> - Knight+ - Let's you configure the weather on your own
  • /feed - Paladin+ - Restores your hunger
  • /ptime <time> - Paladin+ - Let's you configure the daytime on your own
  • /nick <nick/off> - Paladin+ - Let's you change your nickname
  • /condense - Royal+ - Converts resources in your inventory into blocks
  • /stonecutter - Royal+ - Opens stonecutter GUI
  • /fix hand - Royal+ - Let's you fix an item in your hand
  • /chatcolor - Emperor+ - Opens chatcolor GUI
  • /grindstone - Emperor+ - Opens grindstone GUI
  • /anvil - Emperor+ - Opens anvil GUI
  • /hat - Emperor+ - Let's you put any item you want on your head
  • /heal - Divine - Restores your health
  • /ext - Divine - Removes fire effect from you
  • /rename <name> - Divine - Renames an item in your hand
Some of these commands can be won through crates.


Teams are groups that anyone can create or join. When you are in team, you may not hurt your teammates. Down below is a list of team commands:

Utility and communication commands
Basic commands available to everyone.
  • /teams help <page number> - Lists all teams commands
  • /team info <team> - Get information about a team
  • /team list [page] - Check list of teams
  • /team top - Check teams top
  • /team chat [mode] - Change chat mode
Team manipulation commands
Team commands mostly available to members with Admin+ Team rank.
  • /teams create <name> - Create a team
  • /team desc <description> - Set team's description
  • /team promote <player> - Promote a player in your team (available positions are Mod, Admin and Co-Owner)
  • /team demote <player> - Demote a player in your team
  • /team invite <player> - Invite a player to team
  • /team makeleader <player> - Make someone a leader of your team
  • /team disband - Disband a team
  • /team kick <player> - Kick a player from team
  • /team perms - Configure team permissions
Other commands
Other commands available to everyone.
  • /team join <team> - Join someone's team
  • /team leave - Leave your current team
  • /team bank - Check team's bank
  • /team level - Opens team levels GUI
  • /team reject <team> - Reject team's invitation
  • /team vault - Opens team vault GUI
Hearts and deathbans

The most important thing in Lifesteal are hearts. Without them, you are basically powerless.

By default, every player has 10 hearts on start. You can earn hearts by killing other players or winning them from the crates. Maximum hearts you can have is 30. However, you can also lose them by dying. Dying will make you lose one heart each time you die! When you lose all your hearts, you will receive a deathban.

Deathban acts same like a normal ban except it's just for Lifesteal. For unranked players, deathban will last 24 hours. If you own a rank, your deathban will last shorter depending on your rank. Full information about how long does deathban last for each rank can be found here.

Rules and exceptions

Another specific thing about Lifesteal is how its rules are organized.

By default, Illegal trapping methods (also known as TP-killing/trapping) rule is disallowed on our network. However, Lifesteal is an exception as Illegal Trapping methods rule is not a thing there.

Another rule that is not a thing on Lifesteal is scamming, which is normal for the most of the gamemodes on PikaNetwork.

Auction house

Auction house is a place where you can sell and buy items. Here is a list of its commands:
  • /ah help - Lists all auction house commands
  • /ah - Open the auction house
  • /ah sell [price] - Sell an item on auction house
  • /ah expired - Opens expired items GUI
  • /ah listed - Opens listed items GUI
Levels & Custom Crops

By completing levels (/levels) you can earn awesome rewards and perks. If you want to exchange your experience even further, you can purchase a Premium level pass on the store or in the /goldshop. This pass will give you bonus rewards upon completing levels.

Completing levels will also provide you with Custom Crops Recipes. These Recipes can be used for planting and harvesting Custom Crops which represent a great way of earning revenue. Seeds of these crops can be purchased from /shop - Custom Crops Shop and you can plant them just like you plant normal crops - with water, hoe and a farmland.

Once you've farmed enough crops, you can sell them in Custom Crops Shop section in the /shop.

Tips & tricks

Here are some basic and advanced tips & tricks to get you started in Lifesteal.

Upon joining
  • First of all, make sure to vote for our server as you will be rewarded with some vote keys that represent a great head-start. After you're done with that, make sure to escape the spawn by simply running out or using /rtp command. The next thing you need to do is - make your base. Our kind suggestion is to not create any art buildings as they are likely to get destroyed by other players (remember, claims are not a thing on Lifesteal). It is the best practice to put your base either deep in the ground or high in the air.
  • Once you're done with that, you may start completing /levels as well as start looking for villages, ores and other valuable stuff.
Visiting Nether and End
  • Once you're strong enough, you should consider visiting Nether. There, you can find valuable builds such as bastions and fortresses which contain a lot of useful items such as netherite, different enchanted armor, iron, gold etc.
  • After you're done with that, prepare yourself for End. Normal End doesn't provide you with anything, but Endless End filled with End cities and other stuff is a very valuable thing every professional player should have access to. There, you can explore End cities filled with good stuff as well as build your own Endermen farm which will provide you with good experience income.
Farms you should consider building
  • Anyone can make a spider, zombie or skeleton farm/grinder, but do you know how to create an Endermen, Iron, Gold or Raid farm?
  • Sure, spider, zombie and skeleton farms/grinders are indeed useful especially for /levels, however, they are not that efficient as above-mentioned farms.
  • Endermen farm will provide you with a lot of enderpearls as well as a lot of experience. Here's a quick tutorial on how to make one.
  • Iron farm (based on iron golems) will provide you with a lot of iron ingots. It's an AFK farm meaning that all you have to do is have it loaded within your render distance and that's it! You can find out how to make one here.
  • Gold farm is very similar to previously mentioned, Iron farm, but is based on piglins. It will provide you with tons of gold nuggets which can be later used to craft gold ingots. And as always, here's a tutorial on how to make one.
  • Raid farm is, so far, the most efficient farm out there, it's based on pillagers. It will provide you with tons of experience as well as tons of totems of undying, emeralds, potions, saddles etc. Here's a tutorial on how to make one.
Villager hall
  • Once you have a stable income of emeralds, you should consider creating a Villager hall.
  • Villager hall is basically a hall filled with villagers selling different items (mostly enchanted books). This hall is very valuable thing as books obtained from those villagers can be used for selling or creating OP gear.
  • For making a Villager hall, you will need to know two things - villager breeding and how do villager professions work.
  • Villager breeding is basically multiplying the amount of villagers you have. Here's a video that explains how to do it.
  • Each villager can have its own profession and there's a lot of them. These arrange from librarians to blacksmiths. In this video, you can find out how they work and how to assign them to villagers.
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