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Denied Discord New Discord emojis!

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Legendary Pika
Dec 21, 2020
MC - ZekromXD Discord - Zeksy#6285

New Discord emojis!

Detailed description:
Well, yesterday I made a suggestion to add new cool emojis on pika discord. It got denied instantly cz am supposed to provide them the emojis. So here I am!

I wasted hours to collect these emojis. Surfed around a ton of discord servers it was some real pain NO CAPS!

I got a total of 35 emojis and most of them are Pikachu emojis UwU.

(Not sus link. No virus/ip grabber/blah blah).

Welp, Lemme give some detail about these emojis so this post look bigger and get some attention :sad:

Bruh Moment -> Simple text that says "Bruh Moment". (not that necessary to be added)

Clown Kek -> A laughing clown emoji, Pika network discord is full of clowns so this emoji can help a lot. I mean it will look cool and can be used in different conditions.

Flusshed -> A flushed emoji with halo on head and shiny eyes. Looks cute for real.

Gold Moyai -> A gold moyai emoji. Moyai is a really famous and trending emoji these days. Having a gold moayi emoji in server is cool af. I personally use the default moyai emoji a lot and now it's time for an upgrade UwU.

Well, that's it for non pika related emojis. Now, lets move to pikachu emojis!

Pika Amazed -> Pikachu with Amazed reaction, some nice sparkles and cute eyes!

Pika Angry -> A angry pikachu. Can be used to reply various messages ofc. It's good quality and resolution too!

Pika Blush -> A blushed Pikachu emoji. Believe me, It looks sooo damn cute!

Pika Boxing -> A pikachu wearing boxing gloves and ready for battle!

Pika Cry -> A crying Pikachu emoji. Good quality + looks cute and omfg the way it's looking at us is soo wholesome

Pika Dab -> A pikachu dabbing. Yep, people are going to love this one a lot!

Pika Dead -> A sleeping pikachu with X mark in eyes. Looks like someone just posted cringe.

Pika Eat -> A pikachu eating a cookie. Looks delicious UwU.

Pika Flushed -> Yep, another flushed emoji. This one is good too and different from the Pika Blushed emoji. Both should be added.

Pika GG -> Oh boy, this emoji MUST be added. It's a pikachu saying "GG" what else you need? It fits well with our server and can become one of the most used emojis.

Pika Gun -> A pikachu holding a gun with a smile on his face. NO DEATH THREATS BTW.

Pika Heart -> A pikachu with a cute heart in his hand! I guess someone is in love ?

Pika Hype -> Pikachu with raised hands and hype text.

Pika kek -> A laughing pikachu emoji. Hands over mouth, tears falling from both eyes.

Pika Lmao -> Another Laughing Pikachu emoji. This one looks cursed tho xD

Pika Lurk -> A lurking pikachu emoji. Maybe he was spying over chat and farming some reports?

Pika Murderer -> A pikachu with evil expressions on face, holding a knife wet with blood and planning to kill someone maybe? Do not remove this emoji idea because its something "gore" lol. Chill it's just a discord emoji what can go wrong xD

Pika No Ways -> An emoji similar to Pika amazed.

Pika Pat -> Omfg this one is just tooo cute. A hand on pikachu's head praising him for doing real cool stuff.

Pika Pizza -> A pikachu eating some pizza.

Pika Popcorn -> A pikachu eating some popcorn.

Pika Red Bull -> A pikachu drinking some energy drink before diving into bedwars. Guess it will help him out a lot.

Pika Scared -> A scared pikachu emoji.

Pika Sip -> A pikachu drinking some tea maybe? I guess I got a lot of eating and drinking emojis. But they all are useful and unique in their own ways!

Pika Surprised -> This emoji is kinda famous. Strange how server don't have it already. This one is clean, no background and a bit more focused on the pikachu.

Pika Thumbsup -> A thumbsup pikachu emoji. This emoji is cool, it's wishing luck , glowing eyes and a smile on this face. PERFECTION!

Pika TryNotToLaugh -> A pikachu trying to control his laughter. This one can be really useful in weird situations.

Pika UwU -> When the world needed him the most, a pikachu UwU emoji!! This one is my fav and we all love UwU emojis. We do right?

Pika Vomit -> A pikachu vomit emoji. IG someone posted real cringe.

Pika Wave -> A pikachu waving emoji. Best way to enter the chat.

Pika Weird -> Weird.

That's all. Please upvote this suggestion so it get accepted. We all want new emojis right?

Pika can have a total of 250 custom emojis But it only have 61 to be exact.

and half of those emojis are just admin heads which are not really useful while chatting.

Adding these emojis can improve the chatting experience drastically.

Another reason for accepting this suggestion is -

It took me real effort to find these emojis and making this post ;-;. If this one is getting denied then I'll be sad af.

Accept/Upvote this suggestion to make a cat happy!




Jun 2, 2021
Really detailed and plenty of options, Not sure if all of them would be added but Good luck!
+1 from me


Dec 22, 2021
id love to have them in pikas discord tbh,, theyre really interesting and would be so useful while chatting without being cringe


Pika Lover
Jul 26, 2021
E goo luc
Hope it's getting accepted


Great Reporter
Sep 16, 2020
Clown Kek - -1 Will potentially be misused (i think you all may know how and why)
+1 For the rest
Last edited:

Deleted member 132595

Good idea Pika need new emojis.
Hope this will be implemented!
Gl 1+ from me.


Discord Developer
Oct 9, 2019
Hello ZekromXD,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • Denied, we don't need any new emojis.
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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