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PikaNetwork Wiki


Great Reporter
Mar 31, 2020
Greetings PikaNetwork Players.
As you might have been informed, the project known as Pika Nerds Committee has been discontinued and will no longer contribute for the server operation by providing its assistance. Even though our project has been terminated, we have decided to focus on one of the main projects, the PikaNetwork Wiki.

❓What is the PikaNetwork Wiki? ❓
The PikaNetwork Wiki (just like other wikis) will work just like a normal wiki for our beloved Network. Every gamemode will have each own section where you will have the chance to enhance your knowledge with reliable information.

❓What are the requirements for this role?❓
In order to stand a chance in becoming a wiki contributor, you have to meet some basic requirements.
First of all, a proficient command of the English language is needed since one of the main aspects is to write (semi)formal articles/posts.
Also, it's required to be aware of the cohesion & coherence predominating in the wiki.
(More information can be found in the application process)

❓How can I apply for the team?❓
In order to apply for our team, you have to fulfill an application (Google Form). APPLY HERE : https://forms.gle/o6G7Qwbw8cwayQBCA
Make sure to answer all questions honestly & gradually without hesitations.

For more information, make sure to contact me on Discord : Tihispap

We hope to see you around!!
❗ The project is not associated with CraftiGames, it's a community project organized from Ex-Committee & community members.