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Ranks explained. [UPDATED]


Great Reporter
Feb 9, 2020
First of all I'm making this thread because I have been going thru the Helpful threads/guides and I realized that Ranks & Gkits one is outdated.
Explaining ranks from Lowest to Highest.


The SkyVip Rank provides the players the basic commands and shows them its luxury.
You can get this rank in 2 ways:
1. Purchasing on the PikaNetwork Store.
2. Winning it In-Game from Crates such as Vote and Epic.

Like every other rank this one has its own once kit and a PvP kit. The once kit can be claimed only once per season. This means that the kit can be claimed only once per evert reset of this gamemode. While the PvP kit can be claimed every 48hours after its cooldown expires. To do so you can type /kit to claim your kit/s. The rarity of the kits varies thru each rank. Higher ranks have better kits, both PvP and Once kits.
This rank also give access to some commands In-Game. Few of these commands are /nick and /hat. Higher ranks have more and much better commands.


The SkyHero Rank is a bit of advance rank, of course better than SkyVip.
This rank can also be obtained in the same 2 ways as the SkyVip.

The kits at this rank are slightly better than the SkyVip kits and the once kit contains a bit more valuable stuff. The PvP kit provides armor and gear one level higher gear and gives a bigger chance for the player to win in a fight. However, additional stuff are added as well. For example, better books, more exp bottles, more blocks and etc.
The commands that this rank provides are pretty much the same as SkyVip commands.


This rank is much better and more valuable with In-Game perks.
The way you can get SkyLord Rank are the same as before.

Now for the kits, both of them are upgraded and a unique key is added to the once kit. The PvP kit has much better protection and the tools that come with it have higher sharpness and efficiency. The books come with higher levels and the blocks are now at bigger numbers.
Although it includes the SkyHero commands, this rank has a new command introduced named /afk. This command work like this, if you want to get off the game and want to notify the others, you simply type /afk and it broadcasts a message in global chat saying ex. "<SkyLegend>itsdruglovexx is now AFK". In case a friend of yours or someone else /msg you, a message will be shown in chat above their original message saying ex. "<SkyLegend>itsdruglovexx is currently AFK. He/she may not respond at the moment."


This is considered to be the above average rank since it give the players bigger luxury, which should satisfy the players needs,
This is the last rank that can be obtained thru crates.

This rank's kits are as I said before above average and includes, in its once kit provides more unique keys which gives the player a higher chance to win something from crates. Even though it's not the highest rank, the PvP kit looks amazing and its unbreaking should carry you against tough opponents. In the PvP kit are added higher efficiency pickaxe and axe. The blocks are also in higher amount.
This rank has a huge advance in the commands section. Copying all the previous commands, this rank has 2 new ones which are extremely useful. One of them is /fly which allows the player to fly around his island and/or other players islands. While having fly mode ON, you will not take fall damage. Other really good and unique command is /rename. This command allows the player to name an item whatever they want to name it. The cooldown on this command is 5minutes. This command also allows the players to use all the color codes from Minecraft and all symbols that are allowed by the same game. But, beware, this command allows only 30 characters per item. Crossing this limit, will result into failed rename and the cooldown of the command will be set to 5minutes again.


This rank is second highest rank and it's like that for a reason. The rank itself sounds powerful and gives chills to the players.
Luckily, this rank MAY be won from crates, but unfortunately its rates are very very rare.

In this rank's kits, you can notice a godly key being added to the once kit which is the highest key you can obtain from ranks or crates. The PvP kit is nothing like the previous ones. This kit is really advanced and it gives the players much higher chance in winning duels when pvping. It can also take a lot of damage before breaking which is really good and useful in longer fights.
Now let's take a look at the commands. The command every pvper seeks is /invsee. Well, not for long since starting the last season this command has been introduced to OpSkyblock as well!! This command allows the player to take a look at other player's inventory and the items in it. This command DOES NOT include cooldown.


Now we are at the highest rank of PikaNetwork OpSkyBlock.
This rank is the rarest one and the highest one so it can be achieved only by purchasing on the store or if you are lucky enough to win it on the Reset Giveaways hosted every season on Instagram and Twitter.

Since this is the best rank in this gamemode you can expect to have the best gear from PvP kit and the once kit to have insane value. Well, you are not lying to yourself. These kits are indeed the best and the once kit even has 3 godly keys in it. The rest is well knows, highest pvp gear, armor and tools. Lots of blocks and exp bottles. Best enchanted books.
This rank has all the commands possible which means you have access to all the gamemode commands. From /hat /nickname, to /fly /rename /afk /god. This rank also has a feature to instantly convert heads from /heads to mobcoins (used in /transfer) which saves a lot of clicking and collecting heads. It's a pure gem and you indeed feel like a King with it.

Hope you found this thread useful, I will be making a /gkit related guide on how they work and which one is good or bad.
Sorry if you found any typos, I didn't read it again to recheck. Please quote the part that has a mistake so I can edit it.
Thank you for your time. Have a nice day!
