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Accepted OP Factions Suggestions for next reset

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Aug 1, 2020
Minecraft Username:

Suggestions for next reset

Detailed description:
1. Cannoning jar - must be changed. Cannons are awful, its same like on jartex but on jartex is better.
2. Fortified walls - creepers can explode every 3 sec, it takes hours to cegg bigger amount of spawners.
3.Sand bots. Introduce sand bots from jartex and put them in shop like there. For 10-20b.
4.Crate keys, remove seasonal things or atleast make higher chance to get em.
5.Revamp rules, and add new rules, for example Banning for printer patching/wild patching.
6.Staff changes. Accept some players with actual faction knowledge, situation on op fac is afwul.
7. Make strike evading, disqualification for whole map.
8.Buff supply drops.
9. Add maximum power on SOTW, 85/85 so we can claim corner instantly, this map sir trial zmoxxy ruined our buffer because we couldn't claim whole buffer.
10.Make raiding without raid claims bannable.
11.Make eco harder.
12.Add more stuff to the shop, more building blocks for rooftop arts.
13.Add /printer, and make prices in printer much bigger than in /shop.
14.Buff buycraft codes for weekly and the last payout.
15. For ftop qualification, add so ppl must have atleast 15x15c buffer, and spawners placed for 48 hours, basically add from jartex. every 12 hours your value is increasing.
16. add barel claims
17. Extend shield to 12-16 hours.
18. Remove redstone things from /invsee.
19. Add raid bans to /f warns

I composed this suggestions along with opinions of other experienced factions players in pika.​

1. Alright, cannons are not nuking, blewing every 2-3 shots, There is no tnt sound as you said on reset topic. Also cannons are working better on jartex instead both servers has same jar. Raiding is taking more than usual because this map cannons were blowing so much. We were raiding taliban for 8 more hours because most of the time we were fixing cannons. Also they couldn't counter us because their cannon was blowing too.
2. This is big problem, because fortified walls are preventing cegging, you can cegg every 3sec. Cegging 50k spawners would take 5hours.
3. This is must needed on pika, it takes so long to raid someone. Will not hurt anybody.
4. Nothing to explain.
5. This was issue this map, top factions got striked (false) and that resulted in no shield and removing value.
6. Nothing to explain, some trials are ruining server. I will not name anyone. zedmoxxy
7. Also sir trial was first who strike evade, just dq them for whole map.
8.Supply drops are pointless af, add atleast epic keys in them.
9. Everything explained.
10. Some ppl were 1 stacking without raid claims, and it can be annoying because its so hard to find them, because they are not using raid claims or any claim, so just inspect who did it and ban him. Some people dont care for STRIKES BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT COMPETING FOR FTOP !
11. Must ppl have trilions and trilions because eco is ez af, make it harder to get spawners and sh.t
12. My friend PermaBanned was looking for few hours in wild to find blocks for rooftop art, like just add them to the shop its 10 mins of coding ffs.
13. This will not probably be next map but lemme explain, printing is so bad, you need to buy items all the time and is so annoying, also fix printer its placing wrong blocks sometimes. It takes too long to print a cannon.
14. Buy craft codes for weekly and last payouts are pointless. Its low amount of buycraft and it dont apply to the sale like tf.
15. nothing to explain.
16. Simply add them from jartex, it will prevent wild patching in front of cannon box.
17. 8 hours is too short for 2 months map, most of the players have school/work, and we cant defend base for 16 hours.
18. It will make factions easier, like they just invsee and if they see redstone items ppl will start wall/buffer checking.
19. Add raid bans instead of losing shield.​

Most of examples are from jartex.


Aug 24, 2020
Lmao how yall going to talk about me when yall know I'm right and Lexa how u going to say that a 13 year old is loosing brain cells just by saying what they think??
But if yall think Gunfire and Voodoo is going to allow it hf.
They have to there is to many votes atm and if they not allow swearing ima play smth else tho


Aug 24, 2020
I like it but raiding with out raid claims banable no everything else I support because you already know people is going to raid with out raid claims anyways
so there's not point of making it banable
If people not get banned the server will overflow with rule breakers so make it banable but make a it so their can be more than 1 raidclaim at a time because my factions try’s to raid 2 factions at a time but we can’t


Staff Member
May 30, 2016
Suggestion - ACCEPTED

Hello LexaFTW,​
Thank you for your interest in Pika-Network by creating a suggestion for the network.​
I am glad to tell you that your suggestion is accepted we have decided to accept multiple parts of your suggestion and it will be implemented!​
Have fun playing!​

Good morning,
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