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Survival Guide


Staff Member
Dec 28, 2016
[PikaNetwork] Survival Guide

First of all, be sure to read all the rules and especially the server specific rules for survival if you plan on playing!
Starting Survival
  • Start by checking out the kits by doing /kits and then proceed to the ALL MEMBERS KITS
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Then claim the Kit Starter, which contains the following items :

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  • After claiming your Starter Kit, use the command /rtp to teleport to a random location where you can start your Survival Life.
  • Use the Golden Shovel included in your Starter Kit to claim a piece of land to protect your place. You can find a guide to claiming HERE.
  • The current currency that is used in Survival is in the form of $.
  • Note that PvP is disabled in the world except in /warp pvp.
Clans in Survival
Don't wanna play alone? Start a clan or join one!

  • /clan help - Shows the full list of commands
  • /clan create - Allows you to create your clan.
  • /clan tag/title - Allows you to change the name/tag of your clan if you're the owner of the clan or have been given permissions from the clan owner to do so.
  • /clan invite - Invite your friends, or someone into your gang!
  • /clan join - Join the clan you want! Note that some clans are open and you can freely join, and some clans requires an invite for you to join.
  • /clan leave - Leave the clan you're currently in.
  • /clan sethome - Allows you to set the designated place for /c home
  • /clan home - Teleports you to the designated home of your clan. Setting by using the command above /clan sethome
  • /clan chat - Changes your chat into 3 possible chats; Public, Clan, Clan Moderator+ chats.
  • /clan tp - Allows you to teleport to your clanmate.
  • /clan tptoggle - Disables the possibility of your clanmate tping to you without permission.
  • /clan mod - Promotes your clan mate to Clan Moderator
  • /clan admin - Gives your clan mate the Ownership of the Clan.
  • /clan deinvite - Removes pending invite to a player sent out.
  • /clan kick - Kicks out your desired clan mate out of the clan.
  • /clan ban - Bans the player from joining your clan.
  • /clan setwarp - Sets a warp for the clan (Could have password or could be left as is)
  • /clan warp - Warps to a designated warp name that was set with /clan setwarp above.
  • /clan show - Shows your clan info or other clans' info.
In-Game Warps in Survival
Explore the world places made by the Server!

Warps List:
  • /warp crates - Teleports you to the crates where you can open your keys.
  • /warp PvP - Teleports you to the designated place where PvP is enabled.
  • /warp Shop - Teleports you to the shop keeper.
  • /warp wild - Teleports you to the current portal that sends you to a random location like /rtp.
Current Worlds in Survival
The current survival has different worlds, explore them!

  • Resource World - Building here is not recommended, you CANNOT claim in this world and it RESETS every WEEK.
  • Blue World - A normal vanilla world.
  • Red World - A normal vanilla world.
  • Yellow World - A normal vanilla world.
  • Nether - The normal Nether of Minecraft.
  • End - The normal End world of Minecraft.
Useful Commands in Survival
Check these helpful and useful commands that will come in handy in-game!

  • /sethome - Allows you to sethome in the designated place you're standing on. (Donators gets more homes.)
  • /homes - List of the Homes you've set with /sethome
  • /home - Teleports you to the place you've /sethome on
  • /delhome - Deletes your /sethome
  • /rtp or /wild - Teleports you to a random place in the world where you can build on.
  • /trade - Send a trade to a player and trade with them across the lands! (Note that this doesn't work in cross-worlds. You need to be in the same world.)
  • /tpa <name> - Sends a teleport request to the player.
  • /tpahere <name> - Sends a request to teleport a player to your place.
  • /tpacancel - Cancels the teleport request.
  • /tpaccept - Accepts the teleport request.
  • /tpdeny - Denies the teleport request.
Donator Ranks in Survival
Gain extra permissions and perks by being a donator! Purchase yours HERE.

  • Samurai
  • Ninja
  • Warlock
  • Alchemist
  • Wizard
  • Noble
More informations could be found in this THREAD.
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