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The Downfall Of Bedwars.


Legendary Pika
Sep 19, 2020
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this forum thread.

By the downfall of bedwars i do not mean, less players and the game is dying, no no no, I'm talking about the game experience.

My first point is toxicness between players, so lets say you kill a player, that makes you a hacker to other players, you then get messages like "Im going to report you" or "why hack man" those are just 2 examples, it takes the fun out of the game because your trying to have fun and then get called thinks like a hacker or a cheater, personally I find it quite annoying and not too fun when your getting called out every 10 seconds, not just this but I have gotten multiple messages in game, for example "ur moms dead, and so will you be when I get your bed" and I got this message twice from the same person, after I stated how my mom's dead, still not stopped which is quite toxic and not really fair for other players who also experience stuff like this in game.

My second point is that everyone cross teams pretty much, it's not every game that you will get cross teamed on, it happens to me every couple of games, but it slowly does get annoying and makes the game less fun for other players.

My third point is the AC on the server, ok yeah I get it, every server needs a AC to stop cheaters but this one is too good, for those who don't know, i drag click, which means i get high cps so that i can godbridge, breezly and moonwalk, however have not been able to use this on Pika-Network, the reason being is after i go a few blocks i will get banned by the AC for client modifications, this comes under things like, Kil lAura, BHop, No Fall, Auto clickers and much more, when I'm god bridging or any other type of bridging, i get why i might get false banned, i click around 23 cps on my right click which is high enough to get banned and also bridging most likely picks up as scaffold, i have been banned before for left clicking 17 cps which was using drag clicking, i think there needs to be some improvements to the AC for example only detect auto clickers that are consistent not for clicking a higher cps, secondly make it so players can use different bridging methods without a false ban, this is also quite a easy fix because scaffold places blocks in front of you, if not it places them in ways a player normally can't, that should be what the AC detects.

Anyways that's all for this post, i have many more things i could talk about but it could go on forever, i just included the 3 i thought was important enough.

Soon i will be making a complete guide to bedwars, explained with images, videos and much more, i can't wait to make it.

Take care everyone!

Silver Wing

The Pika
Mar 14, 2019
This is a predefined message to bypass this annoying filter


Great Reporter
Aug 18, 2018
Hackers, innocent people getting banned, crossteamers, acusative messages, bad anticheat

Edit: I do agree
Last edited:


Staff Member
Sr Mod
May 1, 2019
Hackers, crossteamers, weird messages, bad anticheat

Edit: I do agree
Hackers: there is a normal and working anticheat.
crossteamer: is a issue yes.
Weird messages?: What do you mean with that?
Bad anticheat: anticheat is the same as each other mode at the moment.


Great Reporter
Aug 18, 2018
Hackers: there is a normal and working anticheat.
crossteamer: is a issue yes.
Weird messages?: What do you mean with that?
Bad anticheat: anticheat is the same as each other mode at the moment.
I've updated my TL DR;
ffs this


Staff Member
Jul 22, 2020
1) Toxicity and hackusations

Unfortunately, this is inevitable. It doesn't happen only in BedWars, it happens on every PVP-based gamemode because people just can't accept that they're worse than someone else, so they always blame the following things: hit detection, lag, ping, fps, hacks... The list goes on.
You shouldn't get discouraged by these things. They're not worth your time. If you know you're not hacking, there is no need for you to worry about others calling you out as the staff won't ban you without being 100% sure that you're hacking. Just ignore them and move on.

2) Cross teaming

Is it really that hard to defeat someone who is cross teaming? Those players usually aren't the best at the game, and I can almost always 2v1 them and destroy them without any problems. Just use your PVP skill and game sense and you should be able to do the same. Maybe go to the middle and get emeralds before them so you have an advantage, or collect more diamond upgrades.
Also, you can always report them HERE with valid video evidence to get them punished as cross teaming is against the rules.

3) The anti-cheat system

While we can all agree that Pika anti-cheat isn't the best in the world, we have to realize that it is way better than it was before. It will never be perfect, but it is what it is. Every server has this issue and Pika manages to handle it pretty well when compared to other servers. At the end of the day, you don't need god bridging to win a game of BedWars, and you do not need 17 CPS in PVP to kill someone. Speed bridging and normal/jitter clicking will be enough in 99.99% of the situations. Focus on your aim and bridging consistency instead.
You can always record a video of an anti-cheat issue when you face it and report it HERE. That way you can help the developer fix it and make the BedWars experience better for everyone, yourself included.

4) A BedWars guide

While I'm always excited to see new guides being made, I'd like to point out that I have already made one regarding everything BedWars-related, so if you want to help me improve it feel free to message me on the forums. Why am I suggesting this? Because my guide is pinned and more players might see it, and I don't think we need to have 2 guides about the whole BedWars gamemode explaining the same things. You can see my guide HERE.

That's it from me. I hope I have cleared up some things.
Have a nice day!