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Denied SkyWars Unable to use enderpearl from enderman kit at the very beginning of the game.

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Rare Pika
Dec 13, 2020
Minecraft Username:

Unable to use enderpearl from enderman kit at the very beginning of the game.​

Detailed description:
Hello there,
So I would like to suggest, to add a cool down or something on enderpearls that you get from the enderman kit.

You can add a 20-30 seconds cool down on enderpearls that will prevent people from enderpearling to another base and killing the opponent in just 2 hits.
Or, you can just remove the diamond sword from the kit.​

There are many reasons, the main reason is that, you can simply pearl at the very starting of the game and just 2 shot the opponent(s). The opponents can't do anything unless they have a kit which contains a weapon to fight back.

This thing is very annoying and frustrating, when you just get killed and can't do anything about that.

Some people were saying, the kit will be useless if you will add a cooldown, In my opinion, it's not. Because, you still have a pearl in-case you get knocked into the void, you would still survive if you use the pearl in the right manner. Also, you will be having a diamond sword at the very start of the game, which will be very helpful for early fights.

It's also a major disadvantage for the people who cannot afford to get a good kit and trying to go for a win streak.​

This will be very helpful for the people who tries to go on a win streak, but gets killed at the very start of the game when they pretty much can't do anything.​


The Pika
Dec 16, 2020
Minecraft Username:

Unable to use enderpearl from enderman kit at the very beginning of the game.

Detailed description:
Hello there,

So I would like to suggest, to add a cool down or something on enderpearls that you get from the enderman kit.

You can add a 20-30 seconds cool down on enderpearls that will prevent people from enderpearling to another base and killing the opponent in just 2 hits.

Or, you can just remove the diamond sword from the kit.

There are many reasons, the main reason is that, you can simply pearl at the very starting of the game and just 2 shot the opponent(s). The opponents can't do anything unless they have a kit which contains a weapon to fight back.

This thing is very annoying and frustrating, when you just get killed and can't do anything about that.

Some people were saying, the kit will be useless if you will add a cooldown, In my opinion, it's not. Because, you still have a pearl in-case you get knocked into the void, you would still survive if you use the pearl in the right manner. Also, you will be having a diamond sword at the very start of the game, which will be very helpful for early fights.

It's also a major disadvantage for the people who cannot afford to get a good kit and trying to go for a win streak.

This will be very helpful for the people who tries to go on a win streak, but gets killed at the very start of the game when they pretty much can't do anything.
Suggested many times and also denied


Mar 18, 2020
Hello mai68mai68,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone. However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • Your suggestion has already been suggested before.
For your reference, here is the link to our suggestions guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestions Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.

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