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  1. your friend :)

    Denied Discord Suggestion: discord ranks

    Suggestion: discord ranks Detailed description: discord is a dead chat (also shoutbox in forms) so how about adding ranks there are a lot of bots can make the chat more interesting there is this bot called Mee6 that have "ranks" you need to talk to gain XP to rank up (and have a timer...
  2. your friend :)

    Denied Global Suggestion: idea for new players to form

    Suggestion: idea for new players to form Detailed description: almost everyone new here doesn't know where to post or post in the wrong section so how about adding a place tell the user (xD) the name of the section what does and the link the help lit bit example: { Suggestion: to post...
  3. your friend :)


    ... .... ... .. .. . . . ok i am taking it down
  4. your friend :)

    Denied OP Prison Suggestion: op-prison ???? click bait nahhhh

    Suggestion: op-prison ???? click bait nahhhh Detailed description: I MIST GOOD OLD DAYS here some ideas for op-prison can be good 1. disable the fortune for lot of blocks (beacon, wool [all kind], glass, and more ) to make lit bit hard to get this item 2. make picks lit bit more OP by...
  5. your friend :)

    Denied Factions Suggestion: cool stuf for factions

    Suggestion: cool stuf for factions Detailed description: hello as we know factions is kinda boring and start to be dead so i want to suggest you some things that can be helpful for players nondonor/donor 1. bring crates or mb or something to give the player a reason to vote a gear up from...
  6. your friend :)


    guys there is lot of hacker because staff team have exams this time if u are mad eat some ice cream and chill litle bit there is no need to be mad its just a game summer is comming if u cant wait 2-3 weeks until staff team finish they exams in real life u need to eat lot of ice cream to chill...
  7. your friend :)

    Denied Factions Suggestion: selling wand

    Suggestion: selling wand Detailed description: "selling wand" is an item u right click a full chest of goods (emeraldblocks ,diamondblocks,ironblocks .........) its will sell auto to get this wand u can buy it ingame can be expancive or cheap and have a number of uses( u can use it only...
  8. your friend :)


    guys i want to see how many players here are back from 2015 (i was here from 2015)
  9. your friend :)

    Denied Global Suggestion: drop party

    Suggestion: drop party Detailed description: make a warp named 'drop party' evry 6hours will be one and pvp is enable like koth but lot of peaple will get stuff not that crazy like koth item Server/Place suggestion is intended: Factions OP-Factions Reason: koth is really...
  10. your friend :)

    Denied Global Suggestion: mystery boxes

    Suggestion: mystery boxes Detailed description: Can you please bring back mb there is no reason to vote plz if mb is too laggy and crates plzzz Server/Place suggestion is intended: Factions Reason: we need a reason to vote Example:
  11. your friend :)

    Factions is boring

    hello the truth factions is kinda boring u can only grind and raid but the fun part (pvp) u cant do it cuz there is lot of hacker and i think staff they don't care they came on server and see some issues and go off the summary to make more event make streams there is lot to do to make the...
  12. your friend :)

    Denied OP Factions Suggestion: Op-faction+ enchantes from Galactix

    Suggestion: Op-faction+ enchantes from Galactix Detailed description: hello guys this suggestion was made by a player here but got denie for a stupid thing i want to tell the satff team to add new kind of faction is 'faction titan' (just name it,its kinda dum) basically its normall...
  13. your friend :)

    test nothing here

    there is nothing here just testing if i can delet this post( if its a thing
  14. your friend :)

    Denied OP Factions Suggestion: mystery boxes

    Suggestion: mystery boxes Detailed description: can u bring mystery boxesback to faction i mist it lot i vote and ge tnothing usefull mystery boxs it was the reason for me (and other players i think) to vote the reward of voting is 64expbottles & 5diam & 5tnt & 350$ witch is good but u...
  15. your friend :)

    Denied Forums Suggestion: Edit & Delete your post

    Suggestion: Edit & Delete your post Detailed description: i dont know if this is a good idea but i want to share it with you guys 1- lets say you make a post and make a big grama of not the best words to type and you want to change but you cant 2- if you have a dumn idea and you want to...
  16. your friend :)

    Denied Global Suggestion: ads

    Suggestion: ads Detailed description: can u bring back ads if there are still on server they aren't working for me so if it working for you dont spam plz Server/Place suggestion is intended: Kit-PvP Prison OP-Prison Factions OP-Factions Practice Galactix Classic...
  17. your friend :)

    Denied OP Factions Suggestion: mobs attack

    Suggestion: mobs attack Detailed description: Hello i want to tell you my suggestion . And its a bout disable mobs attack player Server/Place suggestion is intended: Factions Reason: when u grind blaze you get shout ny fire ball its annoying and can kill you Example:
  18. your friend :)


    hello :D
  19. your friend :)

    Denied Global Suggestion: coint flip

    Suggestion: coint flip Detailed description: as evry know (i think) the server add new thing to faction its coin flip (aka cf) its so good and i hope they add it to thes servers Server/Place suggestion is intended: Prison OP-Prison OP-Factions Galactix Classic Factions...
  20. your friend :)

    Denied Global Suggestion: you can sell ranks in game

    Suggestion: you can sell ranks in game Detailed description: Can u please add to faction a option to sell rank in game. (Some one buy a rank from the website shop he get a paper or any item to activate the rank . He can sell it or keep it) I know this wil change the Iconnomy of the...