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Denied Suggestion: Improve Factions Plugin (Chests)

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Epic Pika
Oct 5, 2016
Improve Factions Plugin (Chests)

Detailed description:
So for factions, you can't open chests in other factions' territory. I think that to have better factions servers, you should make the chests in a claimed base able to be opened.

Server/Place suggestion is intended:

Classic Factions

so people won't have to spend more money on ceggs and TNT to get into chests. It would make a better economy and have a more enjoyable playing experience.

Just look at some videos on bigger factions servers such as Saico, TheArchon, or Cosmic. In every raid, the raiders are able to open chests in other factions' land.


Legendary Pika
Feb 26, 2016
@Old Prophet

1st.- Cannons dont fully work.

4th.- The most common way of raiding is glitching.
These two facts really show the sorry state factions is in right now :( . It's ungodly laggy so cannon timings are impossible and even the simplest cannons don't work because TNT is currently randomly enabled and disabled. Cannoning is impossible so people only glitch now. Glitching is legit extremely boring as a raider, and for the player being glitched, it's downright awful. I wholeheartedly agree this change would be a step in the right direction for Factions, and hopefully would get some attention to its other numerous issues


Mar 10, 2016
I have seen this plugin at other servers and I really liked it playing with that. So +1 for this suggestion.


Feb 24, 2016
It is faction plugin davidva, you can edit it and change chest access.


Feb 24, 2016
Okay, glad you know because in the way you said it doesnt look like you know, you know.


The Pika
Dec 23, 2016
So the goal of playing factions is to make it easy on the "losers" or is it everybody's strife to become better as a person and a faction ? The way I see things is that factions should represent a clanwar. Which it initially was. There are stronger clans and weaker clans. Weaker clans need to become stronger clans to beat stronger clans. Now, you are looking at it from the perspective of the weaker person with dollar signs in their eyes. But you are contradicting your self. What use is there to open chests in my faction building if i have 70 pv's ? They be empty of course.
From the stronger faction perception though: They would welcome it to open chests in enemy territory, because weaker clans don't have 70 pv's and are forced to keep things in chests. So thing about who will be the most profitable when you change that ? The weaker or the stronger ?

There are always ways to work around safety. And this faction plugin offers very little safety it self. Newer versions offer more. If you find this one a biatch to raid in, i recommend you not play on later versions. It will be harder.

Bottom line is, that everybody needs to work within the same limitations. Just like the real world. It is how it is. Your limitations are also your defense. Your weaknesses are also your enemies weaknesses. Use them smart. Ally up strategically. Try to keep selfish unloyal people from your group. Find ways where there are none. Don't let yourself be limited by artificial boundaries. And most of all... don't get spoiled. Players on this server are spoiled. :-)


Legendary Pika
Feb 26, 2016
So the goal of playing factions is to make it easy on the "losers" or is it everybody's strife to become better as a person and a faction ? The way I see things is that factions should represent a clanwar. Which it initially was. There are stronger clans and weaker clans. Weaker clans need to become stronger clans to beat stronger clans. Now, you are looking at it from the perspective of the weaker person with dollar signs in their eyes. But you are contradicting your self. What use is there to open chests in my faction building if i have 70 pv's ? They be empty of course.
From the stronger faction perception though: They would welcome it to open chests in enemy territory, because weaker clans don't have 70 pv's and are forced to keep things in chests. So thing about who will be the most profitable when you change that ? The weaker or the stronger ?

There are always ways to work around safety. And this faction plugin offers very little safety it self. Newer versions offer more. If you find this one a biatch to raid in, i recommend you not play on later versions. It will be harder.

Bottom line is, that everybody needs to work within the same limitations. Just like the real world. It is how it is. Your limitations are also your defense. Your weaknesses are also your enemies weaknesses. Use them smart. Ally up strategically. Try to keep selfish unloyal people from your group. Find ways where there are none. Don't let yourself be limited by artificial boundaries. And most of all... don't get spoiled. Players on this server are spoiled. :)

What does any of this nonsense have to do with the suggestion? It's like reading ramblings on a blog post


Pika Lover
Mar 2, 2016
@Old Prophet
I'm glad you replied and made an made an effort to explain and give some arguments, thats somthing that doesn't happen usually in Pika.
You open your post questioning what the goal of factions should be and how you see factions. I will just make a quick comment on that since thats not the topic but yet i find it interesting. For me theres no ideal GOAL in factions, the goal is whatever the players decide. There has been resets where my fac decides not to make a base and just grief and raid bases, other times we try to max every mcmmo skill, some times we try to hoard gear, etc.

Now on the actual topic you say ".. you are looking at it from the perspective of the weaker person with dollar signs in their eyes. But you are contradicting your self. What use is there to open chests in my faction building if i have 70 pv's ? They be empty of course...".
I dont think im contradicting myself, if you read my first post I said that I want to be able to get atleast the left overs, the obsidian, emerald and bedrock kits are ok for me. I've played on servers with both pvs and openable chests, and when you raid its never for the chests, you plan and go in for the spawners. It really unlikely to find a god set (with custom enchants) or really op stuff on the chests but i can assure you that theres always something decent on a big fac and sometimes someone makes a mistake and leaves something good on the chests and I want that chance on Pika.

"...From the stronger faction perception though: They would welcome it to open chests in enemy territory, because weaker clans don't have 70 pv's and are forced to keep things in chests..." It seems to me that your point here is that the weaker will suffer and the strong will profit, and you're damn right mate! Thats how it sould be, why should there be balance between a player that has 1 year playing factions learning how to make a bases, cannons, glitches, etc and another that just have 2 monts and makes bases with 1 obby wall? For me the balance should be between the top factions only. And I dont think I've stress this enough: THIS CHANGE IS 100% DEFENDABLE, and ppl will learn how im sure, just how they learned to make anticegg chests when Yoeri added ceggs. This will only be another step on the learning curve of a player.

As a side note I think this needs to be implemented on every storage syetem, not only Chests since it would be super easy to bypass it with stuff like hoppers or dropers.
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